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Muhammad Khan , Kashif Mehmood , Shumaila Noureen , Hafiz Zahid Mahmood & Rafi Amir-ud-Din (2022), "Epidemiology of respiratory diseases and
associated factors among female textile workers
in Pakistan", International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, pp: 184-198, Vol: 28, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 2.4
(External URL)
2. |
Ghulam Abbas, Akhter Ali, Muhammad Khan, Hafz Zahid Mahmood, Sazali Abdul Wahab, Raf Amir-ud-Din (2021), "The Transition from Arid Farming Systems to Agroforestry Systems in Pakistan: A Comparison of Monetary Returns. ", Small-scale Forestry. , pp: 325-350, Vol: 20, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.5
(External URL)
3. |
Muhammad Khan, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Shumaila Noureen, Kashif Muhmood, Iftikhar ul husnain, Imran Hameed Khaliq (2019), "The health burden of malaria and household choices regarding treatment and prevention in Pakistan", Tropical biomedicine, pp: 664-676, Vol: 36, Issue: 03, Impact Factor: 0.71
4. |
Muhammad Khan, Kashif Muhmood, Shumaila Noureen, Saima Noureen (2018), "Economic burden of occupational illness on women workers
in textile industry, Pakistan", The Business and Management Review,, Vol: 04, Issue: 09
5. |
Muhammad Khan, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Ghulam Abbas & Christos A Damalas (2017), "Agroforestry Systems as Alternative Land-Use Options in the Arid Zone of Thal, Pakistan", Small Scale Forestry, pp: 553-569, Vol: 16, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 1.5
6. |
Muhammad Iftikhar Ul Husnain, Muhammad Khan & Hafiz Zahid Mahmood (2017), "An Assessment Of Public And Private Benefits Of Organic Farming In Pakistan", The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, pp: 996-1004, Vol: 27, Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 0.42
7. |
Iftikhar Ul Husnain, Azad Haider, Aneel Salman, M. Zahid Mahmood, Muhammad Khan, Farzana Shaheen (2016), "An Econometric Analysis of the Statistical Relationship between Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Infant Mortality in South Asia.", Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, pp: 1-8, Vol: 09, Issue: 02
8. |
IN PUNJAB (PAKISTAN)", Pakistan Economic and Social Review, pp: 15-24, Vol: 54, Issue: 1
9. |
Christos A Damalas & Muhammad Khan (2016), "Farmers’ attitudes towards pesticide labels: implications for personal and environmental safety", International Journal of Pest Management , pp: 319-325, Vol: 62, Standard: 1366-5863, Impact Factor: 1.09
10. |
Muhammad Khan & Christos Damalas (2015), "Farmers' knowledge about common pests and pesticide safety in
conventional cotton production in Pakistan", Crop Protection, pp: 45-51, Vol: 77, Impact Factor: 2.38
11. |
Iftikhar, Ul Husnain, Azad Haider, Ihtsham ul Haq Padda, Muhammad Khan, Naeem Akram, Hafiz. Zahid Mahmood, Farzana Shaheen (2015), "Public Expenditure, Taxes and Economic Development: An Empirical Analysis for Pakistan. ", Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research , pp: 2756-2762, Vol: 23, Issue: 11
12. |
Muhammad Khan & Christos Damalas (2015), "Farmers' willingness to pay for less health risks by pesticide use: A case
study from the cotton belt of Punjab, Pakistan", Science of the Total Environment, pp: 297-303, Vol: 530, Impact Factor: 6.551
13. |
Muhammad Khan, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Christos A. Damalas (2015), "Pesticide use and risk perceptions among farmers in the cotton belt of
Punjab, Pakistan", Crop Protection , pp: 184-190, Vol: 67 , Impact Factor: 2.38
14. |
Zahid Mahmood, Sana Iftikhar, Abdul Saboor, Atta Ullah Khan & Muhammad Khan (2015), "Agriculture land resources and food security nexus in Punjab, Pakistan: an empirical ascertainment", Food and Agricultural Immunology, Vol: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09540105.2015.1079593, Impact Factor: 2.57
15. |
Muhammad Khan & Christos A. Damalas (2015), "Factors preventing the adoption of alternatives to chemical pest control among Pakistani cotton
farmers", International Journal of Pest Management, pp: 9-16, Vol: 61, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.09
16. |
Muhammad Khan & Christos Damalas (2014), "Occupational exposure to pesticides
and resultant health problems among
cotton farmers of Punjab, Pakistan", International Journal of Environmental Health Research, Vol: dx.doi.org/10.1080/09603123.2014.980781, Impact Factor: 1.51
17. |
Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Muhammad Qasim, Muhammad Khan and Muhammad Iftikhar ul Husnain (2014), "RE-EXAMINING THE INVERSE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FARM SIZE AND PRODUCTIVITY IN PAKISTAN", The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences,, pp: 1537-1546, Vol: 24, Issue: 5, Impact Factor: .55
18. |
Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Iftikhar Ul Husnain,Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Waqar Akram (2013), "Understanding Pesticide Use Safety Decision: Application of Health Behavior Theory", American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, pp: 440-448, Vol: 13, Issue: 4, Standard: 1818-6769, Impact Factor: ISI
19. |
Muhammad Khan (2012), "HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF PESTICIDE USE IN AGRICULTURE", British Journal of Social Sciences, pp: 26-46, Vol: 1, Issue: 2
20. |
Muhammad Khan & Afsheen Ashraf (2012), "Informal employment in Pakistan: the growing challenge for decent work", Elixir journal of Management , pp: 6433-6446, Vol: 42, Issue: 42
21. |
Iftikhar ul husnain, Muhammad Khan, Ihtsham Ul Haq Padda, Naeem Akram, Azad Haider (2011), "Public Spending, Foreign Direct Investment and
Economic Growth", International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol: 61, Standard: 1450-2887
22. |
Muhammad Khan (2011), "Adverse health effects, risk perception and pesticide use behavior", Elixir Journal of Social Sciences, pp: 4044-4048, Vol: 38, Issue: 38
23. |
Naeem Akram, Ihtsham Ul Haq, Myhammad Khan, Iftikhar ul Husnain (2011), "Fiscal Situation in Pakistan and its consequences for Economic Growth and Poverty", American International Journal of Contemporary Research, pp: 94-111, Vol: 1, Issue: 1
24. |
Saima Akhtar Qureshi, Muhammad Khan, Athar Rafique, Gulzar Khan, Mian Sayed Wahid, Ansa Nazli (2011), "Gender Differential in Education and its Impact on Economic Growth: Pakistan study (1965-2007), A Generalized Method of Moment Approach", Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business, pp: 1310, Vol: 3, Issue: 2
25. |
Muhammad Khan, Naeem Akram, Iftikhar ul Husnain, Ihtsham Ul Haq, Saima Akhtar (2011), "Poverty Environment Nexus: Use of Pesticide in Cotton Zone of Punjab, Pakistan", Journal of Sustainable Development, pp: 163-173, Vol: 4, Issue: 3
26. |
Muhammad Khan (2010), "Using Health Belief Model to Understand Pesticide Use Decision", The Pakistan Development Review, pp: 941-956, Vol: 49, Issue: 4
27. |
Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Iftikhar Ul Husnain, Naeem Akram, Ihtsham Ul Haq Padda (2009), "Assessing Farmer’s Pesticide Safety Knowledge in Cotton Growing Area of Punjab Pakistan", Munich Personal RePEc Archive, Vol: MPRA Paper No. 1622
28. |
Muhammad Khan (2009), "Economic Evaluation of Health Cost of Pesticide Use:
Willingness to Pay Method", The Pakistan Development Review, pp: 459-472, Vol: 48, Issue: 4
29. |
MUHAMMAD KHAN, FOZIA AFTAB KIANI, AFSHEEN ASHRAF, M.Iftikhar Ul Husnain (2009), "Skills, Competitiveness and Productivity", The Pakistan Development Review , pp: 473-486, Vol: 48, Issue: 4
30. |
NAEEM AKRAM, IHTSHAM UL HAQ PADDA, MUHAMMAD KHAN (2008), "The Long Term Impact of Health on Economic
Growth in Pakistan", The Pakistan Development Review, pp: 487–500, Vol: 47, Issue: 4
31. |
SAIMA AKHTAR QURESHI,MUHAMMAD KHAN, MUHAMMAD IFTIKHAR UL HUSNAIN (2007), "Gender, Environment and Sustainable Economic Growth", The Pakistan Development Review 46:4 Part , pp: 883–894, Vol: 46, Issue: 4