Dr. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam
Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering
Area of Interest: Wireless Communication, Wireless Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Radio Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Navigation, Electrical and Electronic Circuits, Smart Grid, Information and Embedded Systems Security
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  

Email: fazam@cuilahore.edu.pk

Twitter: @mfarooqiazam

Video Lectures: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJXfaN1-qLjasLISkKqhBOw

Dr. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam did his B.Sc. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore (Taxila and Lahore campuses respectively). He also earned an M.Sc. in Computer Science from PUCIT, the University of the Punjab. He later did his PhD from the Lancaster University, United Kingdom. Dr. Farooq has worked in the areas of communication systems, wireless networks, cognitive radio, localization and navigation and allied fields. In addition, he has been interested in computers, programming and operating systems throughout his professional career. He has experience to manage and administer computer networks running diverse operating systems including VMS, FreeBSD, System V Unix, Solaris, Linux and Microsoft Windows. He has contributed programming code to the open source project ipgrab, which is a packet sniffer tool distributed with Debian Linux. Dr. Farooq has experience of working in both industry and academia. He has managed and completed a number of industrial projects including power sector as part of his industrial job experience. He is also a member of the IEEE.

Research Grant

  • Integrated and multidisciplinary investigation and early warning of high risk landslides using space, air and ground based remote sensing in collaboration with University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Rs. 11.787 Million
  • Electronic voting machine
  • Temperature profiling of an electric grid using unmanned aerial vehicle
  • Front wheel electric powered hybrid motor bike

Research Interests

  • Wireless Communication
  • Wireless Networks
  • Cognitive Radio Networks
  • Wireless sensor networks
  • Internet of things
  • Cellular communication networks
  • Network Navigation and Localization
  • Electrical and electronic circuits
  • Information and communication security
  • Smart grid
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Neural networks
  • Electric vehicles

Research Group

Technical Program Committee


Ripple Localization Algorithm

Source code of ripple localization algorithm (RLA) is available at:



I am also part of an international open source packet sniffer project. Ipgrab is an open source packet sniffer originally authored by Mike Borella. IPGRAB can decode a large number of protocols and can sniff packets in promiscuous mode. It is distributed with Debian Linux. You can visit the project page here:



I have organized a security event, which was first of its kind in Lahore, Pakistan.



Funded Projects:

Current Projects:
1. Integrated and Multidisciplinary Investigations and Early Warning of High-Risk Landslides Using Space, Air and Ground-Based Remote Sensing (2022 - 2024) PIs: Dr. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Budget: 14 Million, Funded By: NCGSA .
Completed Projects:
1. Front wheel electric powered hybrid motor bike (2021 - 2022) PIs: Dr. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Budget: 75,000, Funded By: Ignite - National Technology Fund .
2. Temperature profiling of an electric grid using unmanned aerial vehicle (2021 - 2022) PIs: Dr. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Budget: 75,000, Funded By: Ignite - National Technology Fund .
3. Electronic voting machine (2018 - 2019) PIs: Dr. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Budget: 20,000, Funded By: COMSATS University Islamabad .


Book Chapters:
1. Farooq-i-Azam, M., Ayyaz, M. N. (2012), "Location and Position Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks", Wireless Sensor Networks: Current Status and Future Trends, edited by: Shafiullah Khan, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, and Nabil A. Alrajeh, published by: Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, pp: 179-214, Standard: ISBN10: 1466506067, ISBN13: 978-1466506060    (External URL)
2. Farooq-i-Azam, M., Ayyaz, M. N. (2011), "Embedded Systems Security", Cyber Security Standards, Practices and Industrial Applications: Systems and Methodologies, edited by: Junaid Ahmed Zubairi and Athar Mahboob, published by: IGI Global Publishers, USA, pp: 179-198, Standard: ISBN13: 9781609608514, ISBN10: 1609608518    (External URL)
Journal Papers:
1. M. U Iqbal, S. Akhtar, E. A. Ansari, , M. N. Rafiq, M. Farooq-i-Azam , M Ahmad (2024), "Deep Learning-Driven Wildfire Detection: A Hybrid Framework Integrating Multi-Source Data and Ensemble Learning", Pakistan Journal of Scientific Research, pp: 1-5, Vol: 71, Issue: 3    (External URL)
2. Muhammad Owais Tariq, Shafaat Ahmed Bazaz, Rana Iqtidar Shakoor, Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Zeashan Hameed Khan, Arfan Ghani (2024), "Design of a MEMS-Based Low Stiffness Accelerometer for Measuring Gravitational Anomalies", Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, Vol: 12, Issue: 6, DOI: 10.1007/s42417-024-01526-6, Impact Factor: 2.2    (External URL)
3. Adeel Ashraf, Tareq Manzoor, Shaukat Iqbal, Tauseef Anwar, Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Zeashan Khan, Habib Ullah Manzoor (2024), "Magnetic micro-fluidics in 3D microchannel at the micro-scale: Unlocking nano-porous electrode potential for lithium-ion micro-batteries", Energy Storage, Vol: 6, Issue: 4, DOI: 10.1002/est2.662, Impact Factor: 3.2    (External URL)
4. Arif Husen, Muhammad Hasanain Chaudary, Farooq Ahmad, Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Chan Hwang See, Arfan Ghani (2023), "Swarm intelligence-based packet scheduling for future intelligent networks", PeerJ Computer Science, Impact Factor: 3.8    (External URL)
5. Abdullah A. Al-Atawi, Saleh Alyahyan, Mohammed Naif Alatawi, Tariq Sadad, Tareq Manzoor, Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam and Zeashan Hameed Khan (2023), "Stress monitoring using machine learning, IoT and wearable sensors", Sensors, Vol: 23, Issue: 21, Impact Factor: 3.9    (External URL)
6. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Zeashan Hameed Khan, Arfan Ghani and Asif Siddiq (2023), "An Investigation of the Transient Response of an RC Circuit with an Unknown Capacitance Value Using Probability Theory", Symmetry, Vol: 15, Issue: 7, Impact Factor: 2.7    (External URL)
7. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Asif Siddiq, and Muhammad Usman Iqbal (2023), "Probability distribution of transient response of an electric circuit", Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Technology, pp: 1-8, Vol: 6, Issue: 2   
8. Rameez Asif, Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Muhammad Hasanain Chaudary, Arif Husen, and Syed Raheel Hassan, (2023), "A distance vector hop-based secure and robust localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks", Electronics, Vol: 12, Issue: 10, Impact Factor: 2.690    (External URL)
9. Rabia Arshad, Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Raheel Muzzammel, Arfan Ghani, and Chan Hwang See (2023), "Energy efficiency and throughput optimization in 5G heterogeneous networks", Electronics, Vol: 12, Issue: 9, Impact Factor: 2.690    (External URL)
10. Muhammad Usman Iqbal, Ejaz A. Ansari, Saleem Akhtar, Muhammad Farooq-I-Azam, Syed Raheel Hassan, and Rameez Asif, (2023), "Optimal learning paradigm and clustering for effective radio resource management in 5G HetNets", IEEE Access, pp: 41264-41280, Vol: 11, Impact Factor: 3.476    (External URL)
11. Muhammad Usman Iqbal, Ejaz A. Ansari, Saleem Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem Rafiq, Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, and Beenish Hassan (2023), "Hybrid Learning based Radio Resource Management in 5G Heterogeneous Networks", Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Technology, pp: 92-97, Vol: 6, Issue: 1    (External URL)
12. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Zeashan Hameed Khan, Syed Raheel Hassan, and Rameez Asif, (2022), "Probabilistic analysis of an RL circuit transient response under inductor failure conditions", Electronics, Vol: 11, Issue: 23, Impact Factor: 2.690    (External URL)
13. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam and Muhammad Omar Farooq (2022), "Probability model of the exponentially rising transient response of a failed RC circuit", Engineering Failure Analysis, pp: 106770, Vol: 142, Impact Factor: 3.634    (External URL)
14. . Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Qiang Ni, Mianxiong Dong, Haris Pervaiz, Charilaos Zarakovitis, and Fawaz Alsolami, (2022), "Interference avoidance in cognitive radio networks using cooperative localization", IEEE Systems Journal, pp: 5120–5130, Vol: 16, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 4.802    (External URL)
15. Muhammad Amjad, Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Qiang Ni, Mianxiong Dong, and E. A. Ansari, (2022), "Wireless charging systems for electric vehicles", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, pp: 112730, Vol: 167, Impact Factor: 16.799    (External URL)
16. Muhammad Farooq-I-Azam, Qiang Ni, Ejaz Anasri (2016), "Intelligent Energy Efficient Localization Using Variable Range Beacons in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, pp: 2206-2216, Vol: 12, Issue: 6, ISSN: 1551-3203, Impact Factor: 6.764    (External URL)
17. Farooq-i-Azam, M., Ayyaz, M.N., Akhtar, S. (2013), "Connectivity Based Technique for Localization of Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), Impact Factor: 0.244    (External URL)
Conference Papers:
1. Romil Imtiaz, Muhammad Waqar Mirza, Asif Siddiq, Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Ishtiaq Rasool Khan, Susanto Rahardja (2023) "Brain tumor segmentation from MR images using customized U-net for a smaller dataset", 2023 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Toronto, Canada    (External URL)
2. M. Farooq-i-Azam, Q. Ni, M. Dong, and H. B. Pervaiz, (2021) "Cooperative localization based interference avoidance in cognitive radio networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), pp: 1-6    (External URL)
3. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Qiang Ni, Mianxiong Dong (2020) "Extreme Values of Trilateration Localization Error in Wireless Communication Systems", 2020 IEEE 31st Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC), pp: 1-6    (External URL)
4. M. Farooq-I-Azam, Q. Ni and M. Dong (2019) "An Analytical Model of Trilateration Localization Error", 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), pp: 1-6    (External URL)
5. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Wenjuan Yu, Qiang Ni, Mianxiong Dong and Atta ul Quddus (2018) "Location Assisted Subcarrier and Power Allocation in Underlay Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks", IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, pp: 1-6    (External URL)
6. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Qiang Ni, Ejaz Ansari, Haris Pervaiz (2015) "Energy-Efficient Location Estimation Using Variable Range Beacons in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pp: 1074-1079, Standard: 978-1-5090-0154-5    (External URL)
7. M.S. Raheel, M. R. Asfi, Farooq-i-Azam, M., H. R. Shaukat, J. Shafaqat (2011) "Wireless Authentication System for Barcode Scanning Using Infrared Communication Technique", International Conference on Computer Control and Automation, ICCCA 2011, South Korea, Standard: 978-1-4244-9767-6     (External URL)
8. Farooq-i-Azam, M., Ayyaz, M. N. (2010) "Parameters Differentiating the Characteristics and Security of Military Information Systems", National Conference on Information Assurance, Military College of Signals, NUST, Islamabad, Vol: 1, Issue: 1    (External URL)
9. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2009) "Learning Assembly Language and Exploring Intel Processors Using Debug", Seminar on Assembly Language, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore   
10. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2008) "A Case of Free and Open Source Software for Pakistan and the World", National COMSATS Open Source Technologies Workshop (NoCOST), Abbottabad    (External URL)
11. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2008) "Bugs in the Hardware: Exploiting flaws in the embedded systems", CIIT Workshop on Research in Computing (CWRC), Lahore    (External URL)
12. Farooq-i-Azam, M (2006) "A Comparison of Existing Ethernet Frame Specifications", Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering (ISE’06), Lahore, Pakistan    (External URL)
13. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2006) "ARP Games - Playing Man in the Middle or Knocking off with DoS", Conference on Hacking and Security (CHASE), Lahore    (External URL)
14. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2006) "Manipulating ARP to Attack Hosts in a Local Area Network", International Conference on Software Engineering (ISE), Lahore    (External URL)
15. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2005) "Open Source Software and Movement - Relevance to Pakistan", Seminar on Open Source Software, Lahore    (External URL)
16. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2005) "Packet Sniffers: Development and deployment scenarios", Seminar on Packet Sniffers, Lahore    (External URL)
17. Farooq-i-Azam, M. (2005) "Role of Free and Open Source Software in Computer and Internet Security", Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Trends and Practices of Free and Open Source Software Technologies (TPFOSST), Lahore, Pakistan    (External URL)


PhD (Communication Systems)
Lancaster University, United Kingdom
M.Sc. Electrical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
M.Sc. Computer Science
PUCIT, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore (Taxila), Pakistan


Assistant Professor
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
2004 to Date
The University of Lahore
2002 to 2004
Senior Project Engineer
Allied Engineering & Services Ltd.
1996 to 2002
Assistant Engineer
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
1992 to 1996

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