Dr. Rizwan Raza
Tenured Professor, Physics
Area of Interest: Energy Technology (Fuel Cells, Batteries), Renewable Energy, Climate Change, Nanotechnology
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007   (101)
HEC approved PhD Supervisor

Dr. Rizwan Raza completed Ph.D. in Energy Technology with a specialization in Fuel Cell Technology from the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden. Dr. Raza has 16 years of experience in Energy research and teaching. Raza has published more than 200 international journal papers, delivered 60 Invited Talks and presented 30 conference papers with total impact factor 1500, h-Index-45 and the total number of citations about 6500 (source: Google Scholar). He has also edited 02 books and 10 book chapters. After completion of Ph.D. work, Dr. Raza has also worked under the Swedish Research Council project, known as Energy researcher, He has been working on several multidisciplinary projects regarding “Energy conversion & Energy storage devices (Fuel cells, Solar cells, Batteries, Supercapacitor)” in a variety of applications, including distributed and stationary power, cogeneration, transportation, and small scale portable power applications.

Dr. Raza was the key member of the team who invented “New Energy Conversion Device” which is a simpler and more cost-effective replacement of traditional fuel cells. This mega achievement was reported in the world acclaimed journal “Nature Nanotechnology” in addition to many other scientific journals/media including Advanced Functional Materials and Swedish Magazine.

Currently, he is a Tenured Professor and Head of the department. He is also Head of the Clean Energy Research Group at COMSATS Institute with 10 members and graduate students in wide cooperation with surrounding university staff and researchers. At this moment, Dr. Raza has supervised 4 Ph.D. projects including one joint Ph.D. in KTH, Sweden. Moreover, Raza has supervised 10 MS/BS international students and 50 MS/BS students for national-level projects. Dr. Raza has also established a well-equipped Fuel cell research laboratory at COMSATS, Lahore. It is one of the earliest fuel cell research laboratories in Pakistan. The R&D activities of the laboratory are mainly focused on the engineering fundamentals of advanced materials, core components, system integration, and process control in the areas of fuel cells and solar cells. He has visited the USA, UK, Sweden, France, Portugal, Italy, Latvia, Finland, Poland, Netherland, Belgium, Spain, Singapore, Czech Republic, and China for conferences and Professional Societies’ meetings. He is the focal person to organize the International Conference “NanoSET-14 &NanoSET-2017” COMSATS.

Dr. Raza is member and fellow of societies including RSC (UK), ECS (USA), ISE (Switzerland), Advance MRS (Singapore), MRS(USA), American Nanosociety (USA), Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (UK), SFMT(Sweden), NANOCOFC (Sweden), WWE (Germany), PIPs (Pak.), and SCRET (Pak), etc. Dr. Raza is the Guest Editor of the Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. He has a research collaboration with international Universities including KTH (Sweden), Aalto University (Finland), Chalmers University (Sweden), Linkoping University, (Sweden),UCL (UK), Nigde University (Turkey), University of Minho (Portugal), Tianjin University (China).  He is also working as the reviewer of many international Journals e.g. JPS, IJHE, JNN, Ionics, Meccanica, IJER, ACS, and RSC, etc.


    • Pakistan Academy of Science, Gold Medal-                                                     PAS-2018
    • Best Researcher Award,                                                                                CUI, 2017
    • The first position as a Young Productive Scientists of Pakistan                          PCST- 2017
    • Research Productivity Award(RPA),Pakistan Council of Science and Technology  PCST-2012, 2013,2014,2015,2017
    • Travel Award NanoEnergy Conference                                                            Finland-2017
    • Research Productivity Awards, (RPA) (Every year)                                           CIIT-2011-2018
    • Commonwealth Early Career Research Award                                            UK-2016
    • Marquis Lifetime Award Winner -                                                                    2017,2018
    • Travel Award AFM                                                                                          USA-2015
    • Energy initiative day, 09th Nov.2011                                                               Sweden -2011
    • I2P ® Stockholm (Idea to product)                                                                  Winner I2P-2011
    • NANOSMAT Travel Scholarship Award (2000 Euro)                                             USA-2012
    • Who is Who in the world-2012- selected for special biography                              2012
    • HEC Travel Grants for Int. Conferences                                              2005, 2006, 2007, 2012, 2013, 2014,2017
    • Prize Poster competition (Cash award 20,000 SEK, about 2200 Euro):                   Sweden -
    • I2P ® Stockholm (Idea to product)                                                                    Winner
    • Best Performance Award: GETT Fuel cells Int. AB,                 &nb&

Funded Projects:

Current Projects:
1. Clean Energy from Biomass: Advanced nanocomposite fuel cells based on biogas fuel" (2019 - 2021) PIs: Dr. Rizwan Raza, Other Team: Prof Irshad Hussain (Co-PI)-LUMS, Dr. M Ashfaq Ahmed , Dr Ghazanfar Abbas , Dr M Ajmal Khan, Budget: PKR 4.37 Million PKR, Funded By: HEC, Pakistan .
2. Facile Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of novel nanomaterials for high performance of Supercapacitors (2018 - 2020) PIs: Dr. Rizwan Raza, Other Team: Dr. Nusrat Shaheen (PI) Dr. Rizwan Raza (Co-PI), Budget: PKR 0.5 Million, Funded By: HEC .
3. Development of materials for fuel cell applications (2017 - 2020) PIs: Dr. Rizwan Raza, Other Team: DR Naveed Kausar Janjua (PI). QAU Dr Rizwan Raza (Co-PI). COMSATS Dr Ghazanfar Abbas-COMSATS, Budget: PKR 8.07 Million, Funded By: HEC, Pakistan .
Completed Projects:
1. Development of durable & cost effective polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cells: A step forward to fuel cell commercialization (2017 - 2020) PIs: Dr. Rizwan Raza, Other Team: Dr SYED TAUQIR ALI SHERAZI (PI)-COMSATS Abt DR Rizwan Raza-(Co-PI)-COMSATS, Budget: PKR 4.78 Million, Funded By: HEC .
2. Development of Flexible Electrodes with conducting polymer nanocomposites for efficient high redox Supercapacitor Technology. (2014 - 2015) PIs: Dr. Rizwan Raza, Other Team: Dr Farah Alvi (PI) Dr Rizwan Raza (Co-PI), Budget: PKR 0.5 Million, Funded By: HEC .
3. Development of nanocomposite electrolytes and fundamental studies of interfacial phenomena in advanced fuel cell technology (2013 - 2015) PIs: Dr. Rizwan Raza, Other Team: Dr M Ashfaq Ahmed (Co-PI), Budget: PKR 0.5 million, Funded By: HEC, Pakistan .


1. Rizwan Raza et al. (2020), "Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From Electrolyte-Based to Electrolyte-Free Devices", edited by: Bin Zhu Rizwan Raza Liangdong Fan Chunwen Sun, published by: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, pp: 471, Standard: 9783527344116   
2. Rizwan Raza et al (2018), "Advanced Materials and their Applications: Micro to nano scale", edited by: Ishaq Ahmad, Paolo Di Sia, Rizwan Raza, published by: One central press, UK, pp: 337, Standard: 978-1-910086-21-6   
Book Chapters:
1. Amina Sarfraz, Asif Hassan Raza, Mojtaba Mirzaeian, Qaisar Abbas, Rizwan Raza (2020), "Electrode materials for fuel cells", Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, edited by: Abdul Olabi et al, published by: Elsevier BV    (External URL)
2. Yan Wu, Liangdong Fan, Naveed Mushtaq, Bin Zhu, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Sajid, Rizwan Raza, Jung-Sik Kim, Wen-Feng Lin, Peter D Lund (2020), "Electrolyte-Free Fuel Cell: Principles and Crosslink Research", Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From Electrolyte-Based to Electrolyte-Free Devices, edited by: Bin Zhu Rizwan Raza Liangdong Fan Chunwen Sun, published by: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, pp: 347-375, Standard: Print ISBN:9783527344116    (External URL)
3. Ghazanfar Abbas, Muhammad Ali Babar, Fida Hussain, Rizwan Raza (2020), "Energy System Integration and Future Perspectives", Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From Electrolyte-Based to Electrolyte-Free Devices, edited by: Bin Zhu Rizwan Raza Liangdong Fan Chunwen Sun, published by: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, pp: 447-464, Standard: 9783527344116     (External URL)
4. Muhammad Afzal, Mustafa Anwar, Muhammad I Asghar, Peter D Lund, Naveed Jhamat, Rizwan Raza, Bin Zhu (2020), "Muhammad Afzal, Mustafa Anwar, Muhammad I Asghar, Peter D Lund, Naveed Jhamat, Rizwan Raza, Bin Zhu", Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From Electrolyte-Based to Electrolyte-Free Devices, edited by: Bin Zhu Rizwan Raza Liangdong Fan Chunwen Sun, published by: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, pp: 319-346, Standard: 9783527344116    (External URL)
5. Rizwan Raza, Ghazanfar Abbas, M Saleem, Saif Ur Rehman, Asia Rafique, Naveed Mushtaq, Bin Zhu (2019), "Nanocomposite Electrolytes for Advanced Fuel Cell Technology", Advances in Nanostructured Composites: Volume 2: Applications of Nanocomposites, edited by: Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, published by: CRC Press, pp: 317, Standard: ISBN 9780367076313    (External URL)
6. Rizwan Raza (2018), "Nanocomposite MIEC Materials for Advance Energy Devices", Advanced Materials and their Applications: Micro to nano scale, edited by: Rizwan Raza, Ishaq Ahmad, Paolo Di Sia, published by: One Central Press , Standard: 978-1-910086-21-6    (External URL)
7. Muhammad Azhar Hayat Nawaz, Sajid Rauf, Akhtar Hayat, Gaelle Catanante, Rizwan Raza, Jean-Louis Marty (2018), "Determination of Mycotoxins in Food", Analysis of Food Toxins and Toxicants, 2 Volume Set, edited by: Richard J.Lewis, published by: John Wiley & Sons, pp: 139, Standard: 9781118992715   
8. Qaisar Abbas, Abdul G Olabi, Rizwan Raza, Des Gibson (2018), "Carbon/Metal Oxide Composites as Electrode Materials for Supercapacitors Applications", Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, edited by: Abdul Ghani Olabi, published by: Elsevier   
9. Rizwan Raza, Muhammad Kaleem Ullah, Muhammad Afzal, Asia Rafique, Amjad Ali, Sarfraz Arshad, Bin Zhu (2017), "Low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells with bioalcohol fuels", Bioenergy Systems for the Future Prospects for Biofuels and Biohydrogen , edited by: Francesco Dalena, Angelo Basile and Claudio Rossi, published by: Elsevier , pp: 521-539, Standard: 978-0-08-101031-0    (External URL)
10. S.Rehman , M.Saleem, Rizwan Raza, A.Shuaib, Z.SEKKAT (2015), "Lasers and Plasmonics: SPR Measurements of Metal Thin Films, Clusters and Bio-Layers", Reviews in Plasmonics, published by: Springer, pp: 315-338, Standard: 978-3-319-24604-8    (External URL)
11. Rizwan Raza, Xiaodi Wang (2011), "Solid Oxide fuel cell Technology", Fuel Cell Technology and its Applications, edited by: Torsten Fransson, published by: Royal Institute of Technology, KTH   
Journal Papers:
1. M. Tajammal, Rizwan Raza, et al. (2024), " "From Waste to Watts: Emerging role of waste lignin-derived materials for energy storage." ", Journal of Energy Storage , pp: 110477, Vol: 82, Impact Factor: 9.4   
2. Mehran, M. T., Khan, M. Z., Song, R. H., Lim, T. H., Naqvi, M., Rizwan Raza*, & Hanif, M. B. (2023). (2023), " A comprehensive review on durability improvement of solid oxide fuel cells for commercial stationary power generation systems. ", Applied Energy, , pp: 121864, Vol: 352, Impact Factor: 11.2   
3. Laila A, Rafaqat, M., Ahmad, M. A., Bashir, T., Naqvi, M., Abbas, G. Rizwan Raza* (2023). (2023), " Nanocomposite Catalyst (1–x) NiO-x CuO/y GDC for Biogas Fueled Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. ", ACS Applied Energy Materials, 6(21), , pp: 10918-10928. , Vol: 6, Issue: 21, Impact Factor: 6.5   
4. Tariq, M. A., Ali, A., Nawaz, M. I., Hamid, A., Atif, M., & Rizwan Raza* (2023). (2023), "Experimental and Theoretical Study of Gallium–Doped Cerium Electrolyte for Fuel Cells. ", ACS Applied Energy Materials, pp: 10817-10828., Vol: 6, Issue: 21, Impact Factor: 6.5   
5. Zulfiqar, Z., Zulfiqar, S., Abbas, Q., Mirzaeian, M., & Rizwan Raza (2023), " Potential electrolytes for solid state batteries and its electrochemical analysis—a review. ", Energy Storage, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/est2.506, Impact Factor: 3.4   
6. Asia R., M.Rafaqat, G. Abbas, M. Naqvi, A Ali, and Rizwan Raza*, (2023), " Catalytically Active and Carbon-Resistive Anode Catalyst for Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells Operated at Low Temperatures (500–600 °C),:", ACS Appl. Energy Materials, pp: 6401–6409, Vol: 6, Impact Factor: 6.5   
7. NK Janjua, Rizwan Raza. (2020), "B-site doping in lanthanum cerate nanomaterials for water electrocatalysis", Journal of the electrochemical society, pp: 026503, Vol: 167, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 3.66   
8. Zuhra Tayyab, Saif Ur Rehman, Imran Shakir, M Ajmal Khan, Naveed Mushtaq, Farah Alvi, Sajid Rauf, Aqsa Khan, Mahin Fatima, Rizwan Raza (2020), "Catalytic study of efficient nanocomposites {Ni0. 5 Zn0. 5- x Cex-oxides electrodes} for natural gas-fed fuel cells", Materials Research Express, pp: 015508, Vol: 7, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.44   
9. A. Rafique, Rizwan Raza*. (2020), "Design and modelling of a fuel cell system using biomass feedstock as a biofuel", Fuel Cells , pp: 89-97, Vol: 20, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 3.149   
10. Muneeb Irshad, Qurat ul Ain, Khurram Siraj, Rizwan Raza, Asif Nadeem Tabish, Muhammad Rafique, Raazia Idrees, Fiaz Khan, Shahbaz Majeed, Muhammad Ahsan (2020), "Evaluation of BaZr0. 8X0. 2 (X= Y, Gd, Sm) proton conducting electrolytes sintered at low temperature for IT-SOFC synthesized by cost effective combustion method", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, pp: 152389, Vol: 815, Impact Factor: 3.7   
11. Rizwan Raza*, , Bin Zhu, Asia Rafique, Muhammad Raza Naqvi, Peter Lund. (2020), "Functional ceria-based nanocomposites for advanced low temperature (300e600 oC) solid oxide fuel cell", A comprehensive, review:Materials Today Energy , pp: 100373, Vol: 15, Impact Factor: 4.5   
12. Jawad Hussain, Rashid Ali, Majid Niaz Akhtar, Mujtaba Hassan Jaffery, Imran Shakir, Rizwan Raza (2020), "Modeling and simulation of planar SOFC to study the electrochemical properties", Current Applied Physics, pp: 660-672, Vol: 20, Issue: 5, Impact Factor: 2.01   
13. Asia Rafique, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad, Imran Shakir, Amjad Ali, Ghazanfar Abbas, Muhammad Sufyan Javed, M Ajmal Khan, Rizwan Raza (2020), "Multioxide phase-based nanocomposite electrolyte (M@ SDC where M= Zn2+/Ba2+/La3+/Zr2+/Al3+) materials", Ceramics International, pp: 6882-6888, Vol: 46, Issue: 5, Impact Factor: 3.45   
14. Muhammad Asad, Anam Zulfiqar, Rizwan Raza, Minghui Yang, Akhtar Hayat, Naeem Akhtar (2020), "Orange Peel Derived C-dots Decorated CuO Nanorods for the Selective Monitoring of Dopamine from Deboned Chicken", Electroanalysis, pp: 11-18, Vol: 32, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 2.691   
15. Muhammad Abdullah Javed, Majid Muneer, Ghazanfar Abbas, Imran Shakir, Rida Batool, Muhammad Iqbal, Mazhar Hussain, Zohaib Ur Rehman, Rizwan Raza (2020), "Structural and electrochemical characterization of low-cost LixCu1-xCoy Fe1-yO3-d cathode material for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell", Ceramics International, pp: 10348-10355, Vol: 46, Issue: 8, Impact Factor: 3.45   
16. Muhammad Sajid, Muhammad Asad, Adeel Akram, Muhammad Yasir, Muhammad Arshad, Rizwan Raza (2020), "Sustainability of Villages Through Electricity from Wheat Straw in Pakistan", Energy Materials, pp: 27-35, Vol: 1, Issue: 1   
17. Anees-ur Rahman, Sana Sabahat, Muhammad Arshad, Rizwan Raza, Ghazanfar Abbas (2020), "Synthesis and characterization of multiwalled carbon nanotubes supported LaxCa1- xMnO3 (x= 0.2, 0.3)", Materials Research Express, Vol: 6, Issue: 12, Impact Factor: 1.449   
18. Muhammad Ahsan, Muneeb Irshad, Pei Fang Fu, Khurram Siraj, Rizwan Raza, Fayyaz Javed (2020), "The effect of calcination temperature on the properties of Ni-SDC cermet anode", Ceramics International, Vol: 46, Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 3.45   
19. S Khan, A Majid, Rizwan Raza*. (2020), "The influence of activated carbon as an additive in anode materials for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells", Ceramics International 46 , pp: 592-597, Vol: 46, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 3.45   
20. A.Rafique, A.Ali, Mkael Sv and Rizwan Raza* (2019), "An efficient carbon resistant composite Ni0.6Zn0.4O2-d-GDC anode for biogas fuelled solid oxide fuel cell", Journal of Power sources, pp: 227042, Vol: 438, Impact Factor: 7.46   
21. MS Javed, N Shaheen, S Hussain, J Li, SSA Shah, Y Abbas, MA Ahmad, Rizwan Raza. (2019), "An ultra-high energy density flexible asymmetric supercapacitor based on hierarchical fabric decorated with 2D bimetallic oxide nanosheets and MOF-derived porous carbon polyhedral", Materials Chemistry A 7 , pp: 946-957, Vol: 3, Impact Factor: 9.931   
22. Bhatti KA, Khan MI, Saleem M, Alvi F, Rizwan Raza, Rehman S. (2019), "Analysis of multilayer based TiO2 and ZnO photoanodes for dye-sensitized solar cells", Materials Research Express, pp: 075902, Vol: 7, Impact Factor: 2.6   
23. Tayyab Z, Rehman SU, Shakir I, Khan MA, Mushtaq N, Alvi F, Rauf S, Khan A, Fatima M, Rizwan Raza*. (2019), "Catalytic study of efficient nanocomposites {Ni 0.5 Zn 0.5-x Cex-oxides electrodes} for natural gas-fed fuel cells", .Materials Research Express, Impact Factor: 2.5   
24. F Hussain, G Abbas, MA Ahmad, Rizwan Raza, ZU Rehman, S Mumtaz. (2019), "Comparative electrochemical investigation of zinc based nano-composite anode materials for solid oxide fuel cell", Ceramics International 45 , pp: 1077-1083, Vol: 1, Impact Factor: 3.07   
25. AM Akbar, F Alvi, I Shakir, SU Rehman, A Rafique, N Mushtaq, Rizwan Raza*. (2019), "Effect of sintering temperature on properties of LiNiCuZn-Oxide-A potential anode for solid oxide fuel cell", Materials Research Express 6, Vol: 10, Impact Factor: 1.44   
26. M Mohsin, Rizwan Raza*, M Mohsin-ul-Mulk, A Yousaf (2019), "Electrochemical characterization of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells and polarization curve analysis", Hydrogen Energy, Impact Factor: 4.05   
27. F. Hussain, M. A. Ahmad, Rizwan Raza, M. A. Khan, Z. Ur Rehman, R.Ali, G. Abbas. (2019), "Electrochemical investigation of multi-fuel based low temperature nano-composite anode for solid oxide fuel cell", Journal of Power sources, pp: 147-152, Vol: 425, Impact Factor: 7.46   
28. G Abbas, MA Ahmad, Rizwan Raza, MH Aziz, MA Khan, F Hussain, TA Sherazi. (2019), ",Fabrication of high performance low temperature solid oxide fuel cell based on La0. 10Sr0. 90Co0. 20Zn0. 80O5-d cathode", Materials Letters , pp: 179-182, Vol: 238, Impact Factor: 2.687   
29. K. Ahmad, M A.Ahmad, Rizwan Raza, M Ajaml Khan, Zohaib Ur Rehman, Ghazanfar Abbas (2019), "Graphene Incorporated Nanocomposite Anode for Low Temperature SOFCs", Electronic Materials 48, pp: 7507-7514, Vol: 11, Impact Factor: 1.57   
30. Qaisar Abbas, Rizwan Raza, Imarn Shabbir, A. G. Olabi. (2019), "Heteroatom Doped High Porosity Carbon Nanomaterials as Electrodes for Energy Storage in Electrochemical Capacitors", Journal of Science Advanced Materials and Devices, pp: 341-352, Vol: 4, Impact Factor: ISI   
31. M Mohsin, A Yousaf, Rizwan Raza* (2019), "Highly conducting perovskite structured (M-SrCoFe-O3-d, M= Ce, Ba) cathode for solid oxide fuel cell", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, pp: 248-254 , Vol: 791, Impact Factor: 3.779   
32. Iqra Muneer, Muhammad Akhyar Farrukh, Rizwan Raza (2019), "Influence of annealing temperature on the physical and photoelectric properties of Gd/Fe1.727Sn0.205O3 nanoparticles for solid oxides fuel cell application", Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Impact Factor: 1.98   
33. F Hussain, M Ashfaq Ahmad, S Badshah, Rizwan Raza. (2019), "M Ajmal Khan,”A modeling approach for low-temperature SOFC-based micro-combined heat and power systems", Journal of Modern Physics B 33 , pp: 1950001,1, Vol: 04, Impact Factor: 1.669   
34. Rafique A, Ahmad MA, Shakir I, Ali A, Abbas G, Javed MS, Khan MA, Rizwan Raza*. (2019), "Multioxide phase-based nanocomposite electrolyte (M@ SDC where M= Zn2+/Ba2+/La3+/Zr2+/Al3+) materials", Ceramics International, Impact Factor: 3.07   
35. S Mumtaz, MA Ahmad, R Raza, MA Khan, MN Ashiq. (2019), "Nanostructured anode materials for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells: Synthesis and electrochemical characterizations", Ceramics International, Impact Factor: 3.07   
36. M.Asad, A. Zulfiqar, Rizwan Raza, M. Yang, A. Hayat, N. Akhtar (2019), "Orange Peel Derived C-dots Decorated CuO Nanorods for the Selective Monitoring of Dopamine from Deboned Chicken", Electroanalysis 32, pp: , 11-18, Vol: 1, Impact Factor: 2.69   
37. 26. AE Atabani, A Arpornwichanop, Rizwan Raza, GD Saratale, T Kobayashi. (2019), "Preface to the Special Issue on “The 2nd International Conference on Alternative Fuels and Energy", Hydrogen Energy, 44, pp: 2079-2080, Vol: 4, Impact Factor: 4.05   
38. A Ali, Rizwan Raza*, MI Shakir, A Iftikhar, F Alvi, MK Ullah, A Hamid, JS Kim. (2019), "Promising electrochemical study of titanate based anodes in direct carbon fuel cell using walnut and almond shells biochar fuel", Journal of Power Sources , pp: 126679, Vol: 434, Impact Factor: 7.46   
39. MK Ullah, N Ahmad, SUD Khan, F Alvi, G Abbas, A Rafique, A Ali, Rizwan Raza* (2019), "Structural and electrochemical studies of microwave sintered nanocomposite electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, pp: 10964-10970, Vol: 44, Impact Factor: 4.02   
40. R Batool, R Gill, F Altaf, MA Ahmad, Rizwan Raza, MA Khan, F Hussain. (2019), "Structural and electrochemical study of Ba0. 15Cu0. 15Ni0. 10Zn0. 60 oxide anode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell", Journal of Alloys and Compounds , pp: 653-659, Vol: 780, Impact Factor: 3.779   
41. F Altaf, R Batool, R Gill, G Abbas, Rizwan Raza, MA Khan, Z Rehman (2019), "Synthesis and characterization of co-doped ceria-based electrolyte material for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell", Ceramics International, pp: 10330-103331, Vol: 45, Impact Factor: 3.07   
42. Anis ur Rahman A, Sabahat S, Arshad M, Raza R, Abbas G. (2019), "Synthesis and characterization of multiwalled carbon nanotubes supported La x Ca 1-x MnO 3 (x= 0.2, 0.3)", Materials Research Express., Impact Factor: 2.5   
43. MS Javed, SSA Shah, T Najam, MK Aslam, J Li, S Hussain, MA Ahmad, Rizwan Raza. (2019), "Synthesis of mesoporous defective graphene-nanosheets in a space-confined self-assembled nanoreactor: Highly efficient capacitive energy storage", Electrochimica Acta, pp: 517-527, Vol: 305, Impact Factor: 5.11   
44. Z.Rehman, G. Abbas, M.A.Ahmad, Rizwan Raza, M. A.Khan. (2019), "Ternary alkali carbonates effect on electrochemical characterization of nanocomposite calcium doped ceria electrolytes (LNK-CDC) for SOFC.", Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, Vol: 10, Impact Factor: 1.429   
45. M Ahsan, M Irshad, PF Fu, K Siraj, Rizwan Raza, F Javed. (2019), "The effect of calcination temperature on the properties of Ni-SDC cermet anode", Ceramics International , Impact Factor: 3.07   
46. MK Ullah, Rizwan Raza*, MI Asghar, A Ali, A Rafique, G Abbas, MA Ahmad. (2019), "Tri-doped ceria (M0. 2Ce0. 8O2-d, M= Sm0. 1, Ca0. 05, Gd0. 05) electrolyte for hydrogen and ethanol-based fuel cells", Alloys and Compounds , pp: 548-554, Vol: 773, Impact Factor: 3.779   
47. N Mushtaq, C Xia, W Dong, B Wang, Rizwan Raza*, A Ali, M Afzal, B Zhu. (2019), "Tuning the Energy Band Structure at Interfaces of the SrFe0.75Ti0.25O3-d–Sm0.25Ce0.75O2-d Heterostructure for Fast Ionic Transport.", ACS applied materials & interfaces 10, Impact Factor: 8.45   
48. Ali, Amjad, Rizwan Raza*, RM Arif Khalil, M. Ashfaq Ahmad, Asia Rafique, M. Kaleem Ullah, Amin ur Rehman, M. Naveed Mushtaq, and Lyubov M. Belova. (2018), "A potential electrolyte (Ce1-x CaxO2-d) for fuel cells: Theoretical and experimental study", Ceramics International 44, pp: 12676-12683, Vol: 11, Impact Factor: 3.07   
49. Ali, Amjad, Rizwan Raza*, RM Arif Khalil, M. Ashfaq Ahmad, Asia Rafique, M. Kaleem Ullah, Amin ur Rehman, M. Naveed Mushtaq, and Lyubov M. Belova. (2018), "A potential electrolyte (Ce1-x CaxO2-d) for fuel cells: Theoretical and experimental study", Ceramics International 44, pp: 12676-12683, Vol: 11, Impact Factor: 3.07   
50. Akhtar, Sophia, M. Khurram Hashmi, Ishaq Ahmad, and Rizwan Raza* (2018), "Advances and significance of solar reflectors in solar energy technology in Pakistan", Energy & Environment 29, pp: 435-455, Vol: 4, Impact Factor: 0.59   
51. Ali, Amjad, Rizwan Raza*, M. K.Ullah, A. Rafique, Baoyuan Wang, and Bin Zhu. (2018), "Alkaline earth metal and samarium co-doped ceria as efficient electrolytes", Applied Physics Letters 112, pp: 043902, Vol: 4, Impact Factor: 3.7   
52. Arshad, Muhammad Sarfraz, Rizwan Raza*, M. Ashfaq Ahmad, Ghazanfar Abbas, Amjad Ali, Asia Rafique, M. Kaleem Ullah. (2018), "An efficient Sm and Ge co-doped ceria nanocomposite electrolyte for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells", Ceramics International 44, pp: 170-174, Vol: 1, Impact Factor: 3.07   
53. T, Sana, Aniqa Marium, Rizwan Raza*, M. A Ahmad, M. Ajmal Khan, Ghazanfar Abbas, M. Waseem Boota, S. Khalid Imran, Sarfraz Arshad, and Muhammad Ikram. (2018), "Comparative study of Ce 0.80 Sm 0.20 Ba 0.80 Y 0.20 O 3-d (YB-SDC) electrolyte by various chemical synthesis routes.", Results in Physics , Impact Factor: 3.5   
54. A.Ali, Asia Rafique, M. Kaleemullah, G.Abbas, M.A.Khan, M. A.Ahmad, Rizwan Raza* (2018), "Effect of Alkali Carbonates (Single, Binary, and Ternary) on Doped Ceria: A Composite Electrolyte for Low-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", ACS applied materials & interfaces 10, pp: 806-818, Vol: 1, Impact Factor: 7.504   
55. Aslam, Samia, Faiza Mustafa, Ayesha Jamil, Ghazanfar Abbas, Rizwan Raza*, and Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad. (2018), "Efficient Tuning of Optical Properties and Morphology of Mesoscopic CdS via a Facile Route", Journal of Electronic Materials, pp: 1-8, Impact Factor: 1.579   
56. Rafique, Asia, Rizwan Raza*, Nor Anisa Arifin, M. Kaleem Ullah, Amjad Ali, and Robert Steinberger-Wilckens. (2018), "Electrochemical and Thermal Characterization of Doped Ceria Electrolyte with Lanthanum and Zirconium", Ceramics International 44 , pp: 6493-6499, Vol: 6, Impact Factor: 3.07   
57. A.Ali, F.Shehzad Bashir, Rizwan Raza*, Asia Rafique,Farah Alvi, Muhammad Afzal, Moinuddin Ghauri, Lyubov M. Belova (2018), "Electrochemical study of composite materials for coal-based direct carbon fuel cell", Hydrogen Energy 43, pp: 12900-12908, Vol: 28, Impact Factor: 4.05   
58. Shaheen, Nusrat, Muhammad Sufyan Javed, Hidayat Ullah Shah, Shahid Hussain, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad, Rizwan Raza*, Muhammad Saleem, and Xiaoyuan Zhou. (2018), "Enhanced thermoelectric properties in Ge-doped and single-filled skutterudites prepared by unique melt-spinning method", Ceramics International 44 , pp: 12610-12614 , Vol: 11, Impact Factor: 3.07   
59. Mi, Youquan, Chen Xia, Bin Zhu, Rizwan Raza*, Muhammad Afzal, and Ilan Riess. (2018), "Experimental and physical approaches on a novel semiconducting-ionic membrane fuel cell", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43, pp: 12756-12764 , Vol: 28, Impact Factor: 4.05   
60. MS Javed, HU Shah, N Shaheen, R Lin, M Qiu, J Xie, Rizwan Raza. (2018), "High energy density hybrid supercapacitor based on 3D mesoporous cuboidal Mn2O3 and MOF-derived porous carbon polyhedrons", Electrochimica Acta, pp: 1-9,1, Vol: 282, Impact Factor: 5.11   
61. F Shaheen, M Aziz, M Fatima, M Khan, F Ahmed, R Ahmad, M Ahmad, Rizwan Raza. (2018), "In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Morphological Assessments of GO-ZnO against the MCF-7 Cells: Determination of Singlet Oxygen by Chemical Trapping", ” Nanomaterials 8 , pp: 539, Vol: 7, Impact Factor: 3.811   
62. Altaf, Faizah, Rida Batool, M. Ashfaq Ahmad, Rizwan Raza, M. Ajmal Khan, and Ghazanfar Abbas. (2018), "Novel vinyl-modified sepiolite-based polymer nanocomposites: synthesis and characterization", Iranian Polymer Journal , pp: 1-10, Impact Factor: 1.422   
63. N. Mushtaq, Chen Xia, Wenjing Dong, G. Abbas, Rizwan Raza*, Amjad Ali, Sajid Rauf, Baoyuan Wang, Jung-Sik Kim, and Bin Zhu. (2018), "Perovskite SrFe1-xTixO3-d (x<= 0.1) cathode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell", Ceramics International 44, pp: 10266-10272, Vol: 9, Impact Factor: 3.07   
64. Khan, M. Ajmal, Cheng Xu, Zhenlun Song, Rizwan Raza*, Muhammad Ashfiq Ahmad, Ghazanfar Abbas, and Bin Zhu. (2018), "Synthesize and characterization of ceria based nano-composite materials for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43, pp: 6310-6317, Vol: 12, Impact Factor: 4.05   
65. M. Ullah, A.M.Rana, E. Ahmed, Abdul Sattar Malik, Z. A. Shah, Naseeb Ahmad, Ujala Mehtab, and Rizwan Raza. (2018), "Tribological performance of polycrystalline tantalum-carbide-incorporated diamond films on silicon substrates", Physica B: Condensed Matter , pp: 277-282, Vol: 537, Impact Factor: 1.38   
66. Afzal, Muhammad, Sushant Madaan, Wenjing Dong, Rizwan Raza*, Chen Xia, and Bin Zhu. (2017), "Analysis of a perovskite-ceria functional layer-based solid oxide fuel cell", International journal of Hydrogen energy 42, pp: 17536-17543, Vol: 27, Impact Factor: 3.5   
67. Ullah, M., A. M. Rana, E. Ahmed, R. Raza*, Z. A. Shah, and ENGR M. AHMAD (2017), "BORON-INCORPORATED DIAMOND TO ACT AS ELECTRODE MATERIAL IN LITHIUM ION BATTERIES", Journal of Ovonic Research 13, Vol: 4, Impact Factor: 0.5   
68. Zhu, Bin, Baoyuan Wang, Yi Wang, Rizwan Raza*, Wenyi Tan, Jung-Sik Kim, Peter A. van Aken, and Peter Lund. (2017), "Charge separation and transport in La0. 6Sr0. 4Co0. 2Fe0. 8O3-d and ion-doping ceria heterostructure material for new generation fuel cell", Nano energy , pp: 195-202, Vol: 37, Impact Factor: 11.55   
69. Abbas, Ghazanfar, Rizwan Raza*, M. Ashfaq Ahmad, M. Ajmal Khan, M. Jafar Hussain, Mukhtar Ahmad, Hammad Aziz . (2017), "Electrochemical investigation of mixed metal oxide nanocomposite electrode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell", International Journal of Modern Physics B 31, pp: 1750193, Vol: 27, Impact Factor: 0.68   
70. Javed, Muhammad Sufyan, Nusrat Shaheen, Asim Idrees, Chenguo Hu, and Rizwan Raza*. (2017), "Electrochemical investigations of cobalt-free perovskite cathode material for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42, pp: 10416-10422, Vol: 15, Impact Factor: 3.5   
71. Mumtaz, Saleem, M. Ashfaq Ahmad, Rizwan Raza*, M. Sarfraz Arshad, Bashir Ahmed, M. Naeem Ashiq, and Ghazanfar Abbas. (2017), "Nano grained Sr and Zr co-doped BaCeO3 electrolytes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells", Ceramics International 43, pp: 14354-14360, Vol: 16, Impact Factor: 2.9   
72. Raza, Rizwan*, Asifa Khan, Asia Rafique, Ayesha Aunbreen, Kalsoom Akhtar, M. Ashfaq Ahmad, Sophia Akhtar, Khurram Hashmi, Mehtab Ullah, and Rashid Ali. (2017), "Nanocomposite BaZr0. 7Sm0. 1Y0. 2O3- d–La0. 8Sr0. 2Co0. 2Fe0. 8O3- d materials for single layer fuel cell.", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42, pp: 22280-22287, Vol: 34, Impact Factor: 4.05   
73. Arshad, Muhammad Sarfraz, Naveed Mushtaq, Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad, Shahzad Naseem, Shahid Atiq, Zahoor Ahmed, Rashid Ali, Ghazanfar Abbas, and Rizwan Raza*. (2017), "Nickel foam anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells with composite electrolytes", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42, pp: 22288-22293, Vol: 34, Impact Factor: 3.5   
74. Rauf, Sajid, Azhar Hayat, Nawshad Muhammad, Rizwan Raza*, Shakir Ahmad Shahid, Jean Louis Marty, and Akhtar Hayat60. Rauf, Sajid, Azhar Hayat, Nawshad Muhammad, Rizwan Raza*, Shakir Ahmad Shahid, Jean Louis Marty, and Akhtar Hayat60. Rauf, Sajid, Azh (2017), "Protic ionic liquids as a versatile modulator and stabilizer in regulating artificial peroxidase activity of carbon materials for glucose colorimetric sensing", Journal Molecular Liquids , pp: 333-340, Vol: 243, Impact Factor: 3.0   
75. 58. Baoyuan Wang, Yixiao Cai, Chen Xia, Jung-Sik Kim, Yanyan Liu, Wenjing Dong, Hao Wang, Muhammad, Afzal, Junjiao Li, Rizwan Raza*, Bin Zhu (2017), "Semiconductor-ionic Membrane of LaSrCoFe-oxide-doped Ceria Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", Electrochimica Acta , pp: 496-504, Vol: 248, Impact Factor: 4.8   
76. Saleem, Muhammad, M. Ashfaq Ahmad, L. Fang, Rizwan Raza*, Majid Niaz Akhtar, and Saif Ur Rehman (2017), "Solution-derived ZnO nanoflowers based photoelectrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells", Materials Research Bulletin , pp: 211-217, Vol: 96, Impact Factor: 2.5   
77. Lund, Peter D., Bin Zhu, Yongdan Li, Sining Yun, Albert G. Nasibulin, Rizwan Raza*, Markku Leskela¨. (2017), "Standardized Procedures Important for Improving Single-Component Ceramic Fuel Cell Technology", ACS Energy Letters 2, pp: 2752-2755, Vol: 12, Impact Factor: 12   
78. Irshad, Khurram Siraj, Rizwan Raza, (2016), "A Brief Description of High Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell’s Operation, Materials, Design, Fabrication Technologies and Performance.", Applied Sciences, Impact Factor: 1.4   
79. W. Dong A. Yaqub N. K. Janjua Rizwan Raza M. Afzal Bin Zhu, (2016), "All in One Multifunctional Perovskite Material for Next Generation SOFC", Electrochimica Acta, pp: 225–230, Vol: 193, Impact Factor: 4.5   
80. M.Sufyan, Rizwan Raza*, et al, (2016), "Electrochemical studies of perovskite cathode material for direct natural gas fuel cell,", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, , pp: 3072–3078, Vol: 41, Impact Factor: 3.5   
81. Rizwan Raza*, et al, (2016), "Fuel Cell Technology for Sustainable Development in Pakistan-An over-view,", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews: , pp: Pages 450–461, Vol: Volume 53, Issue: January, Impact Factor: 5.90   
82. M. Irshad, Rizwan Raza, et al. (2016), "High performance of SDC and GDC core shell type composite electrolytes using methane as a fuel for low temperature SOFC", AIP Advances , pp: 025202, Vol: 6, Impact Factor: 1.5   
83. Rizwan Raza*, et al, (2016), "Highly efficient composite electrolyte for natural gas fed Fuel Cell", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, , Impact Factor: 3.5   
84. J.Hussain, Rizwan Raza,...G. Abbas (2016), "Natural gas fueled electrodes for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cell.", Int. Journal of Modern Physics B, pp: 1650161, Vol: DOI: 10.1142/S0217979216501617 , Impact Factor: 0.9   
85. Mahtab Ullah, Rizwan Raza et al. (2016), "Phenomenological Effects of Tantalum Inorporation into Diamond Films: Experimental and First Principle Studies ", Applied Surface Science, Impact Factor: 2.77   
86. 2. MN.Akhtar,M.Ahmad, ….Rizwan Raza, M. Saleem, and M. Kashif. (2016), "Structural and Magnetic Properties of Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) and Yttrium Aluminum Iron Garnet (YAIG) Nanoferrites Prepared by Microemulsion Method", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, pp: 425–431., Vol: 401, Impact Factor: 1.9   
87. Sufyan Javed, Rizwan Raza et al. (2016), "The energy crisis in Pakistan: A possible solution via biomass-based waste"", Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (American Institute of Physics) , Vol: Accepted, Impact Factor: 1.0   
88. Rizwan Raza* et al, (2015), "Composite electrolyte with proton conductivity for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cell,", Applied Physics Letter, Vol: 107, Issue: 18, Impact Factor: 3.5   
89. Rizwan Raza*, et al, (2015), "Composite electrolyte with proton conductivity for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cell. ", Applied Physics Letter,, Vol: Vol.107, Issue: Issue 18, November 2015, Impact Factor: 3.5   
90. Bin Zhu, Rizwan Raza, Peter Lund et al. (2015), "Schottky Junction Effect on High Performance Fuel Cells Based on Nanocomposite Materials", Advanced Energy Materials, Vol: 5, Issue: April, Impact Factor: 16.14   
91. Rizwan Raza, M.A.Ahmad, N. Akram,B.Zhu, (2014), "Ce0.8 (SmZr)0.2O2-carbonate nanocomposite electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cell ", Int. Journal of Energy Research, pp: 518–523, Vol: 38, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 2.5   
92. M.A.Khan and Rizwan raza et al. (2014), "Effect of titania concentration on the grain boundary conductivity of calcium-doped ceria electrolyte,", Ceramics International, pp: 9775–9781, Vol: 40, Issue: 7, Impact Factor: 2.08   
93. G.Abbas and Rizwan Raza et al. (2014), "Electro-chemical Study of Nano-structured Electrode for Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (LTSOFC)", Int. Journal of Energy Research, pp: 524-529, Vol: 38, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 2.5   
94. S.T.A Sherazi, Rizwan Raza et al. (2014), "Guanidine functionalized radiation induced grafted anion-exchange membranes for solid alkaline fuel cells ", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol: In press, Impact Factor: 3.5   
95. MA Ahmad, Rizwan Raza et al. (2014), "Structural and electrical characterization of nanostructure electrodes for SOFCs", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, pp: 17487-17491, Vol: 39, Impact Factor: 3.5   
96. M Saleem and Rizwan Raza et al. (2014), "Synthesis, Characteristics and Application of ZnO nanowires in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells via Water Bath Method", NANO, pp: 1450061, Vol: 9, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 1.16   
97. Bin Zhu, Peter Lund, Rizwan Raza, Janne Pata Kangas, Qiu-An Huang, Linangdong Fan, Manish Singh (2013), "A New energy conversion technology bases on nano-redox and nano device processes", Nano Energy, pp: 1179–1185, Vol: 2, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 10.211   
98. M Ajmal Khan, Rizwan Raza, Raquel.B. Lima, M Ashraf Chaudhry, E.Ahmad, Ghanzanfar Abbas (2013), "Comprative study of nano-composite electrolytes basrd on samaria doped ceria for low temperture solid oxide fuel cell (LT-SOFC)", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol: 2013-05-060, Impact Factor: 4.09   
99. R.B.Lima, Rizwan Raza,H.Qin, J.Li,M.E. Lindstro¨m, B.Zhu (2013), "Direct lignin fuel cell for power generation", RSC Advances, pp: 5083–5089, Vol: 3, Impact Factor: 3.7   
100. Ghazanfar Abbas, Rizwan Raza, M. Ashfaq, M.Ashraf Chaudhry,Ajmal Khan,Imran Ahmad, Bin Zhu (2013), "Electro-chemical Study of Nano-structured Electrode for Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (LTSOFC)", International Journal of Energy Research, Vol: Accepted, Impact Factor: 2.12   
101. W.Tan, Rizwan Raza, B.Zhu, et al., (2013), "Studies of modified lithiated NiO cathode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell with ceria-carbonate composite", Int. journal of Hydrogen energy, pp: 370-376, Vol: 38, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 4.054   
102. B. Zhu Rizwan Raza, H. Qin, L. Fan, Peter Lund, “ (2012), "A new energy conversion technology joining electrochemical and physical principles", RSC Advances, pp: 5066-5070, Vol: 2, Impact Factor: 2.56   
103. Q.Liu, H.Qin, Rizwan Raza, L.Fan, Y.Li, B. Zhu, (2012), "Advanced electrolyte-free fuel cells based on functional nanocomposites of a single porous component: analysis, modeling and validation,", RSC Advances, pp: 8036-8040, Vol: 2, Impact Factor: 2.56   
104. M. Samavati, Rizwan Raza, B. Zhu (2012), "Design of a 5kW advanced fuel cell Polygeneration system", WIREs Energy and Environment, pp: 173-180, Vol: 1, Issue: 2   
105. Rizwan Raza, H. Qin, L. Fan, B. Zhu, (2012), "Electrochemical study on co-doped ceria-carbonate composite", Journal Power Sources, pp: 121-127, Vol: 201, Impact Factor: 4.951    (External URL)
106. L.Fan, B.Zhu, C. Wang, Rizwan Raza, H.Qin, X. Wang, Y. Ma, (2012), "High performance transition metal oxide composite cathode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells", Journal of Power Sources, pp: 65-71, Vol: 203, Impact Factor: 4.951   
107. H. Qin, B.Zhu,Rizwan Raza, L.Fan, M.Singh, P. Lund, (2012), "Integration design of membrane electrode assemblies in low temperature solid oxide fuel cell", Int. journal of Hydrogen energy, pp: 19365–19370, Vol: 37, Issue: 24, Impact Factor: 4.054   
108. Rizwan Raza, G. Abbas, B. Zhu (2012), "La0.3Sr0.2Mn0.1Zn0.4 oxide -Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 (LSMZ-SDC) Nanocomposite cathode for Low Temperature SOFCs", J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , pp: 4994–4997 , Vol: 12, Impact Factor: 1.563    (External URL)
109. 3.L.Fan, C.Wangb, O.Osamudiamen, Rizwan Raza, M.Singh, B.Zhu, (2012), "Mixed ion and electron conductive composites for single component fuel cells: I. Effects of composition and pellet thickness", Journal of Power sources, pp: 164-169, Vol: 217, Impact Factor: 4.951   
110. G. Abbas, Rizwan Raza, M.A. Chaudhry, M.Singh, Q. Liu, H. Qin and B.Zhu, (2012), "“Study of CuNiZnGdCe-composite anode for low temperature SOFC”", Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters , pp: 389-393, Vol: 4 , Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 0.51   
111. B. Zhu, X. Wang, Y. Ma, Rizwan Raza (2011), "A fuel cell with a single component functioning simultaneously as the electrodes and electrolyte", Electrochemistry Communications, pp: 225-228, Vol: 13, Impact Factor: 4.859   
112. B. Zhu, Rizwan Raza, H. Qin, L. Fan, (2011), "A single-component fuel cell reactor", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, pp: 8536-8541., Vol: 36, Issue: 14, Impact Factor: 4.053   
113. 5. Rizwan Raza, Haiying Qin, Liu, M. Samavati, R.B. Lima and Bin Zhu (2011), "Advanced multi-fuelled solid oxide fuel cell (ASOFC) using functional nanocomposite for polygeneration", Advanced Energy Materials, pp: 1225-1233, Vol: 1, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 10.04    (External URL)
114. Bin Zhu, Rizwan Raza, Ghazanfar Abbas, Manish Singh (2011), "An electrolyte-free fuel cell constructed with one homogenous layer with mixed conductivities", Advanced Functional Materials, pp: 2465-2469, Vol: 21, Issue: 13, Impact Factor: 10.178    (External URL)
115. S.K. Imran, Rizwan Raza, G. Abbas, B. Zhu (2011), "Characterization and development of bio-ethanol solid oxide fuel cell", ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Engineering, pp: 061014, Vol: 8, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 1.136   
116. Z. Gao, Rizwan Raza, Z. Mao, T. Fransson, B. Zhu (2011), "Development of Direct Methanol Low Temperature Fuel Cells from a Polygeneration, Perspective", International Journal of Energy Research, pp: 690–696, Vol: 35, Impact Factor: 2.12   
117. H.Qin, Rizwan Raza, Q.Liu, M.Singh, Ghazanfar Abbas and Bin Zhu (2011), "Direct biofuel low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells", Energy and Environmental Sciences, pp: 1273-1276, Vol: 4, Impact Factor: 11.65    (External URL)
118. Z. Gao, Rizwan Raza, Z. Mao, B. Zhu (2011), "Electrochemical Characterization on nanocomposite electrolyte for Low Temperature Ceramic Fuel Cells", Journal of Nanoscience Nanotechnology, pp: 5413-5417, Vol: 11 , Impact Factor: 1.56   
119. Rizwan Raza, G. Abbas, M. Ying, X. Wang, B. Zhu (2011), "Electrochemical study of the composite electrolyte based on samaria-doped ceria and containing yttria as a second phase", Solid State Ionics , pp: 58–63 , Vol: 188, Issue: 1, Standard: 0167-2738, Impact Factor: 2.64    (External URL)
120. B.Zhu, Rizwan Raza, Q.Liu, H.Qin, L.Fan, (2011), "Fuel cells based on the electrolyte and non-electrolyte separator", Energy and Environmental Sciences, pp: 2986 - 2992, Vol: 4 , Issue: 8, Impact Factor: 11.65    (External URL)
121. Rizwan Raza, G. Abbas, B. Zhu (2011), "GDC-Y2O3 Oxide Based Two Phase Nanocomposite Electrolytes", ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Engineering, pp: 041012, Vol: 8, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 1.136   
122. L.Fan, B.Zhu, M.. Chen, C. Wang, Rizwan Raza, H.Qin, X. Wang, Y. Ma, (2011), "High performance transition metal oxide composite cathode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells”,", Journal of Power Sources, pp: doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.12.017 , Vol: in press, Impact Factor: 4.951   
123. H.Qin, B. Zhu, Rizwan Raza, M. Singh,L.Fan, Peter Lund (2011), "Integration design od membrane electrode assemblies in low temperature solid oxide fuel cell", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, pp: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.10.065, Vol: in Press, Impact Factor: 4.053   
124. Rizwan Raza, B. Zhu (2011), "LiAlO2–LiNaCO3 Composite Electrolyte for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, pp: 5402-5407, Vol: 11, Impact Factor: 1.56   
125. Rizwan Raza, B. Zhu (2011), "Microwave sintered Nanostructured Electrode", Journal of Nanoscience Nanotechnology, pp: 5450-5454, Vol: 11, Impact Factor: 1.56   
126. G. Abbas, Rizwan Raza, M. Ashraf Ch. B. Zhu (2011), "Preparation and Characterization of Nanocomposite Calcium Doped Ceria Electrolyte with Alkali Carbonates (NKCDC) for SOFC", ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Engineering, pp: 041013, Vol: 8, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 1.136   
127. Z. Gao, Rizwan Raza, B. Zhu, Z. Mao, C. Wang, Z. Liu, (2011), "Preparation and characterization of Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9/Na2CO3 nanocomposite electrolyte for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , pp: 3984-3988, Vol: 36, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 4.053   
128. B.Zhu, Rizwan Raza, H. Qin,L.Fan (2011), "Single-component and three-component fuel cells", Journal of Power sources, pp: 6362-6365, Vol: 15, Impact Factor: 4.951   
129. Rizwan Raza, Torsten Fransson, B. Zhu (2011), "Zn0.6 Fe0.1Cu0.3/GDC Composite anode for Low Temperature SOFC", ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, pp: 031010 , doi:10.1115/1.4002904, Vol: 8, Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 1.136   
130. Rizwan Raza, Qinghua Liu, Jawad Nisar, Xiaodi Wang, Ying Ma, Bin Zhu (2011), "ZnO/NiO Nanocomposite Electrode for Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", Electrochemistry Communications, pp: 917-920, Vol: 13, Issue: 9, Impact Factor: 4.8    (External URL)
131. Rizwan Raza, X. Wang, Ma Y, B. Zhu (2010), "Improved Ceria carbonates Composite Electrolytes", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, pp: 2684 – 2688, Vol: 35, Standard: 0360-3199, Impact Factor: 4.053    (External URL)
132. Rizwan Raza, Ma Y, X. Wang, B. Zhu (2010), "Nanostructured anode for low temperature SOFCs", Journal of Power Sources, pp: 8067-8070, Vol: 195, Issue: 24, Impact Factor: 4.951   
133. Rizwan Raza, X. Wang, Y. Ma, B. Zhu (2010), "Study on Calcium Co-Doped SDC based Nanocomposite Electrolytes", Journal of Power sources, pp: 6491-6495, Vol: 195, Issue: 19, Impact Factor: 4.951   
134. Rizwan Raza, X. Wang, Y. Ma, B. Zhu (2010), "Study on Nanocomposites based on Carbonate @ Ceria ", J Nanosci and Nanotech , pp: 1203-1207, Vol: 10, Impact Factor: 1.56   
135. Y.Ma, X. Wang Rizwan Raza, M. Muhammad, B. Zhu (2010), "Thermal stability study of SDC/Na2CO3 nanocomposite electrolyte for low temperature, SOFCs", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, pp: 2880 – 2585, Vol: 35, Issue: 7, Standard: 0360-3199, Impact Factor: 4.053    (External URL)
136. R. Raza, S.A.Hayat, M. Ashraf Chaudhry, J. Muhammad, (2009), "Development of PEM fuel cell in Pakistan", Energy & Environment , pp: 597-604, Vol: 20, Issue: 4   
137. Rizwan Raze, X. Wang, Y. Ma, Y. Huang, Bin Zhu, (2009), "Enhancement of conductivity in ceria-carbonate nanocomposites for LTSOFCs,", Journal of Nano Research, pp: 197-203, Vol: 6 , Impact Factor: 0.65   
138. M. Ashraf Chaudhry, R. Raza, S.A.Hayat (2009), "Renewable energy technology in Pakistan: prospects and challenges", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews , pp: 1657–1662, Vol: 13, Impact Factor: 6.01   
139. X. Wang, Y. Ma, Rizwan Raza, M. Muhammod, Bin Zhu (2008), "Novel core-shell SDC/amorphous Na2CO3 nanocomposite electrolyte for low-temperature SOFCs, ", Electrochemistry communications, pp: 1617-1620, Vol: 10, Issue: 10, Impact Factor: 4.859   
140. R. Raza, S. A. Hayat (2006), "Design and Study of an Optical Fibre Digital Transmitter", Information Technology Journal, pp: 433-438, Vol: 5, Issue: 3   


Post doc
Linköping University, Sweden
Mar 2019 to Mar 2020
PhD (Energy Technology) Specialization in Sustainable Energy Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Jan 2008 to Dec 2011
M.Sc (Physics)
Punjab University, Pakistan
2001 to 2003


Professor (Tenured)
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Jul 2023 to Date
Head of the Department
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Jul 2023 to Date
Head of the Clean Energy Research Group
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Apr 2012 to Date
Associate Head
Department of Physics, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Nov 2016 to Date
Associate Professor (Tenured)
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Apr 2018 to Jun 2023
Assistant Professor
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore
Apr 2012 to Apr 2018
Research Engineer
Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden
Dec 2011 to Apr 2012
Research/Teaching Assistant
Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden
Jan 2009 to Nov 2011
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore
Jul 2005 to Jan 2008
Research Associate
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore
Dec 2003 to Jun 2005

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