1. |
Aamir Majeed Chaudhary, Aamir Sanaullah, Muhammad Hanif and (2023), "EWMA Control Charts Based on Robust Estimators: A Powerful Tool for Monitoring a Process with a Non-Normal Distribution", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, pp: 1-34, Vol: 442, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 2.4
2. |
Iram Saleem, Aamir Sanaullah, Laila A. Al-Essa, Shakila Bashir, and Aned Al-Mutairi (2023), " Efficient Estimation of Population Variance of a Sensitive Variable Using a New Scrambling Response Model", Scientific Reports, pp: 19913, Vol: 13, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-45427-2, Impact Factor: 2.592
3. |
Amber Asghar, Aamir Sanaullah, Azhar Mehmood Abbasi, and Muhammad Hanif (2023), "Advancing Sampling Techniques: Multivariate Ratio Estimation for Variance Vector in Two-Phase Sampling", Bulletin of Business and Economics, pp: 473-484, Vol: 12, Issue: 3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.61506/01.00056
(External URL)
4. |
Mediha Maqsood, Aamir Sanaullah, Yasar Mahmood, Afrah Yahya Al-Rezami, and Manal Z. M. Abdalla (2023), "Efficient control chart-based monitoring of scale parameter for a process with heavy-tailed non-normal distribution", AIMS Mathematics, pp: 30075-30101, Vol: 8, Issue: 12, DOI: 10.3934/math.20231538, Impact Factor: 1.427
5. |
Aamir Majeed, Chaudhary, Aamir Sanaullah, Muhammad Hanif, Mohammed M. A. Amazah, Nafisa A. Albasheir and Fuad S. Al-Duais (2023), "Efficient monitoring of a parameter of non-normal process using a robust efficient control chart: a comparative study", Mathematics, pp: 4157, Vol: 11, DOI: doi.org/10.3390/ math11194157, Impact Factor: 2.592
6. |
Iqra Niaz, Aamir Sanaullah, Sat Gupta, and Iram Saleem (2023), "An efficient class of hybrid estimators for population variance in two-phase sampling", Thailand Statistician, pp: NA, Vol: Accepted, Issue: NA, ISSN: NA, DOI: NA, Impact Factor: ISI
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7. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Memoona Naeem, and Amber Asghar (2023), "An efficient mixed-type of control chart to monitor process mean", Plos One, pp: NA, Vol: Accepted, Issue: NA, ISSN: NA, DOI: NA, Impact Factor: 3.24
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8. |
Ayesha Khalid, Ibrahim M Almanjahie, Aamir Sanaullah, Ammara Nawaz Cheema (2023), "Estimating new population CDF estimators using supplemental Information in two ways under SRS Scheme", Plos One, pp: NA, Vol: Accepted, Issue: NA, ISSN: NA, DOI: NA, Impact Factor: 3.24
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9. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Fatima Anwer, Yasar Mahmood and Javid Shabbir (2023), "Mixed-type memory-based control chart for detecting small-to-moderate shift in mean: an efficient approach to monitor production processes", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, pp: NA, Vol: Accepted, Issue: NA, ISSN: NA, DOI: NA, Impact Factor: 1.424
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10. |
Ayesha Khalid, Aamir Sanaullah, Mohammed M. A. Amazah and Fuad S. Al-Duais (2023), "Robust ratio-cum-exponential type estimator for estimating population distribution function in the existence of non-response using SRS design", Mathematics, pp: NA, Vol: Accepted, Issue: NA, ISSN: NA, DOI: NA, Impact Factor: 2.592
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11. |
Aamir Sanaullah, and Shaista Sabir (2022), "Combined type generalized classes of efficient estimators of mean in joint presence of measurement error and non-response using stratified two-phase sampling", Scientia Iranica, Vol: Accepted, Issue: NA, DOI: 10.24200/sci.2022.54750.3906, Impact Factor: 1.435
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12. |
Shaista Sabir, and Aamir Sanaullah (2022), "Efficient estimation of mean in two-phase sampling when measurement error and non-response are simultaneously present", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, pp: NA, Vol: Accepted, Issue: NA, DOI: NA, Impact Factor: 1.544
13. |
Azaz Ahmed, Aamir Sanaullah, Evrim Oral and Muhammad Hanif (2022), "Robust ratio estimators of population mean for skewed and contaminated population", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, pp: NA, Vol: NA, Issue: NA, ISSN: NA, DOI: DOI: 10.1080/00949655.2022.2120994, Impact Factor: 1.424
(External URL)
14. |
Mahnaz Makhdum, Aamir Sanaullah, and Muhammad Hanif (2022), "Mean estimation of a sensitive variable using optional randomized response technique in two-phase sampling when non-response and measurement error are simultaneously present", Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, pp: NA, Vol: 16, Issue: 59, ISSN: NA, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42519-022-00283-7, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
15. |
Fatima Anwer, Aamir Sanaullah, Azaz Ahmed and Amber Asghar (2022), "An improved mixed- homogeneously weighted moving average-cusum control chart for efficient monitoring of a process mean", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, pp: NA, Vol: NA, Issue: NA, ISSN: NA, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00949655.2022.2147933, Impact Factor: 1.424
(External URL)
16. |
Riffat Jabeen, Muhammad Kamran Aslam, Aamir Sanaullah and Azam Zaka (2022), "Calibrated estimator for sensitive variables under stratified random sampling", Thailand Statistician, pp: NA, Vol: NA, Issue: NA, ISSN: NA, DOI: NA, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
17. |
Iram Saleem, Aamir Sanaullah, Javid Shabbir, Husna Sadaf, and Riffat Jabeen (2022), "Efficient class of estimators for estimation of mean of a sensitive variable using multiauxiliary variables", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, pp: NA, Vol: NA, Issue: NA, DOI: NA, Impact Factor: 1.424
18. |
Shaista Sabir, and Aamir Sanaullah (2022), "Estimation of mean considering joint influence of measurement errors and non-response in two-phase sampling designs", Journal of the National Science Foundation Sri Lanka, Vol: Accepted, Issue: NA, Impact Factor: 0.515
19. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Husna Sadaf, Warda Atiq and Iram Saleem (2022), "Generalized ratio-type and exponential ratio-type estimators for mean in presence of non-response using follow-up procedure based on three-phase and four-phase sampling", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol: NA, Issue: NA, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00949655.2022.2043323, Impact Factor: 1.424
(External URL)
20. |
Azam Zaka, Ahmad Saeed Akhter, Riffat Jabeen and Aamir Sanaullah (2021), "Control charts for the shape parameter of reflected power function distribution under classical estimators", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, pp: 2458-2477, Vol: 37, Issue: 6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2866, Impact Factor: 2.885
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21. |
Javid Shabbir, Shakeel Ahmed, Aamir Sanaullah, and Ronald Onyango (2021), "Measuring performance of ratio-exponential-log type general class of estimators using two auxiliary variables", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, pp: Article ID 5245621, Vol: Special, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5245621, Impact Factor: 1.305
(External URL)
22. |
Iqra Niaz, Aamir Sanaullah, Iram Saleem, and Javid Shabbir (2021), "An improved efficient class of estimators for the population variance", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, pp: e6620, Vol: 34, Issue: 4, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.6620, Impact Factor: 1.536
(External URL)
23. |
Azam Zaka, Ahmad Saeed Akhter, Riffat Jabeen and, Aamir Sanaullah (2021), "Control charts for the shape parameter of power function distribution under different classical estimators", Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, pp: 1201-1223, Vol: 127, Issue: 3, DOI: doi: 10.32604/cmes.2021.014477, Impact Factor: 1.593
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24. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Azaz Ahmad and Muhammad Hanif (2021), "A new robust ratio estimator with reference to non-normal distribution", Communications in Statistics – Theory and Method, pp: 1099-1116, Vol: 50, Issue: 5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2019.1646766, Impact Factor: 0.893
(External URL)
25. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Iram Saleem, and Javid Shabbir (2020), "Use of scrambled response for estimating mean of the sensitivity variable", Communications in Statistics–Theory and Methods, pp: 2634-2647, Vol: 49, Issue: 11, DOI: doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2019.1576898, Impact Factor: 0.893
(External URL)
26. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Ayesha Ayaz and Muhammad Hanif (2020), "A multivariate exponential estimator for vector of population means in two-phase sampling", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, pp: 647-659, Vol: 90, Issue: 4, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40010-019-00633-4, Impact Factor: 1.544
(External URL)
27. |
Iram Saleem and Aamir Sanaullah (2020), "Estimation of Mean of a Sensitive Variable Using Efficient Exponential-type Estimators in Stratified Sampling", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00949655.2021.1940182, Impact Factor: 1.424
(External URL)
28. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Azaz Ahmad and Muhammad Hanif (2020), "A robust alternate to the HEWMA control chart under non-normality", Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, pp: 423-447, Vol: 17, Issue: 4, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/16843703.2019.1662218, Impact Factor: 3.134
(External URL)
29. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Iqra Niaz, Javid Shabbir, and Iqra Ehsan (2020), "A Class of Hybrid Type Estimators for Variance of a Finite Population in Simple Random Sampling", Communications in Statistics-Simulation & Computation, pp: NA, Vol: NA, Issue: NA, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2020.1776873, Impact Factor: 0.49
30. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Iram Saleem, Sat Gupta and Muhammad Hanif (2020), "Mean Estimation with Generalized Scrambling using Two-phase Sampling", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Vol: TBD-[Accepted], DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2020.1778032, Impact Factor: 1.118
(External URL)
31. |
Muhammad Noor-ul-Amin, Salah-Ud-din Asghar and Aamir Sanaullah (2020), "Ratio Estimators in the Presence of Outliers Using Redescending
M-Estimator", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section A: Physical Sciences, pp: 65–70, Vol: 92, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40010-020-00702-z, Impact Factor: 1.544
(External URL)
32. |
Mahnaz Makhdum, Aamir Sanaullah, and Muhammad Hanif (2020), "A modified regression-cum-ratio estimator of population mean of a sensitive variable in the presence of non-response in simple random sampling", Journal of Statistics and Management System, pp: 495-510, Vol: 23, Issue: 3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09720510.2019.1637161, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
33. |
Aamir Sanaullah, and Muhammad Hanif (2020), "Generalized Chain Exponential-type Estimators under Stratified Two-Phase Sampling with sub-sampling the Non-Respondents", Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, pp: 185-195, Vol: 19, Issue: 2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2991/jsta.d.200507.002, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
34. |
Riffat Jabeen, Aamir Sanaullah, Muhammad Hanif and Azam Zaka (2020), "Two-exponential estimators for estimating population mean", AIMS Mathematics, pp: 737-753, Vol: 6, Issue: 1, DOI: 10.3934/math.2021045, Impact Factor: 1.427
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35. |
Azaz Ahmad and Aamir Sanaullah (2020), "A Robust Ratio Estimator of Population Mean Considering the Presence of Outliers", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Impact Factor: 0.767
36. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Iram Saleem, and Muhammad Hanif (2019), "Generalized family of estimators in stratified random sampling using sub-sampling of non-respondents", Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, pp: 159-173, Vol: 11, Issue: 2, DOI: https://journal.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JRSS, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
37. |
Iram Saleem, Aamir Sanaullah, and Muhammad Hanif (2019), "Double sampling regression-cum-exponential estimator of the mean of a sensitive variable", Mathematical Population Studies, pp: 163-182, Vol: 26, Issue: 3, DOI: doi.org/10.1080/08898480.2019.1565273, Impact Factor: 0.720
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38. |
Iram Saleem, Aamir Sanaullah, Muhammad Hanif, and Nursel Koyuncu (2019), "Estimation of Mean of a Sensitive Quantitative Variable in Complex Survey: Improved Estimator and Scrambled Randomized Response Model", Gazi University Journal of Science, pp: 1021-1043, Vol: 32, Issue: 3, DOI: doi.org/10.35378/gujs.418681, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
39. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Iqra Ehan, and Muhammad Noor-ul-amin (2019), "Estimation of mean for a finite population using sub-sampling of non-respondents", Journal of Statistics and Management System, pp: 1015-1035, Vol: 22, Issue: 6, DOI: doi.org/10.1080/09720510.2019.1572981, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
40. |
Iqra Ehsan and Aamir Sanaullah (2019), "Generalized Dual Estimators for Estimating Mean using Sub-sampling the Non-Respondents", Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, pp: 139-158, Vol: 12, Issue: 1, DOI: https://journal.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JRSS, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
41. |
Amber Asghar, Aamir Sanaullah and Muhammad Hanif (2019), "Generalized class of variance estimators under two-phase sampling for partial information case", Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, pp: 44-54, Vol: 12, Issue: 1, DOI: doi.org/10.1285/i20705948v12n1p369, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
42. |
Shaista Sabir and Aamir Sanaullah (2019), "A note on Kumar (2016): Improved estimation of population mean in the presence of measurement error and non-response", Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, pp: 25: 1-5, Vol: 13, Issue: 1, DOI: doi.org/10.1007/s42519-018-0025-4, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
43. |
Azaz Ahmad, Aamir Sanaullah, and Muhammad Hanif (2019), "Modified maximum likelihood integrated robust ratio estimator in simple random sampling", Punjab University Journal of Mathematics, pp: 133-145, Vol: 51, Issue: 3, DOI: http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/maths/PDF/Paper-9_, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
44. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Iram Saleem, Muhammad Hanif, and Sat Gupta (2019), "Mean estimation with generalized scrambling using two-phase sampling", Communication in Statistics-simulation and computation, Vol: 2019, Impact Factor: 0.501
45. |
Usman Shahzad, Muhammad Hanif, Nursel Koyuncu, and Aamir Sanaullah (2018), "On the estimation of population variance using auxiliary attribute in absence and presence of non-response", Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, pp: 608-621, Vol: 11, Issue: 2, DOI: doi.org/10.1285/i20705948v11n2p608, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
46. |
Muhammad Noor-ul-amin, Salah-ud-din Asghar, Aamir Sanaullah and Muhammad Ahmad Shehzad (2018), "Redescending M-estimator for robust regression", Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, pp: 69-80, Vol: 11, Issue: 2, DOI: https://journal.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JRSS, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
47. |
Amber Asghar, Aamir Sanaullah, and Muhammad Hanif (2018), "A Multivariate Regression-cum- Exponential Estimator for Population Variance Vector in Two Phase Sampling", Journal of King Saud University – Science, pp: 223-228, Vol: 30, Issue: 1, DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.jksus.2017.01.010, Impact Factor: 4.011
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48. |
Muhammad Noor-ul-amin, Shahana Khan and Aamir Sanaullah (2018), "HEWMA Control Chart Using Auxiliary Information", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, pp: 891-903, Vol: 43, Issue: 1, DOI: doi.org/10.1007/s40995-018-0585-x, Impact Factor: 1.194
49. |
Iram Saleem, Aamir Sanaullah, and Muhammad Hanif (2018), "A Generalized Class of Estimators for Estimating Population Mean in the Presence of Non-Response", Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, pp: 30-40, Vol: 17, Issue: 4, DOI: doi.org/10.2991/jsta.2018.17.4.4, Impact Factor: ISI
50. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Muhammad Noor-ul-Amin, Muhammad Hanif, and Nursel Koyuncu (2018), "Generalized Exponential-Type Estimators for Population Mean Taking Two Auxiliary Variables for Unknown Means in Stratified Sampling with Sub-sampling the Non-Respondents", Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math, pp: 28-56, Vol: 04, Issue: 01
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51. |
Ayesha Ayaz, Zahoor Ahmad, Aamir Sanaullah, and Muhammad Hanif (2018), "Generalized Multivariate Exponential Type (Gmet) Estimator Using Multi-Auxiliary Information Under Two-Phase Sampling", Pakistan Journal of Statistics, pp: 119-136, Vol: 34, Issue: 2
(External URL)
52. |
Yasir Hassan, Muhammad Ismail, and Aamir Sanaullah (2017), "An exponential and log ratio estimator of population mean using auxiliary information in double sampling", Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, pp: 647-656, Vol: 13, Issue: 3, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
53. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Amber Asghar and Muhammad Hanif (2017), "General class of exponential estimator for estimating finite population variance", Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, pp: 1-6, Vol: 10, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
54. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Muhammad Noor-ul-Amin, Muhammad Hanif, and Cem Kadilar (2016), "Generalized Exponential Chain Ratio and Chain Product Estimators under Stratified Two-Phase Random Sampling for Non-Response", Int. J. Appl. Math. Stat., pp: 57-79, Vol: 55, Issue: 2, Standard: 0973-7545 (online), Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
55. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Muhammad Hanif, and Amber Asghar (2016), "Generalized Exponential Estimators for Population Variance Under Two-Phase Sampling", International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, pp: 75-84, Vol: 2, Issue: 1
(External URL)
56. |
Riffat Jabeen, Aamir Sanaullah, and Muhammad Hanif (2015), "Efficient Class of Exponential Estimators for Population Mean in Two-Stage Cluster Sampling", Pakistan Journal of Statistics, pp: 683-696, Vol: 31, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 0.336
(External URL)
57. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Muhammad Noor ul Amin, and Muhammad Hanif and Rajesh Singh (2015), "Generalized Exponential Chain Estimators Using Two Auxiliary Variables For Stratified Sampling With Non-Response", Science International (Lahore), pp: 901-915, Vol: 27, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
58. |
Hina Khan, Saleha Shoukat, Aamir Sanaullah and Masood Amjad Khan (2014), "A Class of Improved Estimators for Estimating Population Mean Using
Full Information in Single and Two-phase Sampling", Journal of Statistics, pp: 103-117, Vol: 21, Issue: 1
59. |
Riffat Jabeen, Aamir Sanaullah and Muhammad Hanif (2014), "GENERALIZED ESTIMATOR FOR ESTIMATING POPULATION MEAN UNDER TWO STAGE SAMPLING", Pakistan Journal of Statistics, pp: 465-486, Vol: 30, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 0.336
60. |
Aamir, Sanaullah, Humera Ameer Ali, Muhammad Noor-ul-amin, and Muhammad Hanif (2014), "Generalized exponential chain ratio estimators under stratified
two-phase random sampling", Applied Mathematics and Computation, pp: 541-547, Vol: 226, Issue: 1, Standard: 0096-3003, Impact Factor: 3.472
61. |
Muhammad Noor-ul-amin, Aamir, Sanaullah, and Muhammad Hanif (2014), "GENERALIZED EXPONENTIAL ESTIMATORS FOR
DOUBLE SAMPLING", Science International, pp: 2419-2428, Vol: 26, Issue: 5, Standard: 1013-5316
62. |
Amber Asghar, Aamir, Sanaullah, and Muhammad Hanif (2014), "Generalized Exponential Type Estimator for Population Variance in Survey Sampling", Revista Colombiana de Estadística, pp: 211-222, Vol: 37, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 0.179
63. |
64. |
Hina Khan, Aamir Sanaullah, Masood Amjad Khan, Ahmed Faisal Siddiqi (2014), "IMPROVED EXPONENTIAL RATIO TYPE ESTIMATORS FOR ESTIMATING POPULATION MEAN REGARDING FULL INFORMATION IN SURVEY SAMPLING", Science International, pp: 1897-1902, Vol: 26, Issue: 5, Standard: 1013-5316
65. |
Prayas Sharma, Hemant K. Verma, Aamir Sanaullah, and Rajesh Singh (2013), "Some Exponential Ratio-Product Type Estimators Using Information on Auxiliary Attributes under Second Order Approximation", International Journal of Statistics and Economics, pp: 58-66, Vol: 12, Issue: 3, Standard: 0975-556X
66. |
Hina Khan, Saleha Shoukat, and Aamir Sanaullah (2012), "A Class of Improved Estimators for Estimating Population Mean Regarding Partial Information in Double Sampling", Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Mathematics and Decision Sciences, pp: 33-45, Vol: 12, Issue: 14, Standard: 2249-4626
67. |
Aamir Sanaullah, Hina Khan, Humera Ameer Ali and Rajesh Singh (2012), "IMPROVED EXPONENTIAL RATIO-TYPE ESTIMATORS IN SURVEY SAMPLING", Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, pp: 119-132, Vol: 5, Issue: 2, Standard: 0974-8024, Impact Factor: ISI