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M. Ahmed, A. Ahmad, F. Zeshan, H.T. Mirza (2025), "Blockchain Consensus Protocols: A Taxonomic Framework and Challenges", IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, Wiley (accepted), ISSN: 2398-3396, Impact Factor: 1.7
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A. Bilal, H. T. Mirza*, A. Ahmad, I. Hussain, A. S. Khan (2025), "Unveiling functional aspects in google play education app titles and descriptions influencing app success", Automated Software Engineering, Springer, pp: 1-35, Vol: 32, Issue: 23, ISSN: 0928-8910, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10515-025-00497-6, Impact Factor: 2.3
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M. Umar, I. Hussain, T. Mahmood, H.T. Mirza, C. M. N. Faisal (2024), "Design Strategies to Minimize Mobile Usability Issues in Navigation Design Patterns", Information, pp: 732, Vol: 15, Issue: 11, ISSN: 2078-2489, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/info15110732, Impact Factor: 2.6
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A. Bilal, H. T. Mirza*, I. Hussain, A. Ahmad (2024), "Investigating Influence of Google-Play Application Titles on Success", Big Data Research, Elsevier, pp: 100443, Vol: 36, ISSN: 2214-5796, Impact Factor: 3.3
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A. Sarfraz, A. Ahmad, F. Zeshan, H. T. Mirza (2024), "Synews: A Synergy based Rumor Verification System", Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer, Vol: 14, ISSN: 1869-5469, Impact Factor: 2.8
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N. Hussain, H. T. Mirza, F. Iqbal, A. Altaf; A. Shoukat, M. G. Villar, E. S. Flore, M. A. R. Gutiérrez, I. Ashraf (2023), "PRUS: Product Recommender System Based on User Specifications and Customers Reviews", IEEE Access, pp: 1-20, ISSN: 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3299818, Impact Factor: 3.9
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M. Kaleem, S. Nazir, S. Jabeen, H. T. Mirza, S. Agha, A. Raza (2023), "Sputtering Al2O3 enhanced bandgap engineering for integrated photonic devices", Optics and Laser Technology, Elsevier, pp: 1-7, Vol: 162, Issue: 1, ISSN: 0030-3992, Impact Factor: 4.93
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A. Bilal, H. T. Mirza*, I. Hussain (2022), "Identifying significant textual features in titles of Google play store applications and their influence on user review rating", Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer, pp: 1159–1178, Vol: 65, DOI: 10.1007/s10115-022-01799-x, Impact Factor: 3.205
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N. Hussain, H. T. Mirza*, A. Ali, F. Iqbal, I. Hussain, M. Kaleem (2021), "Spammer group detection and diversification of customers’ reviews", PeerJ Computer Science, PEERJ INC, London, England, EC1V 9LL, Vol: 7:e472, Standard: 2376-5992, Impact Factor: 3.09
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N. Hussain, H. T. Mirza*, F. Iqbal, I. Hussain and M. Kaleem (2020), "Detecting Spam Product Reviews in Roman Urdu Script", The Computer Journal, Oxford University Press, The British Computer Society, pp: bxaa164, Standard: 0010-4620, Impact Factor: 1.077
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S. Mehmood, M. Kaleem, S. Nazir, A. Israr and H. T. Mirza (2020), "Numerical analysis of stable and low cost perovskite solar cell with an enhanced inorganic electron and hole transport layers", Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, pp: 725-733, Vol: 15, Issue: 6, Standard: 1555-130X, Impact Factor: 1.069
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A. Israr, M. Kaleem, S. Nazir, H. T. Mirza, H. A. Sorin (2020), "Nested genetic algorithm for highly reliable and efficient embedded system design", Design Automation for Embedded Systems, Springer, pp: 185–221, Vol: 24, Standard: 0929-5585, Impact Factor: 2.767
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N. Hussain, H. T. Mirza*, I. Hussain, F. Iqbal and I.Memon (2020), "Spam Review Detection using the Linguistic and Spammer Behavioral Methods", IEEE Access, pp: 53801-53816, Vol: 8, Standard: 2169-3536, Impact Factor: 4.098
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M. Shoaib, I. Hussain, H. T. Mirza (2019), "Automatic switching between speech and non-speech: adaptive auditory feedback in desktop assistance for the visually impaired", Universal Access in the Information Society, Springer, pp: 813-823, Vol: 19, ISSN: 1615-5289, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-019-00696-5, Impact Factor: 0.92
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N. Hussain, H. T. Mirza*, and I. Hussain (2019), "Detecting Spam Reviews through Spammer’s Behavioral Analysis", ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, pp: 61-71, Vol: 8, Issue: 2, ISSN: 2255-2863, DOI: https://doi.org/10.14201/ADCAIJ2019826171, Impact Factor: ESCI
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N. Hussain, H. T. Mirza*, G. Rasool, I. Hussain and M. Kaleem (2019), "Spam Review Detection Techniques: A Systematic Literature Review", Applied Sciences, pp: 1-26, Vol: 9, Issue: 5 : 987, ISSN: 2076-3417, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app9050987 , Impact Factor: 2.67
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I. Memon, H. T. Mirza, Q. A. Arain, H. Memon (2019), "Multiple mix zones de-correlation trajectory privacy model for road network", Telecommunication Systems, Springer, pp: 557-582, Vol: 70, Issue: 4, ISSN: 1018-4864, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-019-00551-1, Impact Factor: 1.71
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A. Rehman, A. Latif, R. Anwar, N. Abbas, S. Nawaz and H. T. Mirza (2019), "Postprandial Anti-Diabetic Effects of Various Fractions of Fagonia indica Burm. f. by in vitro and in vivo Studies", Pakistan Journal of Zoology, pp: 333-340, Vol: 51, Issue: 1, ISSN: 0030-9923, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/2019.51.1.3, Impact Factor: 0.79
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I. Memon, H. T. Mirza (2018), "MADPTM: Mix zones and Dynamic Pseudonyms Trust Management system for Location Privacy", International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS), Wiley, pp: e3795, Vol: 31, Issue: 17, ISSN: 1099-1131, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.3795, Impact Factor: 1.717
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D. K. Sah, X. Wu, M. Lv, H.T. Mirza (2018), "Activity-based linkage and ranking methods for personal dataspace", International Journal of Mobile Communications (IJMC). Inderscience Publishers, pp: 266-285, Vol: 16, Issue: 3, ISSN: 1470-949X, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1504/IJMC.2018.091381, Impact Factor: 1.74
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I. Hussain, L. Chen, H.T. Mirza, L. Wang, G. Chen and I. Memon (2016), "Chinese-based Spearcons: Improving Pedestrian Navigation Performance in Eyes-Free Environment", International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI). Taylor & Francis, pp: 460-469, Vol: 32, Issue: 6, Standard: 1044-7318, Impact Factor: 1.259
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H.T. Mirza, L. Chen, I. Hussain, A. Majid, G. Chen (2015), "A Study on Automatic Classification of Users’ Desktop Interactions", Cybernetics and Systems, Taylor & Francis, pp: 320-341, Vol: 46, Issue: 5, Standard: 0196-9722, Impact Factor: 1.434
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A. Majid, L. Chen, H.T. Mirza, I. Hussain, G. Chen (2015), "A system for mining interesting tourist locations and travel sequences from public geo-tagged photos", Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE). Elsevier, pp: 66-86, Vol: 95, Standard: 0169-023X, Impact Factor: 2.131. *** BEST PAPER AWARD ***
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I. Hussain, L. Chen, H.T. Mirza, G. Chen, S.U. Hassan (2015), "Right mix of speech and non-speech: hybrid auditory feedback in mobility assistance of the visually impaired", Universal Access in the Information Society. Springer, pp: 527-536, Vol: 14, Issue: 4, Standard: 1615-5289, Impact Factor: 1.219
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I. Hussain, L. Chen, H.T. Mirza, K. Xing, and G. Chen (2014), "A Comparative Study of Sonification Methods to Represent Distance and Forward-Direction in Pedestrian Navigation", International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI). Taylor & Francis, pp: 740-751, Vol: 30, Issue: 9, Standard: 1044-7318, Impact Factor: 1.259
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J. Zhu, S.U. Hassan, H.T. Mirza, Q. Xie (2014), "Measuring recent research performance for Chinese universities using bibliometric methods", Scientometrics, Springer, pp: 429-443, Vol: 101, Issue: 1, Standard: 0138-9130, Impact Factor: 2.274
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A. Majid, L. Chen, G. Chen, H. T. Mirza, I. Hussain and J. Woodward (2013), "A context-aware personalized travel recommendation system based on geotagged social media data mining", International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Taylor & Francis, pp: 662-684, Vol: 27, Issue: 4, Standard: 1365-8816 (Print), 1362-3087 (Online), Impact Factor: 2.502
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H. T. Mirza, L. Chen, A. Majid and G. Chen (2011), "Building User Task Space by Mining Temporally Proximate Desktop Actions", Cybernetics and Systems, Taylor & Francis, pp: 585-604, Vol: 42, Issue: 8, Standard: 0196-9722 (Print), 1087-6553 (Online), Impact Factor: 1.434
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H. T. Mirza, L. Chen and G. Chen (2010), "Practicability of Dataspace Systems", International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (JDCTA), pp: 233-243, Vol: 4, Issue: 3, Standard: 1975-9339
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