1. |
Sana Yaseen, Alice Othmani, Imran Raza, Asad Hussain (2023), "Machine learning based approaches for clinical and non-clinical depression recognition and depression relapse prediction using audiovisual and EEG modalities: A comprehensive review", Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, Impact Factor: 6.698
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2. |
Ziad Nayyer, Imran Raza, Asad Hussain (2022), "ClpyZ: A testbed for cloudlet federation
", Advances in Computers, Elsevier, Impact Factor: 2.655
(External URL)
3. |
Shuja Akbar, Mohsin Mehdi, Hassan Jamal, Imran Raza, Asad Hussain (2022), "Multipath Routing in Wireless Body Area Sensor Network for Healthcare Monitoring", Healthcare, MDPI, Impact Factor: 3.16
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4. |
Sajjad, Hassan Jamal, Imran Raza (2022), "Central Aggregator Intrusion Detection System for Denial of Service Attacks", Computers, Materials & Continua, Impact Factor: W
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5. |
Sana Latif, Ziad Nayyer, Imran Raza, Asad Hussain, Hassan Jamal (2022), "Cloudlet Federation Based Context-Aware Federated Learning Approach
", IEEE Access, Impact Factor: 3.47
(External URL)
6. |
Li Feng, Amjad Ali, Imran Raza (2022), "Dynamic Wireless Information and Power Transfer Scheme for Nano-Empowered Vehicular Networks", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Impact Factor: 9.551
(External URL)
7. |
Ziad Nayyer, Imran Raza, Asad Hussain, Hassan Jamal, Zeeshan Gillani (2022), "LBRO: Load Balancing for Resource Optimization in Edge Computing
", IEEE Access , Impact Factor: 3.47
(External URL)
8. |
Usama Ahmed, Imran Raza, Omer F. Rana, Asad Hussain (2021), "Aggregated Capability Assessment (AgCA) for CAIQ enabled Cross-cloud Federation", IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Impact Factor: 11.027
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9. |
Sana Yaseen, Imran Raza, Asad Hussain, Alice Othmani (2021), "EEG based Major Depressive disorder and Bipolar disorder detection using Neural Networks: A review", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Impact Factor: 7.027
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10. |
Abdullah, Imran Raza, Rana Tanveer, Asad Hussain (2021), "Interest flooding attack mitigation in a vehicular named data network", IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Impact Factor: 2.56
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11. |
A Ali, S Tariq, M Iqbal, L Feng, I Raza, MH Siddiqi, AK Bashir (2020), "Adaptive Bitrate Video Transmission Over Cognitive Radio Networks Using Cross Layer Routing Approach", IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, pp: 935 - 945, Vol: 6, Issue: 3
12. |
M. Z. Nayyer, I. Raza and Syed Asad Hussain (2020), "CFRO: Cloudlet Federation for Resource Optimization", IEEE Access, pp: 106234-106246, Vol: 8, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 4.098
13. |
Li Feng, A. Ali, M. Iqbal, F. Ali, I. Raza, M. H. Siddiqi, M. Shafiq and Syed Asad Hussain (2020), "Dynamic Wireless Information and Power Transfer Scheme for Nano-Empowered Vehicular Networks", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transport Systems, Impact Factor: 6.319
14. |
Sana Yasin, Syed Asad Hussain, Sinem Aslan, Imran Raza, Muhammad Muzammel, Alice Othmani (2020), "Neural Networks based approaches for Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis using EEG signals: A review", arXiv
15. |
Usama Ahmed, Ioan Petri, Omer Rana, Imran Raza, Syed Asad Hussain (2020), "Usama Ahmed, Ioan Petri, Omer Rana, Imran Raza, Syed Asad Hussain", IEEE Access, Impact Factor: 4.098
16. |
M.Z. Nayyer, I. Raza, Syed Asad Hussain (2019), "Revisiting VM Performance & Optimization Challenges for Big Data", Advances in Computers, Vol: 114, ISSN: 0065-2458, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.adcom.2019.02.002, Impact Factor: 1.514
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17. |
U. Ahmed, I.Raza and Syed Asad Hussain (2019), "Trust Evaluation in Cross-Cloud Federation: Survey and Requirement Analysis", ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), pp: 1-37, Vol: 52, Issue: 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3292499, Impact Factor: 5.55
18. |
M. Z. Nayyer, I. Raza, Syed Asad Hussain (2018), "Survey of Cloudlet-Based Mobile Augmentation Approaches for Resource Optimization", ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), Vol: 51, Issue: 5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3241738, Impact Factor: 5.55
19. |
MM Mehdi, I Raza, SA Hussain (2017), "A game theory based trust model for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs)", Computer Networks, pp: 152-172, Vol: 121, Standard: 1389-1286, Impact Factor: 2.516
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20. |
Syed Asad Hussain, Muddesar Iqbal, Atif Saeed Imran Raza, Hassan Raza, Amjad Ali, Ali Kashif Bashir, and Adeel Baig (2017), "An Efficient Channel Access Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks", Mobile Information Systems, pp: 10, Vol: 2017, Impact Factor: .847
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21. |
SA Hussain, M Fatima, A Saeed, I Raza, RK Shahzad (2017), "Multilevel classification of security concerns in cloud computing", Applied Computing and Informatics, Elsevier, pp: 57-65, Vol: 13, Issue: 1, Standard: 2210-8327
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22. |
Furkh Zeshan, Radziah Mohamad, Mohammad Nazir Ahmad, Syed Asad Hussain, Adnan Ahmad, Imran Raza, Abid Mehmood, Ikram Ulhaq, Arafat Abdulgader, Imran Babar (2017), "Ontology-based service discovery framework for dynamic environments", IET Software, pp: 64-74, Vol: 11, Issue: 2, Standard: 1751-8806, Impact Factor: 0.733
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23. |
Muhammad Talha Gul, Amjad Ali, Deepak Singh, Umera Imtinan, Imran Raza, Syed Hussain, Doug Young Suh, Jong-Wook Lee (2016), "Merge-and-Forward: A Cooperative Multimedia Transmissions Protocol using RaptorQ Codes", IET Communications, Standard: 1751-8636, Impact Factor: .72
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24. |
Doug Young Suh Syed Fawad Haider, Laraib Abbas, Amjad Ali, Muddesar Iqbal , Imran Raza, Syed Asad Hussain (2016), "Taxonomy and issues for antifragile-based multimedia cloud computing", Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, Springer
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25. |
Usama Ahmed, Imran Raza, Syed Asad Hussain, Amjad Ali, Muddesar Iqbal, Xinheng Wang (2015), "Modelling Cyber Security for Software Defined Networks Those Grow Strong When Exposed to Threats", Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, Springer , pp: 123-146, Vol: 1, Issue: 2
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26. |
Imran Raza, S. Jabeen, S. R. Chaudhry2, Syed Asad Hussain (2015), "Optical Wireless Channel Characterization for Indoor Visible Light Communications", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol: 8, Issue: 22, Standard: 0974-6846, Impact Factor: SJR 1.3
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27. |
Amir Raza Khan, Muddesar Iqbal , Junaid Muzaffar, Amir Nisar, Amjad Ali, Imran Raza, Syed Asad Hussain (2015), "Optimized Congestion Aware and Rate-Adaptive Multimedia Communication for Application in Fragile Environment during Disaster Management and Recovery", Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, Springer , pp: 147-158, Vol: 1, Issue: 2
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28. |
Mohammad Kaleem, Syed Asad Hussain, Imran Raza, Saqib Rasool Chaudhry, Muhammad Hassan Raza (2014), "A direction and relative speed (DARS) based routing protocol for vanets in a highway scenario", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol: 38
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29. |
Imran Raza, S.A.Hussain, Qayyum, M.H. Raza and S.R.Chaudhry (2013), "Investigating Multi-Topological ZigBee Based Wireless Sensor Network in Precision Agriculture", Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, pp: 195-201, Vol: 3, Issue: 2
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30. |
Salman Naseer, S.A Hussain, I Raza, S R Chaudry, J. S. Mirza (2012), "Mobile Ad-hoc Network Routing Protocols:
A Simulation and Performance Analysis Using Multimedia Traffic", Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, pp: 9925-9930, Vol: 2, Issue: 10, Standard: 2090-4304
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31. |
Imran Raza, S.R. Chaudhry, S.A. Hussain, S.A.Abid and M. H. Raza (2011), "Optimized Priority Assignment Mechanism for Biomedical Wireless Sensor Networks", IET Wireless Sensor Systems, pp: 26
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Imran Raza, S.A. Hussain (2008), "Identification of Malicious nodes in an AODV Pure Ad Hoc Network through Guard nodes", Computer Communications, Elsevier Ltd Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp: 1796-1802, Vol: 31, Issue: 9, Standard: 0140-3664
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