Mr. Zeeshan Rashid
Lecturer, Chemical Engineering
Area of Interest: Quantum Chemical Modeling, Computational Chemistry, COSMO-RS, Thermodynamics, Ionic Liquids, Separation Processes, Membrane Bioreactor, Response Surface Methodology, Process Simulation.
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  


Journal Papers:
1. Amir Sada Khan, Taleb Hassan Ibrahim, Zeeshan Rashid, Mustafa I Khamis, Paul Nancarrow, Nabil Abdel Jabbar (2021), "COSMO-RS based screening of ionic liquids for extraction of phenolic compounds from aqueous media", Journal of Molecular Liquids, pp: 115387, Vol: 328, DOI:    (External URL)
2. Zeeshan Rashid, Cecilia Devi Wilfred, Regupathi Iyyaswami, Arunagiri Appusamy, Murugesan Thanabalan (2019), "Investigating the solubility of petroleum asphaltene in ionic liquids and their interaction using COSMO-RS", Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, pp: 194-203, Vol: 79, DOI:    (External URL)
3. Zeeshan Rashid, Cecilia Devi Wilfred, Nirmala Gnanasundaram, Appusamy Arunagiri, Thanabalan Murugesan (2019), "A comprehensive review on the recent advances on the petroleum asphaltene aggregation", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, pp: 249-268, Vol: 176, DOI:    (External URL)
4. Sabahat Sardar, Cecilia Devi Wilfred, Asad Mumtaz, Zeeshan Rashid, Jean-Marc Leveque (2018), "Synthesis, thermophysical properties, Hammett acidity and COSMO-RS study of camphorsulfonate-based Brönsted acidic ionic liquids", Journal of Molecular Liquids, pp: 621-630, Vol: 271, DOI:    (External URL)
5. Zeeshan Rashid, Cecilia Devi Wilfred, Nirmala Gnanasundaram, Appusamy Arunagiri, Thanabalan Murugesan (2018), "Screening of ionic liquids as green oilfield solvents for the potential removal of asphaltene from simulated oil: COSMO-RS model approach", Journal of Molecular Liquids, pp: 492-503, Vol: 255, DOI:    (External URL)
6. Zeeshan Rashid, Cecilia Devi Wilfredand, Thanabalan Murugesan (2017), "Effect of hydrophobic ionic liquids on petroleum asphaltene dispersion and determination using UV-visible spectroscopy", AIP Conference Proceedings, pp: 020118, Vol: 1891, Issue: 1, DOI:    (External URL)
7. Zeeshan Rashid, Cecilia Devi Wilfred, Thanapalan Murugesan (2016), "Asphaltene Separation with Designer Solvents for the Deasphaltenes Process-A Quantum Chemical Approach", Procedia engineering, pp: 268-274, Vol: 148, DOI:    (External URL)
Conference Papers:
1. Zeeshan Rashid, Cecilia Devi Wilfred, Thanapalan Murugesan (2017) "Effect of hydrophobic ionic liquids on petroleum asphaltene dispersion and determination using UV-visible spectroscopy", AIP Conference Proceedings, DOI:    (External URL)
2. Zeeshan Rashid, Cecilia Devi Wilfred, Thanapalan Murugesan (2016) "Asphaltene Separation with Designer Solvents for the Deasphaltenes Process-A Quantum Chemical Approach", Procedia Engineering    (External URL)


M.Sc Process Engineering and Management
Teesside University, UK
Sep 2007 to Oct 2008
B.Sc Chemical Engineering (Polymer)
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Jan 2003 to Dec 2006


COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Oct 2010 to Date
Process Design Engineer
Aker Solution
Jan 2009 to Dec 2009
Process Engineer (M.Sc project)
KHomes International, UK
May 2008 to Oct 2008

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