Mr. Muhammad Babar Ali
Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering
Area of Interest: Smart Grid Communication, Internet of Things (IoT), Low Power Wireless Networks, Sensor Networks, Propagation Modelling, Data Networks, Fullstack Web Development
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  

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Brief Introduction: ORCID iD icon

Dr Engr Muhammad Babar Ali is faculty member at Department of Electrical and Computer Engieering, CUI (Lahore Campus). Mr. Ali has been involded in following activities during his service at CUI.

Course Teachings:

[Now] Web Technologies GitHub icon

[Earlier] Programming in C/C++, OOP in Java, Web Technologies, Electric Circuits Analysis, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Computer Architecture, VLSI Design, System Programming, Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing, Advanced Digital Logic Design, Digital Systems Design, Electronics, Principles of Communication Systems

Allied Responsibilities:

[Now] Member of Self Assesment Report Committee

[Earlier] Counseling/ advising undergraduate students in academic matters

[2012-2017] Correspondence with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for accreditation of undergraduate engineering programs and supervising IEEE student branch activities

Undergraduate Final Year Projects:

[S] Supervised, [A] Assisted:

GPS Guided Search and Inspection Rover [S], Testbed for Network Monitoring of WSNs [S], Smart Band for Medical Applications using Sensor Networks [A], Java based Circuit Analysis Tool (JCAT) [S], Remote Monitoring System for Electricity Energy Meters [S], Simulation of Forest Fire Detection and Prevention Model using WSN [S], Implementation of MPLS Traffic Engineering over IPv6 in OPNET [S], MPLS Traffic Engineering [S], Design and Implementation of MPLS based VPNs [S]


Journal Papers:
1. Muhammad Babar Ali; Wolfgang Endemann; Rüdiger Kays (2022), "Propagation loss model for neighborhood area networks in smart grids", Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol: 24, Issue: 3, DOI: 10.23919/JCN.2022.000017, Impact Factor: 2.9    (External URL)
2. Bilal Hasani, Saima Zafar, Ali Hammad Akbar, Babar Ali Magsi (2013), "Collaborative routing and data delivery architecture for commercial wireless sensor networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2013, Vol: 2013, ISSN: 1687-1499, DOI: 10.1186/1687-1499-2013-54, Impact Factor: 2.3    (External URL)


Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.)
Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany
Master of Science in Computer Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan


Assistant Professor
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Jul 2014 to Date
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Aug 2006 to Jun 2014

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