Dr. Muhammad Noor ul Amin
Head of Department, Statistics
Area of Interest: Survey Sampling, Statistical Process Control
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007   (137)

Muhammad Noor-ul-Amin received his PhD degree from NCBA and E, Lahore, Pakistan. He is currently working as Associate Professor at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology. His research interests include Sampling methods and Statistical Quality Control. He is HEC approved supervisor.


Journal Papers:
1. Abbasi, A. R., Noor-ul-Amin, M. (2025), "Adaptive sample size strategies for process dispersion using EWMA control chart.", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, , pp: 510–531. , Vol: 41, Issue: 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.3672, Impact Factor: 2.64   
2. MW Kazmi, Noor-ul-Amin, M. (2024), "Adaptive EWMA control chart by using support vector regression. ", Quality and Reliability Engineering International , pp: 3831-3843, , Vol: 40, Issue: 7, Impact Factor: 2.2   
3. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Khan, I., Iqbal, J. et al.  (2024), "Memory type Max-EWMA control chart for the Weibull process under the Bayesian theory.", Scientific Reports , pp: 3111., Vol: 14, Impact Factor: 4.6   
4. Noor-ul-Amin, M., MW Kazmi, S Alkhalaf, S Abdel-Khalek, M Nabi (2024), "Machine learning based parameter-free adaptive EWMA control chart to monitor process dispersion. ", Scientific Reports, pp: 31271. , Vol: 14, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 4.6   
5. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Khan, I., Alzahrani, A.R.R. et al.  (2024), "Risk adjusted EWMA control chart based on support vector machine with application to cardiac surgery data. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 9633., Vol: 14, Impact Factor: 4.6   
6. Raza, A., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Ayari-Akkari, A. et al.  (2024), "A redescending M-estimator approach for outlier-resilient modeling. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 7131. , Vol: 14, Impact Factor: 4.6   
7. MW Kazmi, Noor-ul-Amin, M. (2024), "Adaptive EWMA control chart by using support vector regression. ", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, pp: 3831-3843, , Vol: 40, Issue: 7, Impact Factor: 2.2   
8. Zahid Rasheed, Hongying Zhang, Syed Masroor Anwar, Noor-ul-Amin, M. et al. (2024), "Designing efficient dispersion control charts under various ranked-set sampling approaches, ", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, , pp: 115680, Vol: 441, Impact Factor: 2.1   
9. M Jawad Mirza, S Hashmi, M Thomas Mwakudisa, A Safariyan, Noor-ul-Amin, M. (2024), "Performance evaluation of extended EWMA control chart in the presence of measurement error. ", Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, , pp: 1-16. , Impact Factor: 1.00   
10. A Arshad, Noor-ul-Amin, M., E Dogu, M Hanif (2024), "Performance of function-based AEWMA coefficient of variation control chart with measurement errors. ", Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation , pp: 3978-4000. , Vol: 53, Issue: 8, Impact Factor: 1.00   
11. Khan, I., Noor-ul-Amin, M. et al. (2024), "Process dispersion monitoring: Innovative AEWMA control chart in semiconductor manufacturing.", AIP Advances, , pp: 015255., Vol: 14, Impact Factor: 1.6   
12. MU Aslam, SH Xu, Noor-ul-Amin, M., S Hussain, M Waqas (2024), "Fuzzy control charts for individual observations to analyze variability in health monitoring processes. ", Applied Soft Computing , pp: 111961. , Vol: 164,, Impact Factor: 4.6   
13. F Asif, Noor-ul-Amin, M., A Riaz (2024), "Accelerated failure time model based risk adjusted MA-EWMA control chart. ", Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, pp: 4821-4831. , Vol: 53, Issue: 10, Impact Factor: 1.00   
14. M A Alshahrani, M Laiq, Noor-ul-Amin, M., U Yasmeen, M Nabi (2024), "A support vector machine based drought index for regional drought analysis. ", Scientific Reports,, pp: 9849. , Vol: 14, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 4.6   
15. S Malik, M Hanif, Noor-ul-Amin, M., I Khan, B Ahmad, AOI Abaker (2024), "Max-mixed EWMA control chart for joint monitoring of mean and variance: an application to yogurt packing process. ", Scientific Reports,, pp: 10372, Vol: 14, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 4.6   
16. Ayesha, Noor-ul-Amin, M., O Albalawi, N Mushtaq, EE Mahmoud (2024), "Modeling health outcomes of air pollution in the Middle East by using support vector machines and neural networks. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 21517. , Vol: 14, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 4.6   
17. Riaz, A., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Emam, W. et al. (2023), "Adaptive EWMA control chart for monitoring the coefficient of variation under ranked set sampling schemes. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 17617., Vol: 13, Impact Factor: 4.6   
18. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Sarwar, M.A., Emam, W. et al. (2023), "Adaptive multivariate dispersion control chart with application to bimetal thermostat data. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 18137., Vol: 13, Impact Factor: 4.6   
19. Zahid, R., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Khan, I. et al. (2023), "Combination of memory type ratio and product estimators under extended EWMA statistic with application to wheat production. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 13547., Vol: 13, Impact Factor: 4.6   
20. Noor-ul-Amin, M., & Atif Sarwar, M. (2023), "Design of a new adaptive MEWMA chart to monitor the mean. ", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, , pp: 2888-2905., Vol: 93, Issue: 16, Impact Factor: 1.4   
21. Liu B, Noor-ul-Amin M, Khan I, Ismail EAA, Awwad FA. (2023), "Integration of Bayesian Adaptive Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart and Paired Ranked-Based Sampling for Enhanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Process Monitoring. ", Processes. , pp: 2893., Vol: 11, Issue: 10, Impact Factor: 3.5   
22. Iqbal, J., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Khan, I. et al. (2023), " A novel Bayesian Max-EWMA control chart for jointly monitoring the process mean and variance: an application to hard bake process. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 21224, Vol: 13, Impact Factor: 4.6   
23. Aslam, I., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Hanif, M., Sharma P. (2023), "Memory type ratio and product estimators under ranked-based sampling schemes. ", Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods., pp: 1155-1177., Vol: 52, Issue: 4, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610, Impact Factor: 0.86   
24. Wang, Y., Khan, I., Noor-ul-Amin, M. et al. (2023), "Performance of Bayesian EWMA control chart with measurement error under ranked set sampling schemes with application in industrial engineering.", Scientific Reports , pp: 14042., Vol: 13,, Impact Factor: 4.6   
25. Khan, I., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Khalifa, N. T., & Arshad, A. (2023), "EWMA control chart using Bayesian approach under paired ranked set sampling schemes: An application to reliability engineering. ", AIMS Mathematics, , pp: 20324-20350., Vol: 8, Issue: 9, Impact Factor: 2.739   
26. Wang, Y., Khan, I., Noor-ul-Amin, M. et al.  (2023), "Monitoring of semiconductor manufacturing process on Bayesian AEWMA control chart under paired ranked set sampling schemes. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 22703, Vol: 13, Impact Factor: 4.6   
27. Khan, I., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Khan, D.M. et al. (2023), "Monitoring the process mean under the Bayesian approach with application to hard bake process. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 20723., Vol: 13, Impact Factor: 4.6   
28. Khan, I., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Khan, D.M. et al. (2023), "Adaptive EWMA control chart using Bayesian approach under ranked set sampling schemes with application to Hard Bake process. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 9463., Vol: 13, Impact Factor: 4.6   
29. Khan, I., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Muhammad Khan, D. et al. (2023), "Bayesian AEWMA control chart under ranked set sampling with application to reliability engineering. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 20020., Vol: 13, Impact Factor: 4.6   
30. Khan, I., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Khan, D.M. et al. (2023), "Monitoring of manufacturing process using bayesian EWMA control chart under ranked based sampling designs. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 18240., Vol: 13, Impact Factor: 4.6   
31. Noor-ul-Amin, M. and Arshad, A. (2023), "Homogeneously weighted moving average- variance control chart using auxiliary information. ", Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation,, pp: 4891-4908., Vol: 52, Issue: 10, Impact Factor: 1.16   
32. Javaid, A, Noor-ul-Amin, M., Hanif. M.  (2023), "Performance of Max-EWMA control chart for joint monitoring of mean and variance with measurement error, ", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, , pp: 1-26., Vol: 52, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.16   
33. Khan I, Noor-ul-Amin M., Khan DM, AlQahtani SA, Dahshan M, Khalil U. (2023), "Monitoring of Location Parameters with a Measurement Error under the Bayesian Approach Using Ranked-Based Sampling Designs with Applications in Industrial Engineering. ", Sustainability,, pp: 6675., Vol: 15, Issue: 8, Impact Factor: 3.89   
34. Dogu, E. and Noor-ul-Amin, M. (2023), " Monitoring exponentially distributed time between events data: self-starting perspective, ", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,, pp: 1104-1118. , Vol: 52, Issue: 3, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610, Impact Factor: 1.16   
35. I Khan, DM Khan, Noor-ul-Amin, M. et al. (2023), "Hybrid EWMA Control Chart under Bayesian Approach Using Ranked Set Sampling Schemes with Applications to Hard-Bake Process. ", Applied Sciences, , pp: 2837, Vol: 13, Issue: 5, DOI: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/5/2837, Impact Factor: 2.84   
36. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Javaid, A., Hanif, M., and Dogu, E. (2022), "Performance of maximum EWMA control chart in the presence of measurement error using auxiliary information, ", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. , pp: 5482-5506, Vol: 51, Issue: 9, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610, Impact Factor: 1.1   
37. Riaz, A., Noor-ul-Amin, M. (2022), "Improved Simultaneous Monitoring of Mean and Coefficient of Variation under Ranked Set Sampling Schemes. ", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,, pp:  4410-4426. , Vol: 51, Issue: 8, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610, Impact Factor: 1.07   
38. Asif, F., Noor-ul-Amin, M. (2022), "Adaptive risk adjusted exponentially weighted moving average control chart based on accelerated failure time regression. ", Quality and Reliability Engineering International,, pp: 4169-4181. , Vol: 38, Issue: 8, DOI: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/q, Impact Factor: 3   
39. Sarwar, MA., Noor-ul-Amin, M. (2022), "Design of a new adaptive EWMA control chart. ", Quality and Reliability Engineering International. , pp: 3422-3436. , Vol: 38, Issue: 7, DOI: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/q   
40. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Safeer, A., Sharma, P.  (2022), "Variable acceptance sampling plan based on hybrid exponentially weighted moving averages, ", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,, pp: 7544-7553, Vol: 51, Issue: 12, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610, Impact Factor: 1.1   
41. Yasmeen, U., Noor-ul-Amin., M., Hanif, M. (2022), " Variance estimation in stratified adaptive cluster sampling. ", Statistics in Transition New Series, pp: 173-184, Vol: 23, Issue: 1, DOI: https://sciendo.com/pdf/10.2478/stattrans-2022-001, Impact Factor: 0.289   
42. Feroze, N., Tahir, U., Noor-ul-Amin, M. et al. (2022), "Applicability of modified weibull extension distribution in modeling censored medical datasets: a bayesian perspective. ", Scientific Reports , pp: 17157, Vol: 12, DOI: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-21326-w, Impact Factor: 4.37   
43. Noor, S., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Mohsin, M., Ahmed, A. (2022), "Hybrid Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart Using Bayesian Approach. ", Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods., pp: 3960-3984., Vol: 51, Issue: 12, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610, Impact Factor: 1.1   
44. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Riaz, A., Safeer, A. (2022), "Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart using Auxiliary Variable with Measurement Error. ", Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. , pp: 1002-1014, Vol: 51, Issue: 3, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610, Impact Factor: 1.16   
45. Afshan Riaz, Muhammad Noor-ul-Amin & Eralp Dogu (2022), "Effect of measurement error on joint monitoring of process mean and coefficient of variation, ", Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, , pp: 6863-6882. , Vol: 51, Issue: 19, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610, Impact Factor: 1.1   
46. Arif, F., Noor-ul-Amin, M., and Hanif, M. (2022), "Joint Monitoring of Mean and Variance under Double Ranked Set Sampling using likelihood Ratio Test Statistic. ", Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods. , pp: 6032-6048, Vol: 51, Issue: 17, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610, Impact Factor: 1.1   
47. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Safeer, A., Sharma, P (2022), "Variable acceptance sampling plan based on hybrid exponentially weighted moving averages", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, pp: 7544-7553, Vol: 51, Issue: 12, DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610, Impact Factor: 1.1   
48. Yasmeen, U., Noor-ul-Amin., M., Hanif, M. (2022), "Variance estimation in stratified adaptive cluster sampling", Statistics in Transition New Series   
49. Noor-ul-Amin., M., Noor, S., Feroze, N. (2022), "A parameter free Bayesian adaptive EWMA mean chart under different loss functions3. ", Quality and Reliability Engineering International   
50. Feroze, N, A, Ali, Noor-ul-Amin, M, Ali, S, R. Alshenawy (2022), "Bayesian Estimation for the Double Censored Topp Leone Disribution using Approximate Methods and Fuzzy Type of Priors", Journal of Function Spaces, Impact Factor: 1.92   
51. Arshad A., Noor-ul-Amin M., Hanif M. (2022), "Monitoring of coefficient of variation with function-based adaptive exponentially weighted moving average control chart.", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.3036   
52. Noor-ul-Amin M., Arshad A., Hanif M. (2022), "A function based adaptive EWMA mean monitoring control chart.", Quality and Reliability Engineering International   
53. Noor-ul-Amin M., Arshad A., Hanif M. (2022), "A function based adaptive EWMA mean monitoring control chart", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, pp: 248-263, Vol: 38, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2974, Impact Factor: 2.8   
54. Feroze, N, A, Ali, Noor-ul-Amin, M, Ali, S, R. Alshenawy (2022), "Bayesian Estimation for the Double Censored Topp Leone Disribution using Approximate Methods and Fuzzy Type of Priors", Journal of Function Spaces   
55. Arshad A., Noor-ul-Amin M., Hanif M (2022), "Monitoring of coefficient of variation with function-based adaptive exponentially weighted moving average control chart.", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, pp: 1074-1091, Vol: 38, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.3036   
57. Noor-ul-Amin., M., Noor, S., Feroze, N. (2022), "A parameter free Bayesian adaptive EWMA mean chart under different loss functions. ", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, , pp: 2156-2169., Vol: 38, Issue: 4, DOI: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/q, Impact Factor: 3.0   
58. M Noor-ul-Amin, S Noor (2021), "Homogeneously weighted moving average control chart based on Bayesian theory", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, pp: 3617-3637, Vol: 37, Issue: 8, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2937, Impact Factor: 2.7   
59. A Arshad, M Noor-ul-Amin, M Hanif (2021), "Monitoring of coefficient of variation with function-based adaptive exponentially weighted moving average control chart", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.3036, Impact Factor: 2.7   
60. M Noor-Ul-Amin, A Javaid, M Hanif, SA Abbasi (2021), "Impact of measurement error on maximum hybrid exponentially weighted moving average control chart", Scientia Iranica, DOI: 10.24200/SCI.2021.57789.5417, Impact Factor: 1.43   
61. N Feroze, M Aslam, TN Sindhu, M Noor-ul-Amin (2021), "Mixed Weibull distributions for the Bayesian analysis of reliability when failures are progressively censored", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, pp: 3505-3529, Vol: 91, Issue: 17, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00949655.2021.1942470, Impact Factor: 0.76   
62. MA Shehzad, A Bashir, M Noor Ul Amin, SK Khosa, M Aslam, Z Ahmad (2021), "Reservoir Inflow Prediction by Employing Response Surface-Based Models Conjunction with Wavelet and Bootstrap Techniques", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol: 2021, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/4086918, Impact Factor: 1.42   
63. U Yasmeen, M Noor-ul-Amin (2021), "The Estimation of Finite Population Variance Under Stratified Sampling Technique", Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, pp: 565–584, DOI: https://doi.org/10.13052/jrss0974-8024.14210, Impact Factor: 0.85   
64. M Noor-ul-Amin, A Riaz, AI Al-Omari (2021), "Adaptive Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart for Monitoring Process Mean Under Ranked Set Sampling Schemes", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, pp: 1777-1787, Vol: 45, Issue: 5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40995-021-01159-4, Impact Factor: 0.87   
65. M Noor-ul-Amin, A Arshad, M Hanif (2021), "A function based adaptive EWMA mean monitoring control chart", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2974, Impact Factor: 2.7   
66. M Noor-ul-Amin, A Arshad (2021), "Homogeneously weighted moving average-variance control chart using auxiliary information", Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2021.1974039, Impact Factor: 0.65   
67. I Aslam, M Noor-ul-Amin, M Hanif, P Sharma (2021), "Memory type ratio and product estimators under ranked-based sampling schemes", Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2021.1924784, Impact Factor: 0.3   
68. Arif, F., Noor-ul-Amin, M., and Hanif, M (2021), "Modified Extreme Ranked Sets Sampling with Auxiliary Variable", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences , pp: 537–542, Vol: 91, Issue: 3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40010-020-00698-6, Impact Factor: 0.7   
69. S Noor, M Noor-ul-Amin, SA Abbasi (2021), "Bayesian EWMA control charts based on Exponential and transformed Exponential distributions", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, pp: 1678-1698, Vol: 37, Issue: 4, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2820, Impact Factor: 2.7   
70. M Noor-ul-Amin, I Aslam, N Feroze (2021), "Joint monitoring of mean and variance using Max-EWMA for Weibull process", Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2021.1931322, Impact Factor: 0.65   
71. M Noor-ul-Amin, S Noor (2021), "Bayesian EWMA control chart with measurement error under different loss functions", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2922, Impact Factor: 2.7   
72. M Noor-ul-Amin, M Tayyab, M Hanif (2021), "Efficient control charts for monitoring the process mean using different paired double ranked set sampling designs", Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, pp: 2211-2223, Vol: 50, Issue: 10, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2019.1662047, Impact Factor: 0.3   
73. A Javaid, M Noor-ul-Amin, M Hanif (2021), "Maximum hybrid exponentially weighted moving average control chart in the presence of measurement error by using auxiliary information", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2907, Impact Factor: 2.7   
74. A Arshad, M Noor-ul-Amin, M Hanif (2021), "Function-based adaptive exponentially weighted moving average dispersion control chart", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2883, Impact Factor: 2.7   
75. A Raza, M Noor-ul-Amin (2021), "Regression-in-Ratio Estimators for Population Mean by Using Robust Regression in Two Phase Sampling", Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, pp: 527–540, DOI: https://doi.org/10.13052/jrss0974-8024.1427, Impact Factor: 0.85   
76. M Noor-ul-Amin, S Noor (2021), "An adaptive EWMA control chart for monitoring the process mean in Bayesian theory under different loss functions", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, pp: 804-819, Vol: 37, Issue: 2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2764, Impact Factor: 2.7   
77. M Noor-ul-Amin, M Tayyab (2021), "Influence on estimation of mean by using quartile paired double ranked set sampling", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, pp: 117-121, Vol: 91, Issue: 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40010-020-00680-2, Impact Factor: 0.7   
78. F Arif, M Noor-ul-Amin, M Hanif (2021), "Joint monitoring of mean and variance using likelihood ratio test statistic with measurement error", Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, pp: 202-224, Vol: 18, Issue: 2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/16843703.2020.1819138, Impact Factor: 2.23   
79. M Noor-ul-Amin, A Riaz (2021), "Performance of adaptive exponentially weighted moving average control chart in the presence of measurement error", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, pp: 2328-2343, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00949655.2021.1891540, Impact Factor: 0.76   
80. M Tayyab, M Noor-ul-Amin, M Hanif (2021), "Quartile pair ranked set sampling: development and estimation", Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, India section A: physical sciences, pp: 111-116, Vol: 91, Issue: 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40010-019-00651-2, Impact Factor: 0.75   
81. E Dogu, M Noor-ul-Amin (2021), "Monitoring exponentially distributed time between events data: self-starting perspective", Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2021.1874417, Impact Factor: 0.65   
82. Javaid, A., Noor-ul-Amin, M. and Hanif, M (2020), "A New Max-HEWMA Control Chart Using Auxiliary Information", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, pp: 1285-1305, Vol: 49, Issue: 5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2018.1494282, Impact Factor: 0.6   
83. Tayyab, M., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Hanif, M (2020), "A Control Chart Using Quartile Pair Ranked Set Sampling for Monitoring the Process Mean", Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, pp: 1-16, Vol: 14, Issue: 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42519-019-0069-0, Impact Factor: 0.7    (External URL)
84. Asif, F., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Jabeen, R (2020), "Identification of thyroid cancer risk factors incidence in urban and rural areas, Pakistan", Pakistan Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, Vol: 33, Issue: 6, ISSN: 2607-2610, DOI: doi.org/10.36721/PJPS.2020.33.6.REG.2607-2610.1 , Impact Factor: 0.8   
85. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Shabbir, N., Khan N, Riaz, A (2020), "Hybrid Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart for Mean Using Different Ranked Set Sampling Schemes", Kuwait Journal of Science, pp: 19-28, Vol: 47, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 0.89    (External URL)
86. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Noor, S (2020), "An adaptive EWMA control chart for monitoring the process mean in Bayesian theory under different loss functions", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, pp: 804-819, Vol: 37, Issue: 2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2764, Impact Factor: 1.840    (External URL)
87. Noor, S., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Mohsin, M., Ahmed, A (2020), "Hybrid Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart Using Bayesian Approach", Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2020.1805765, Impact Factor: 0.6    (External URL)
88. Noor-ul-Amin, M (2020), "Memory type ratio and product estimators for population mean for time-based surveys", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, pp: 3080-3092, Vol: 90, Issue: 17, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00949655.2020.1795660, Impact Factor: 0.9    (External URL)
89. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Arif, F., and Hanif, M (2020), "Modified Extreme Ranked Sets Sampling with Auxiliary Variable", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, pp: 537–542, Vol: 91, Issue: 3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40010-020-00698-6, Impact Factor: 0.9    (External URL)
90. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Javaid, A., Hanif, M., and Dogo, E (2020), "Performance of maximum EWMA control chart in the presence of measurement error using auxiliary information", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2020.1772301, Impact Factor: 0.6    (External URL)
91. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Asghar S.U.D., Sanaullah, A (2020), "Ratio Estimators in the Presence of Outliers Using Redescending M-Estimator", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40010-020-00702-z, Impact Factor: 0.9    (External URL)
92. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Kazmi, W (2020), "Auxiliary information based joint monitoring control chart using generalized likelihood ratio test statistic", Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2020.1776328, Impact Factor: 0.6    (External URL)
93. Arif, F., Noor-ul-Amin, M., and Hanif, M (2020), "Joint Monitoring of Mean and Variance using likelihood Ratio Test Statistic with Measurement Error", Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, pp: 2449–2460, Vol: 43, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40995-019-00718-0, Impact Factor: 2.3    (External URL)
94. Asif, F., Khan, S, Noor-ul-Amin, M (2020), "Hybrid Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart with Measurement Error", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transections A: Science, pp: 801-811, Vol: 44, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40995-020-00879-3, Impact Factor: 0.875    (External URL)
95. Riaz, A., Noor-ul-Amin, M (2020), "Improved Simultaneous Monitoring of Mean and Coefficient of Variation under Ranked Set Sampling Schemes", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2020.1742355, Impact Factor: 0.65    (External URL)
96. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Tayyab, M (2020), "Influence on Estimation of Mean by using Quartile Paired Double Ranked Set Sampling", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2020.1742355, Impact Factor: 0.69    (External URL)
97. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Tayyab, M (2020), "Enhancing the Performance of Exponential Weighted Moving Average Control Chart using Paired Double Ranked Set Sampling", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, pp: 1118-1130, Vol: 90, Issue: 6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00949655.2020.1716756, Impact Factor: 0.9   
98. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Riaz, A (2020), "EWMA Control Chart for Co-efficient of Variation using Log-normal Transformation under Ranked Set Sampling", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transections A: Science, pp: 155-165, Vol: 44, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40995-019-00805-2, Impact Factor: 0.875   
99. Tayyab, M., Noor-ul-Amin, M., and Hanif, M (2019), "Exponential Weighted Moving Average Control Charts for Monitoring the Process Mean Using Pair Ranked Set Sampling Schemes", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transections A: Science, pp: 1941-1950, Vol: 43, Issue: 4, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40995-018-0668-8, Impact Factor: 0.69   
100. Tayyab, M, Noor-ul-amin,M.,Hanif, M. (2019), "A Control Chart Using Quartile Pair Ranked Set Sampling for Monitoring the Process Mean", Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. , Vol: 14, Issue: 2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42519-019-0069-0, Impact Factor: ISI    (External URL)
101. Riaz, A., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Shehzad, A., Ismail, M (2019), "Auxiliary Information Based Mixed EWMA-CUSUM Mean Control Chart with Measurement Error", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transections A: Science, pp: 2937-2949., Vol: 43, Issue: 6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40995-019-00774-6, Impact Factor: 0.69   
102. T, Sadia., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Hanif, M and J. Chi-Hyuck (2019), "Improved Hybrid Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart Using Auxiliary Information", Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, pp: 113-126, Vol: 13, Issue: 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.13052/jrss0974-8024.1316, Impact Factor: 0.85    (External URL)
103. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Tayyab, M., Hanif, M (2019), "Efficient control charts for monitoring the process mean using different paired double ranked set sampling designs", Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, pp: 2211-2223, Vol: 50, Issue: 10, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2019.1662047, Impact Factor: 0.4    (External URL)
104. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Riaz, A., Safeer, A (2019), "Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart using Auxiliary Variable with Measurement Error", Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2019.1661474, Impact Factor: 0.49    (External URL)
105. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Tayyab, M., and Hanif, M (2019), "Mean estimation using even order ranked set sampling", Punjab university journal of Mathematics, pp: 91-99, Vol: 1, Issue: 51    (External URL)
106. Noor-ul-Amin, M (2019), "Memory Type Estimators of Population Mean using Exponentially Weighted Moving Averages for Time Scaled Surveys", Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, pp: 2747-2758, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2019.1670850, Impact Factor: 0.4    (External URL)
107. Raza, A, Noor-ul-Amin, M., Hanif, M (2019), "Ratio estimators in the presence of outliers based on Redescending M-estimator", Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, Vol: 12, Issue: 2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.13052/jrss2229-5666.1221   
108. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Tariq, S., Hanif, M (2019), "Control Charts for Simultaneously Monitoring of Process Mean and Coefficient of Variation with and Without Auxiliary Information", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, pp: 2639-2656., Vol: 35, Issue: 8, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2546, Impact Factor: 2.7    (External URL)
109. Sanaullah, A., Ehsan, I. and Noor-ul-Amin, M (2019), "Estimation of Mean for a Finite Population Using Sub-Sampling of Non-Respondents", Statistics and Management Systems, pp: 1015-1035, Vol: 22, Issue: 6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09720510.2019.1572981    (External URL)
110. Mushtaq, N., Noor-ul-Amin, M (2019), "Generalized Variance Estimators using Randomized Device in Presence of Auxiliary Information", Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, pp: 1417-1424, Vol: 22, Issue: 8, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09720510.2019.1606322    (External URL)
111. Noor-ul-Amin,M., Khan, S., Sanaullah, A (2019), "HWMA Control Chart Using Auxiliary Information", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transections A: Science, pp: 891-903, Vol: 43, Issue: 3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40995-018-0585-x, Impact Factor: 0.7   
112. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Arif, F. and Hanif, M (2019), "Joint Monitoring of Mean and Variance Using likelihood Ratio Test Statistic under Pair Ranked Set Sampling Scheme", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transections A: Science, pp: 2449-2460, Vol: 43, Issue: 5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40995-019-00718-0, Impact Factor: 0.7   
113. Yasmeen, U., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Hanif, M (2019), "Exponential Estimators of Finite Population Variance Using Transformed Auxiliary Variables", National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, pp: 185-191, Vol: 89, Issue: 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40010-017-0410-5, Impact Factor: 0.754   
114. Javed, A., Noor-ul-amin, M. and Hanif, M (2018), "A New Max-HEWMA Control Chart Using Auxiliary Information.", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation., pp: 1285-1305, Vol: 49, Issue: 5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2018.1494282, Impact Factor: 0.5   
115. Noor-ul-amin, M., Noreen, S (2018), "Predictors of PGSI: A Study of Pakistan Stock Exchange", Iranian journal of management studies., pp: 243-270, Vol: 11, Issue: 2, DOI: 10.22059/IJMS.2018.242740.672844   
116. Javaid, A., Noor-ul-amin, M.,Hanif, M. (2018), "Modified ratio estimator in systematic random sampling under non-response. Accepted for publication in i.", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys. Sc, pp: 817-925, Vol: 89, Issue: 4, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40010-018-0509-3, Impact Factor: 0.75   
117. Qureshi,M.N., Kadilar, C., Noor-ul-amin, M. & Hanif (2018), "Rare and clustered population estimation using the adaptive cluster sampling with some robust measures.", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, pp: 2761-2774, Vol: 88, Issue: 14, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00949655.2018.1486842, Impact Factor: 0.8   
118. Noor-ul-amin,M., Khan, S., Aslam, M (2018), "An EWMA Control Chart Using Two Parametric Ratio Estimator.", Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, pp: 298-308, Vol: 35, Issue: 5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/21681015.2018.1476414   
119. Yasmeen U, Noor ul Amin M, Hanif M (2018), "Estimation of Finite Population Variance under Systematic Sampling Using Auxiliary Information", Statistics and Applications, pp: 365-373, Vol: 16, Issue: 1    (External URL)
120. Noor-ul-amin, M., Mushtaq, N., Hanif, M. (2018), "Estimation of Mean Using generalized optional scrambled responses in the presence of non-sensitive auxiliary variable.", Journal of Statistics and Management Systems., pp: 287-304, Vol: 21, Issue: 2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09720510.2018.1427029   
121. Sanaullah, A., Noor-ul-amin M., Hanif M, koyuncu, N. (2018), "Generalized Exponential-Type Estimators for Population Mean Taking Two Auxiliary Variables for Unknown Means in Stratified Sampling with Sub-sampling the Non-Respondents.", nt. J. Appl. Comput. Math, Vol: 4, Issue: 2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40819-018-0489-7    (External URL)
122. Asif, F., Noor-ul-amin, M., R.A., Muhammad (2018), "Identification of the risk factors of the thyroid cancer by using logit model in Lahore.", Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences, Vol: 31, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 0.804   
123. Khalil,S., Noor-ul-amin, M., Hanif, M. (2018), "Estimation of Population Mean for a Sensitive Variable In The Presence Of Measurement Error. .", Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, pp: 81-91, Vol: 21, Issue: 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09720510.2017.1367478   
124. Yasmeen, U., Noor-ul-amin, M., Hanif, M. (2018), "Exponential Estimators of Finite Population Variance Using Transformed Auxiliary Variables.", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys. Sci. , pp: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40010-017-0410-5., Impact Factor: 0.75   
125. Khalil, S., Noor-ul-Amin, M., Hanif, M (2017), "Generalized Estimation of Population Mean by using Conventional and Non-Conventional Measures in the Presence of Measurement Error", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, pp: 516-529, Vol: 48, Issue: 2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2017.1387662, Impact Factor: 0.5   
126. Sanaullah, A., Noor-ul-amin, M. and Hanif, M. (2016), "Generalized Exponential Chain Ratio and Product Estimators under Stratified Two-Phase Random Sampling in the Presence of Non-Response.", Pakistan Journal of Statistics, pp: 57-79, Vol: 55, Issue: 2    (External URL)
127. Yasmeen U, Noor ul Amin M, Hanif M (2015), "Generalized exponential estimators of finite population mean using transformed auxiliary variables.", International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, pp: 589-598, Vol: 1, Issue: 4, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40819-015-0034-x   
128. Sanaullah, A., Ali, H.A., Noor-ul-amin, M. and Hanif, M (2014), "Generalized Exponential Chain Ratio Estimators under Stratified Two-Phase Random Sampling.", Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol: 226, 541–547. , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2013.10.088   
129. Noor-ul-amin, M. and Hanif, M. (2012), "Some Exponential Type Estimators in Survey Sampling.", Pakistan Journal of Statistics, pp: 367-374., Vol: 28, Issue: 3   
Conference Papers:
1. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Riaz, A (2018) "Mix EWMA-CUSUM Control Chart In the Presence of Measurement Error", 11th International Statistics Days Conference   
2. Noor-ul-Amin, M., Javaid, A (2017) "Estimation of Population Mean Under Systematic Sampling", 13th IMT-GT International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and their Applications (ICMSA 2017)   
3. Noor-ul-Amin, M (2013) "Estimation in adaptive cluster sampling using auxiliary information", applied statistics   
4. Noor-ul-Amin, M (2013) "Exponential estimators in adaptive cluster sampling", 19th conference on Journees du Savoir   
5. Noor-ul-Amin, M (2012) "On Modified Slope-Rotatable Designs", 12th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences   
6. Noor-ul-Amin, M. and Hanif, M (2012) "Ratio-Cum-Product Exponential Type Estimator Using the Information of Two Auxiliary Variables", 1st ISM international statistical conference,Persada Johor   
7. Noor-ul-Amin, M. and Hanif, M (2011) "Some Exponential Type Estimators in two-phase sampling", 11th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences   


National College of Business Administration and Economics, Pakistan
2011 to 2014
Government College University (Lahore), Pakistan
2007 to 2009
University of Punjab (Lahore), Pakistan
2004 to 2006


University of Sargodha, Lahore
2013 to 2014

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