Dr. Asim Ali Khan
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
Area of Interest: Phased array pattern synthesis, optimisation, heuristic algorithms, antenna design, antenna theory, array processing, wideband arrays, small antenna arrays, direction of arrival (DOA) and tracking, adaptive arrays, micro/millimetre-wave imaging
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
HEC approved PhD Supervisor

Dr. Engr. Asim Ali Khan received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and M.Sc. in Communication Engineering, both from the University of Manchester, UK (2011, 2007). He received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from University of Engineering & Technology (UET), Lahore Pakistan (2004). He is with Electrical Engineering Dept. of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Lahore Pakistan since May 2004. At present, he is working as Assistant Professor at COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Lahore Campus, Lahore since May 2011. Currently, Dr. Khan is working toward the development of biomedical imagers to diagnose breast and skin cancers. He has developed interference rejection algorithms for radio telescopes in collaboration with the University of Manchester. His recent research interests also include digital beamforming, millimeter wave imaging and wearable transceiver systems. Currently serving as Program Incharge Electrical Engineering (BSEE) program.

Funded Projects:

Completed Projects:
1. Low Cost Ground Penetrating Radar System For Under Debris Search And Rescue Operations (2018 - 2021) PIs: Dr. Asim Ali Khan,Dr. Khurram Ali, Other Team: CUI Lahore, Budget: 1.65 MPKR, Funded By: HEC NRPU .
2. "A wearable solution for health monitoring and assessment of human body joints using acoustic signals (2018 - 2020) PIs: Dr. Khurram Ali,Dr. Asim Ali Khan, Budget: PKR 1.37 MPKR, Funded By: HEC .


Journal Papers:
1. Sobia Baig, Usman Ali, Hafiz M. Asif and Asim Ali Khan (2019), "Closed-Form BER Expression for Fourier and Wavelet Transform based Pulse-Shaped Data in Downlink NOMA", IEEE Communications Letters, pp: 592 - 595, Vol: 23, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 3.457   
2. Muhammad Ahmad, Asim Ali Khan, Muhammad Amin, Hafiz M. Asif and Sobia Baig (2019), "Ground Plane Impact on Quadrifilar Helix Antenna Performance with Respect to Deployment Heights", International Journal of Communication Systems   
3. Zanib Tahira, Hafiz Muhammad Asif, Asim Ali Khan et al. (2019), "Optimization of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access based Visible Light Communication Systems", IEEE Communications Letters, Impact Factor: 3.457   
4. Saad M.Sheikh, Hamza R.Ali, Haz. M. Asif, Sobia Baig, Asim A.Khan (2018), "Design of NS3 VLC Module and Performance Analysis of Adhoc Network under VLC and WiFi layers", International Journal of Communication Systems, Impact Factor: 1.278   
5. I. Sultana, Muhammad Idrees, Yasir Ra?que, Sameen Ilyas, Shahzada Qamar Hussain, Asim Ali Khan, Aamir Razaq (2018), "Electrodeposition of silver (Ag) nanoparticles on MnO2 nanorods for fabrication of highly conductive and ?exible paper electrodes for energy storage application", Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics, Impact Factor: 2.195   
6. Muhammad Nadeem, Ali Nawaz Khan, Asim Ali Khan and Tayyab Azim (2018), "Low Profile CPW Fed Slotted Planar Inverted Cone Ultra-Wide Band Antenna for WBAN Applications", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, pp: 870=876, Vol: 60, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 0.933   
7. Asim Ali Khan and Anthony Keith Brown (2017), "Optimisation of Scanning Difference Pattern and Monopulse Feed", International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (Invited paper), Vol: 2017, Impact Factor: 1.164   
8. Asim A. Khan and Anthony K. Brown (2016), "Sector Nulling in Planar Irregular Sub-arrayed Sparse Array Antennas,", IET Microwave Antennas & Propagation, pp: 25-30, Vol: 10, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.187   
9. Aamir Razaq, Asim A. Khan et al. (2015), "Dielectric studies of Dielectric studies of environmentally friendly and flexible lignocelluloses fibrils for miniaturization of patch antenna", Modern Physics Letters B, Vol: 29, Issue: 30    (External URL)
10. Asim A. Khan and Anthony K. Brown (2014), "Null Steering in Irregularly Spaced Sparse Antenna Arrays using Aperture Distributed Subarrays and Hybrid Optimiser", IET Microwave Antennas & Propagation, pp: 86-92, Vol: 8, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 0.84    (External URL)
11. Asim Ali Khan and Anthony Keith Brown (2012), "Intelligent Z-space Boundary Condition Particle Swarm Optimiser (IzBC-PSO) for Small Array Pattern Synthesis", IET Microwave Antennas & Propagation, pp: 1598-1607, Vol: 6, Issue: 14, Impact Factor: 0.84    (External URL)
12. Asim A. Khan; Anthony K. Brown (2010), "Wideband Scanning Small Linear Arrays in Presence of Mutual Coupling", IET Electronics Letters , pp: 270-271, Vol: 46, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 1.04    (External URL)
Conference Papers:
1. Iqra Asghar, Asim A. Khan, and Anthony K. Brown (2018) "Multistatic Holographic Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection", 48th European Microwave Week (EuRAD)   
2. Syed Daniyal A. Shah and Asim A. Khan (2016) "Microwave Transceiver Prototype for Under Debris Search and Rescue Operations,", 19th International Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC), pp: 1-7   
3. Mazhar Uddin, Asim A. Khan and Zeeshan Ellahi (2015) " Di?erent Types of Millimeter Wave Antenna Designs for Imaging Applications", International Multi Topic Conference (IMTIC), pp: 192-199, Standard: 978-969- 8680-32-9   
4. M. Ahmad, M. Amin, Asim A. Khan, M.T. Azim and M.A. Alim (2015) "Analysis of Circular Polarization of the Quadri?lar Helix Antenna in the presence of Ground Plane for LEO Satellites", European Radar Conference (EuRAD), pp: 521-524   
5. Usman Ahmed, Asim A. Khan, Muhammad Ahmad and Muhammad Nadeem (2015) "Design and Analysis of Metamaterial based Power Divider/Combiner for Microwave Applications", 12th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology, pp: 582-587    (External URL)
6. M. Ahmad, M. Amin and Asim A. Khan (2015) "Effect of Ground Plane on the Input Impedance of Quadri?lar Helix Antenna", 12th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology, pp: 574-578    (External URL)
7. M. Ahmad, M. Amin and Asim A. Khan (2015) "Variations in Input Characteristics of Quadri?lar Helix Antenna Due to Finite Metallic Plain Structures", Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, Loughborough, pp: 1-5   
8. Asim A. Khan and Anthony K. Brown (2013) "Null Synthesis in Irregularly Spaced Sparse Antenna Arrays", IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology, pp: 564 - 566    (External URL)
9. Asim Ali Khan and Anthony Keith Brown (2012) "Sidelobe Level Reduction and Radio Frequency Interference Rejection in Large Sub-Arrayed Antenna Arrays", Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference   
10. M. S. Saleem; I. Sultan; Asim A. Khan (2009) "Analytical Kinematics Framework for the Control of a Parallel Manipulator", 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pp: 280-286   
11. Asim A. Khan and Anthony K. Brown (2009) "Difference Pattern Synthesis using a Particle Swarm Optimiser", Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, pp: 329-332   
12. Asim A. Khan and A. K. Brown (2009) "Sidelobe Improvement in Small Arrays using Z-plane Transform and Particle Swarm Optimiser", 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, pp: 3011-3013   
13. Asim A. Khan and Robin Sloan (2008) "X-Band Substrate Integrated Waveguide Power Combiner-Divider", MIKON Conference, pp: 676-679, Vol: 1 & 2   


Ph.D. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Sep 2007 to May 2011
MSc Communication Engineering
University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Sep 2006 to Sep 2007
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Jan 2000 to Dec 2003


Associate Professor
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Apr 2022 to Date
Assistant Professor
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
May 2011 to Apr 2022
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Aug 2005 to Sep 2006
Research Assistant
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
May 2004 to Aug 2005

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