Dr. Muhammad Naeem Shehzad
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
Area of Interest: N/A
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
On Leave

Dr. Muhammad Naeem Shehzad completed his Ph.D. with a specialization in Computers and Embedded Systems
from Ecole Polytech de Nantes, France in 2013. Prior to his Ph.D. studies, he did his master in Embedded Computer Science and Production Systems from Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France. Before that he did his BSc. Electrical Engineering from UET, Lahore in 2004.

His research interests are as under:

  • Embedded Systems
  • Processor Scheduling
  • Digital Electronics
  • IoTs
  • Computer Architecture

Dr. Naeem is currently associated with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore campus since 2013. Prior to his Ph.D. degree, he served in NESCOM, Islamabad for few years.


Journal Papers:
1. Shehzad, Muhammad Naeem, et al. (2020), "Threshold Temperature Scaling: Heuristic to Address Temperature and Power Issues in MPSoCs", Microprocessors and Microsystems     (External URL)
2. Muhammad Naeem Awais and Muhammad Naeem Shehzad. (2019), "Prediction of Current-Voltage Characteristics and Bipolar Resistive Switching Mechanism in Polymer-based Sandwiched Structures", Journal of the Korean Physical Society     (External URL)
3. Tehsin Kanwal, Ather Jabbar, Adeel Anjum, ..., Muhammad Naeem Shehzad and Muhammad A Balubaid. (2019), "Privacy-aware relationship semantics-based XACML access control model for electronic health records in hybrid cloud", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks.    (External URL)
4. Rizwan, Raffay, Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, and Muhammad Naeem Awais (2019), "Quadcopter-based rapid response first-aid unit with live video monitoring", Drones     (External URL)
5. Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, Qaisar Bashir, et al. (2019), "Thermal-aware resource allocation in earliest deadline first using fluid scheduling", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks    (External URL)
6. Qaisar Bashir, M.Naeem Shehzad, M.Naeem Awais, Umer Farooq, Mirza Tariq Hamayun, Irfan Ali (2018), "A scheduling based energy-aware core switching technique to avoid thermal threshold values in multi-core processing systems", Microprocessors and Microsystems, ISSN: 0141-9331, Impact Factor: 1.049    (External URL)
7. Qaisar Bashir, Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, Muhammad Naeem Awais, Sobia Baig, Muhammad Ghaffar Dogar, Aamir Rashid (2018), "An online temperature-aware scheduling technique to avoid thermal emergencies in multiprocessor systems", Computers & Electrical Engineering, pp: 83-98, Vol: 70, ISSN: 0045-7906, Impact Factor: 1.747    (External URL)
8. M. Hassan Aslam · Umer Farooq · Muhammad Naeem Awais · M. Khurram Bhatti · M. Naeem Shehzad (2016), "Exploring the Effect of LUT Size on the Area and Power Consumption of a Novel Memristor-Transistor Hybrid FPGA Architecture", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, ISSN: 2193-567X, Impact Factor: 0.728    
9. Muhammad Naeem Awais, Maria Mustafa, Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, Umer Farooq, Mirza Tariq Hamayun, and Kyung Hyun Choi (2016), "Resistive-Switching and Current-Conduction Mechanisms in F8BT Polymer Resistive Switch", Micro & Nano Letters, Standard: 1750-0443, Impact Factor: 0.723   
10. M Naeem Shehzad, A M Déplanche, Yvon Trinquet, Umer Farooq (2014), "Efficient data generation for the testing of real-time multiprocessor scheduling algorithms", Przeglad Electrotechniczny, pp: 136-139, Impact Factor: 0.25   
Conference Papers:
1. Hamza Ahmed, Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, and Muhammad Naeem Awais. (2018) " Gain Time Based Optimization of Small Platforms for IoT Solutions: A Case of 8-Bit AVR Platform.", International Workshop Soft Computing Applications. Springer, Cham, 2018., pp: 469-478    (External URL)
2. M.Naeem Shehzad,A.M. Deplanche, Yvon Trinquet and Richard Urunuela (2017) "Overhead control heuristics in Boundary Fair real-time multiprocessor scheduling", 15th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2017), Guangzhou, China   
3. Qaisar Bashir, M. Naeem Shehzad, Dr. M.Usman Hashmi, Hamayun Khan (2016) "A Survey on Scheduling Based Optimization Techniques in Multi-Processor Systems", ICEET-2016   
4. M.Naeem Shehzad, A-M Déplanche, Y. Trinquet, and Richard Urunuela (2013) "Overhead control in DP-Fair work conserving real-time multiprocessor scheduling", In the Proceedings of 4th International Conferenceon Computer Science and Its Applications   
5. M.Naeem Shehzad, A-M Déplanche, Y. Trinquet, and Richard Urunuela (2012) "Efficiency evaluation of overhead control heuristics in DP-Fair multiprocessor scheduling", In the Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation Krakow   
6. M.Naeem Shehzad, A-M Déplanche, Y. Trinquet, and Richard Urunuela (2011) "Overhead control in real-time global scheduling", In the Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems., pp: 45–52   


PHD : Overhead control in global scheduling algorithms in real-time multiprocessor systems
Ecole Polytech de Nantes, France
Oct 2009 to Apr 2013
Masters in Embedded Computer science and production systems
Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
Sep 2008 to Jul 2009
BSC Electrical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan
Jan 2000 to Mar 2004


Assistant Professor
CIIT, Lahore
May 2013 to Date
Research Engineer
Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
Jan 2010 to Aug 2012
Assistant Manager (Tech)
National Engineering and Scientific commission (NESCOM), Islamabad
Nov 2004 to Apr 2008

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