Mr. Syed Ahmed Faran
Lecturer, Electrical Engineering
Area of Interest: Wireless Networks, Performance Evaluation, Mathematical Modeling, Machine Learning
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
  • Research experience during my Masters at NUST IP Center Of Excellence.
  • Conducted workshops and organized seminars related to contemporary IP issues at NUST IP Center Of Excellence.
  • Research experience in areas of IEEE 802.11 MAC, Cognitive Radios and have interest in research work related to mathematical modeling and artificial neural networks.
  • Experienced in NS-2 network simulator and MATLAB.
  • Experience in C++, oTCL and Python.
  • Lecturer at CIIT Lahore since July 2013.
  • Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer.


Conference Papers:
1. Syed Ahmed Faran, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig (2014) "Faran, Syed Ahmed, Junaid Qadir, and Adeel Baig. "Performance analysis of 802.11 DCF with limited channels." Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC), 2014 IEEE 17th International. IEEE, 2014.", 17th International IEEE Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC) 2014    


MS (Communication Systems Engineering)
SEECS NUST, Pakistan
Aug 2009 to Oct 2012
FAST Islamabad, Pakistan
Aug 2005 to May 2009


CIIT Lahore
Jul 2013 to Date

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