Dr. Hafiz Zahid Mahmood
Associate Professor, Economics
Area of Interest: development Economics/HRM
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007   (117)
HEC approved PhD Supervisor
Completed his Ph.D from Development Planning and Project Management Institute, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, in 2009. He has expertise in project evaluation. He has been working for different international organisations' (World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Japan Bank for International Co-operation) funded projects from 2001-2004. In addition, currently, he is running a number of research projects (i.e. 3 projects as Principle Investigator and 3 as Co-Principle Investigator) funded by international and national donors. Moreover, he is author of 2 books, successfully co-supervised a PhD student of Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. He is also one of the Pioneer members of "Isaar foundation" working in Health and Education for the welfare of migrants and especially Asian and Pakistani Communities in Berlin, Germany. He is also member board of directors of Islamic Micro-finance Network (IMFN) and Incharge Centre of Excellecne for Research in Management Sciences (CERM) at CIIT, Lahore.


1. Fatima, M and Mahmood, H . Z (2013), "“Islamic Micro-finance: An Innovative tool to Poverty Alleviation”", published by: Lambert Academic Publishers, Standard: ISBN-10: 3659427330   
2. Mahmood,H,Z (2010), "Accounting for land: Resource Distribution and Productivity Analysis within Pakistan's Agriculture", published by: VDM book Verlag-Germany, Standard: ISBN: 978-3-639-23754-2   
Journal Papers:
1. Amir Riaz, Zahid Mhmood, Ahmad Qamar, Imran Ali (2024), "How important is a high-performance work system to improve branch-level performance?", International Journal of Organizational Analysis    (External URL)
2. Muhammad Khan, Kashif Muhmood, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Imran Hameed Khaliq and Shakila Zaman (2024), "The health and economic burden of dust pollution in the textile industry of Faisalabad, Pakistan", Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s42506-024-00150-2    (External URL)
3. Mehreen Fatima, Amir Riaz, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood (2022), "What’s in it for me? Compliance toward Change comes with Personal Valence ", Academic Journal of Social Sciences (AJSS) , Vol: 6    (External URL)
4. Rafi A Din, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Faisal Abbas, Muhammad Muzammil, Ramesh Kumar and Sathirakorn Pongpanich (2022), "Association of breast feeding and birth interval with child mortality in Pakistan: a cross-sectional study using nationally representative Demographic and Health Survey data. ", BMJ Open, Vol: 12, Issue: 1    (External URL)
5. Wajiha Manzoor, Nabeel Safdar, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood (2021), "Research on Economic Development of BRIC Countries Concerning Globalisation, Trade and FDI ", Indian Journal of Economics and Business, pp: 1675-1689, Vol: 20, Issue: 2    (External URL)
6. Rai Amir-ud-Din, Haiz Zahid Mahmood, Faisal Abbas, Verda Salman, Sameen Zafar (2021), "Leaving studies because of lack of interest: an analysis of the risk factors of school dropouts in Pakistan", Quality & Quantity, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-021-01266-9   
7. Ghulam Abbas, Akhter Ali , Muhammad Khan, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Sazali Abdul Wahab, Rai Amir-ud-Din (2021), "he Transition from Arid Farming Systems to Agroforestry Systems in Pakistan: A Comparison of Monetary Returns", Small-scale Forestry, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11842-020-09470-5    
8. Wajiha Manzoor, Nabeel Safdar ,Hafiz Zahid Mahmood (2021), "A gravity model analysis of international migration from BRIC to OECD countries using Poisson Pseudo-maximum likelihood Approach", Heliyon, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e07357   
10. Summaira Malik, Imran Hameed Khaliq , Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Shiza Khaqan , Yaseen Abdullah, Nadia Rasheed, Shakila Zaman (2020), "Self-management practices among type 2 diabetes patients attending physicians and pharmacists: An exploratory study from Lahore, Pakistan", Ethiop. J. Health Dev   
11. Aiza Hussain Rana , Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Amir Riaz, Anam Ameen, Rabia Gul (2020), "IS ORGANIZATIONAL POLITICS DEVASTATING FOR FAVOURABLE EMPLOYEE OUTCOMES?", Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online,   
12. Aiza Hussain Rana , Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Rabia Gul, Amir Riaz, (2020), "IS ORGANIZATIONAL POLITICS DESTROYING ORGANIZATIONAL IDENTIFICATION? USING THE LENS OF TRSUT AS MODERATOR ", Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online   
13. Mehreen Fatima, Amir Riaz, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood (2020), "Linking Employees’ Change-Related Self-Efficacy, Change Readiness and Commitment to Change", Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences   
14. Muhammad Khan , Kashif Mehmood , Shumaila Noureen , Hafiz Zahid Mahmood & Rafi Amir-ud-Din (2020), "Epidemiology of respiratory diseases and associated factors among female textile workers in Pakistan", International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2020.1751973, Impact Factor: 1.37   
15. Hafiz. Zahid. Mahmood , A. Ali, D. B. Rahut, B. Pervaiz and F. Siddiqui (2020), "LINKING LAND DISTRIBUTION WITH FOOD SECURITY: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM PAKISTAN", The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences,, Impact Factor: 0.5   
16. Rafi Amir-ud-Din, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Sajid Amin Javed and Muhammad Usman (2019), "Divisive and inegalitarian? Economic and social outcomes of public, private, and faith-based education in Pakistan ", Pakistan Journal of Economic Studies   
17. Imran Hameed Khaliq, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Nusrat Manzoor , Farhan Hameed Khaliq, Khadija Asim, Yaseen Abdullah, Itzaz Aslam , and Shakila Zaman (2019), "Self-care Practices of Type 2 Diabetes Patients by Socio-demographic and Clinical Factors: An Ordered Probit Model", Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences, DOI: 10.18502/sjms.v14i4.5901   
18. 2. Imran Hameed Khaliq, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Shakila Zaman and Khalid Massof Gondal (2019), "Pathways to care for patients in Pakistan experiencing signs or symptoms of breast cancer", The Breast, Vol: 46, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 3.4    (External URL)
19. Muhamamd Khan, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, ......... (2019), "The health burden of malaria and household choices regarding treatment and prevention in Pakistan", Tropical Biomedicine, pp: 664–676 , Vol: 36, Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 0.76    (External URL)
20. Imran Hameed Khaliq, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Naveed Akhter, Muhammad Danish Sarfraz, Khadija Asim, Khalid Masood Gondal (2018), "Comparison of two public sector tertiary care hospitals' management in reducing direct medical cost burden on breast carcino", JBUON, pp: 143-149, Vol: 25, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.3   
21. NAZIMA ELLAHI, ADIQA KIANI, HAFIZ ZAHID MEHMOOD AND ZAIB MAROOF (2018), "Food Inflation and Poverty Nexus: An Empirical Ascertainment ", Research Journal Social Sciences, pp: 63-72, Vol: 7, Issue: 1   
22. Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Imran Hameed Khaliq, Zafar Iqbal Bhatti, Kimberly J. Wilson , Khalid Masood Gondal, Summaira Malik 1 , Shakila Zaman (2018), "Household costs of breast cancer morbidity: An empirical assessment from Pakistan ", JBUON, pp: 528-533, Vol: 23, Issue: 1   
23. Imran Hameed Khaliq, Farhan Hameed Khaliq, Yaseen Abdullah , Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Muhammad Danish Sarfraz, Saeed Ahmad, Shakila Zaman (2018), "Students’ perceptions of the role of pharmacists in the healthcare system in Lahore, Pakistan ", Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research , pp: 687-693, Vol: 17, Issue: 4   
24. Muhammad Khan Hafiz Zahid Mahmood Ghulam Abbas Christos A. Damalas (2017), "Agroforestry Systems as Alternative Land-Use Options in the Arid Zone of Thal, Pakistan", Small-scale Forestry   
25. M. I. U. Husnain, M. Khan and H. Z. Mahmood (2017), "AN ASSESSMENT OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BENEFITS OF ORGANIC FARMING IN PAKISTAN", The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences   
26. Amir Riaz and Hafiz Zahid Mahmood (2017), "Cross-Level Relationship of Implemented High Performance Work System and Employee Service Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Affective Commitment", Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences   
27. Imran Hameed Khaliq, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Summaira Malik, Malik Jahangir Jan, Asif Zameer (2017), "Exploring switching factors for mobile number portability: A survey", International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences   
28. Sana Iftikhar and Hafiz Zahid Mahmood (2017), "Human capital development and food security nexus: An empirical appraisal from districts of Punjab province", Journal of Food and Drug Res, Vol: 5, Issue: 18-24   
29. Hafiz Zahid Mahmood, Kausar Abbas and Mehreen Fatima (2017) (2017), "Islamic Microfinance and household welfare nexus: empirical investigation from Pakistan", Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research   
30. Sana Iftikhar and Hafiz Zahid Mahmood (2017), "Ranking and relationship of agricultural credit with food security: A district level analysis", Cogent Food & Agriculture, Vol: https://doi.org/10.1080/23311932.2017.1333242   
31. Sana Iftikhar and Hafiz Zahid Mahmood (2017), "Spatial Distribution of Agricultural Resources and Food Security: A case of Punjab Pakistan", Cogent Food & Agriculture, pp: 1-26   
32. Mahmood, H. Z., Abbas, K and Fatima, M (2016) (2016), "Does Islamic microfinance go beyond the self-employability? An appraisal from Lahore, Pakistan.", “Journal of Creating Value”    
33. Mahmood, H. Z., Iftikhar, S., and Saboor, A (2015), "Agriculture Land Resources and Food Security Nexus in Punjab, Pakistan: An Empirical Ascertainment.", and Agricultural Immunology    
34. Husnain, I., Haider, A., Salman, A., Mahmood, H. Z., Khan, M and Shaheen, F (2015), "An Econometric Analysis of the Statistical Relationship between Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Infant Mortality in South Asia.", Journal of Scientific Research & Reports.    
35. Muhammad Qasim, Sonila Hassan, Arshed Bashir, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood and Mahmood Nasir (2015), "Analyzing Production Potential of Selected Food and Legume Crops for Food Security in Pakistan’s Punjab.", Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research   
36. Saeed, R., Rehman, S., Qasim, Mahmood, H. Z., and Mehmood, I (2015), "Economics of Peri-Urban Radish Production and Marketing in Faisalabad.", Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research    
37. Mahmood, H.Z., Fatima, M and Khan. M (2015), "Islamic Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation. An empirical Assessment from Pakistan.", Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance    
38. Khan, M., Mahmood, H. Z and Damalas, C. Z (2015), "Pesticide use and risk perceptions among farmers in the cotton belt of Punjab, Pakistan", Crop Protection, pp: 184-1890, Vol: 67, Impact Factor: 1.5   
39. Mahmood, H. Z., Khan, M., Husnain, M.I.U and Iftikhar, S (2014), "“Education Infrastructure, Literacy and Food Security Matrix in Pakistani Punjab: A District Level Analysis”", Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications, pp: 253-265, Vol: 2   
40. Mahmood, H. Z., Khan, R., Khan. M (2014), "“Efficiency Analysis of Conventional vs Islamic Micro-finance: An Appraisal for Sustainability in Pakistan "", “International Journal of Empirical Finance”, pp: 192-201, Vol: , Vol. 3, , Issue: No. 4   
41. Imtiaz, A,. Mahmood, H. Z,. Waqar, A., and Irfan, M (2014), "“Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of District Faisalabad”", “Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol: 5   
42. Mahmood, H. Z., Iftikhar, S., Khan, M and Nisa, F (2014), "“Irrigation and Food Security: A Quest for Distribution, Ranking and Relationships in the districts of the Punjab Province, Pakistan”", Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, pp: 11-25, Vol: 3   
43. Mahmood, H. Z., Qasim, M., Khan, M and Husnain, M.I.U (2014), "“Re-Examining the Inverse Relationship Between Farm Size and Productivity In Pakistan”", “The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences , pp: 1537-1546, Vol: 24   
44. Mahmood, H. Z., Hussain, I., Iftikhar, S., Khan, M and Nisa, F (2014), "“Role of Livestock in Food Security: An Ascertainment from Punjab Pakistan”", International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences”, pp: 2222-6990, Vol: Vol. 4    
45. Khan, M., Mahamood, H. Z., Akhtar, S and Mahmood, K (2014), "“Understanding Employment Situation of Women: A District Level Analysis”", International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, pp: 167-175, Vol: 2   
46. Khan, M., Mahmood, H. Z and Mahmood, K (2013), "“Analysing Skills, Education and Wages in Faisalabad: Implications for Labour Market”", “Procedia Economics and Finance” , Vol: 5   
47. Khan, M., Husnain, M, I, U., Mahmood, H,Z and Akram, W (2013), "“Understanding Pesticide use safety dicisions: Application of Health Behaviour Theory”", American Eurasian Journal of Agriculture and environmental Sciences , Vol: 13   
48. Ellahi,N.,Mahmood,H.Z.,Ahmad,M., (2011), "ANALYZING EMPIRICAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRADE OPENNESS, INDUSTRIAL VALUE ADDED AND ECONOMIC GROWTH:", Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business , Vol: 3, Issue: 1, Standard: 2073 7122   
49. Illahe.N, Mahmood.H.Z (2011), "Testing the Joint Impact of Foreign Aid and Foreign Direct Investment on overtime Economic Growth of Pakistan- Paper accepted for Publication", South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies   
50. Hassan, S., Ali, A., Hassan.I and Mahmood, H. Z (2001), "“An economic appraisal of structural changes in land holdings in Punjab"", Pakistan journal of applied sciences, Vol: 2   
Conference Papers:
1. Hafiz Zahid Mahmood and Atiq Amjad (2017) "IMPACT OF FINANCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH BAI SALAM ON AGRO-PRODUCTION BUSINESS; A CASE OF FAISALABAD, PAKISTAN", 2nd Global Forum on Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking (IEFB), 2017    
2. Hafiz Zahid Mahmood and Atiq Amjad (2016) "“Bai Salam and Agro-Production Business Nexus: A Case of Wheat Producing Farmers In Faisalabad, Pakistan”. ", “Islamic Finance, Banking & Business Ethics Global Conference   
3. Mahmood, H. Z and Irfan Safdar (2016) "“Qarz E Hassan and Social Welfare Nexus: A Case of Akhuwat Foundation, Pakistan”", Islamic Finance, Banking & Business Ethics Global Conference   
4. 3- Mahmood, H. Z and Siddiqui, F (2015) "“Distribution, Ranking and Relationship of Land Resources and Food Security: An Empirical Appraisal from Pakistan”. ", 7th South Asia International Conference on Meeting the Challenge: Navigating the Future   
5. hafiz Zahid Mahmood (2012) "Islamic Microfinance and poverty Alleviation: A case of study of Akhuwat Foundation", 1st Global Forum on Islamic Finance (GFIF)   
6. Mahmood,H.Z (2009) "Economic analysis of farm productivity within various farming systems in a scenario of diverse land distribution level: A case study from Pakistan”. ", 2nd International Seminar on “land Resources and Land Use Options - Challenges for Food Security and Sustainable Development” held in Gottingen on July 14-16 2009 organized by “International Foundation for Sustainable Development in Africa and Asia” (IFSDAA).    


Development Planning and Project Management Institute, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Oct 2004 to Jul 2009


Head, Dept. of Economics (Associate Professor)
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Aug 2018 to Date
Associate Professor
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Dec 2015 to Date
Assistant Professor
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore
Feb 2011 to Dec 2015
Assistant Professor
Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
Oct 2009 to Feb 2011
Research Associate
Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Jul 2004 to Jul 2009
Staff Economist
Punjab Economic Research Institute-Lahore
Jun 2003 to Feb 2004
Staff Economist
Punjab Economic Research Institute-Lahore
Jun 2003 to Feb 2004
Pacific Consultants International (Japan)
Mar 2003 to Jun 2003
Junior Researcher and Researcher
International Water Institute (IWMI)
Jun 2001 to Dec 2002

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