Dr. Muhammad Yasin
Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
Area of Interest: Bioprocess design and scale-up, Resource recovery from waste streams, Membrane Technology
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007   (146)
HEC approved PhD Supervisor

Dr. Muhammad Yasin is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Lahore Campus, Pakistan. His academic background includes a BS in Chemical Engineering from Pakistan, an MS in Environmental and Energy Engineering (with distinction) from the University of Sheffield, UK, and a PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), South Korea. His PhD specialization is in Bioprocess Design and Scaleup for syngas/waste gas fermentation.

Academic Responsibilities at CUI

Since joining CUI on January 16, 2007, Dr. Yasin has made significant contributions to the department both in teaching and administrative roles, earning him the award for Best Teacher in Chemical Engineering of 2017. His expertise has been instrumental in delivering a range of undergraduate and graduate courses such as Biochemical Engineering, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Water and Wastewater Treatment, and many more.

On the administrative front, Dr. Yasin has served as Incharge Academics, Convenor Undergraduate Advisory Committee, Chemical Engineering Design Projects Coordinator, Departmental Resource Manager, among other roles. His active involvement in committees was key in designing and developing new undergraduate programs in Food Engineering and Environmental Sciences.

Volunteer Roles

In recognition of his dedication and outstanding performance for faculty, Dr. Yasin was elected to the CUI Senate, the highest statutory forum at CUI, by the faculty.

Research Interests and Grants

Dr. Yasin's research work in the field of bioreactor design and the exploitation of single carbon (C1) greenhouse gases, such as CO, CO2, and CH4 through microbial fermentation, has been well recognized. Since the beginning of his PhD in March 2012, he has consistently pursued this area, publishing over fifteen research articles on microbial upcycling of syngas/waste gas into valuable biofuels and biochemicals.

Post-PhD, his research focus has transitioned to address local environmental challenges in alignment with Pakistan’s commitment to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). His current work involves the membrane-based dehydration of bioethanol from fermentation broths, with a leading role in a HEC funded research project on "Task-specific Deep Eutectic Solvents Based Pervaporation Process for Production of Fuel-grade Bioethanol."

Collaboration Opportunities

Dr. Yasin's extensive research experience makes him an ideal collaborator in the areas of Bioprocess design and scale-up, Resource recovery from waste streams, and Membrane technology for Biofuel separation.

International Projects

His international experience includes research work and collaboration on projects funded by prestigious institutions like the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs, Republic of Korea, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, and the Korea Environment Corporation, and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, South Korea. All these works were conducted at, and in collaboration with Energy and Biotechnology Laboratory (EBL), GIST, South Korea (https://env1.gist.ac.kr/ebl/ ).

Research Group

In addition to his individual achievements, Dr. Yasin co-leads the Membrane Systems Research Group (MSRG) in the Department of Chemical Engineering at CUI.

Open Positions

Interested applicants are encouraged to apply for the open MS and PhD positions in his team. Candidates with a strong background in Chemical Engineering and expertise in Chemical Process Design and Simulation using Aspen Plus and Aspen Hysys can contact Dr. Yasin at myasin@cuilahore.edu.pk

Funded Projects:

Current Projects:
1. Task-specific Deep Eutectic Solvents Based Pervaporation Process for Production of Fuel-grade Bioethanol (2021 - 2025) PIs: Dr. Muhammad Yasin,Dr. Asim Laeeq Khan, Budget: PKR 13611600, Funded By: HEC .


1. Chang, I.S., Yasin M., Park, S., Jeong, Y. (2016), "Submerged hollow fiber membrane bioreactor (HFMBR) as high mass transfer gas diffusing system for microbial syngas fermentation", Patent No: KR101635452B1     (External URL)
Book Chapters:
1. Yasin, M., Cha M., Chang, I.S., Atiyeh H., Munasinghe P., Khanal S. K. (2019), "Syngas Fermentation Into Biofuels and Biochemicals. ", Biofuels: Alternative Feedstocks and Conversion Processes for the Production of Liquid and Gaseous Biofuels (Second Edition), edited by: A. Pandey, C. Larroche, C.-G. Dussap, E. Gnansounou, S.K. Khanal, S. Ricke, published by: Academic Press, pp: 301-327    (External URL)
Journal Papers:
1. Khan, P., Yasin, M., AlMohamadi, M., Zhang, X., Khan, A.L., Nawaz, R., Gilani, M. A. (2024), "Exploring the potential of hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents for bioethanol separation using DFT and COSMO-RS model [Corresponding Author]", Journal of Molecular Liquids, pp: 123665, Vol: 393    (External URL)
2. Naeem, A., Saeed, B., AlMohamadi, H., Lee, M., Gilani, M.A,, Nawaz, R., Khan, A.L., Yasin., M (2024), "Sustainable and green membranes for chemical separations: A review [Corresponding Author]", Separation and Purification Technology, Vol: 336, Impact Factor: 8.6    (External URL)
3. Khalid, M.T., Anjum, T., Khan, A.L., Rehman, F., Aslam, M., Gilani, M.A., Akhtar, F. H., Lee, M., , Chang, I.S., Yasin. M*. (2023), "Task-specific polymeric membranes to achieve high gas-liquid mass transfer [Corresponding Author]", Chemosphere, pp: 137603, Impact Factor: 8.943    (External URL)
4. Ji-Yeon Kim, Mungyu Lee, Soyoung Oh, Byeongchan Kang, Muhammad Yasin, In Seop Chang (2023), "Acetogen and acetogenesis for biological syngas valorization", Bioresource Technology, pp: 129368, Vol: 384, Impact Factor: 11.889    (External URL)
5. Sajjad Hussain, Muhammad Hafi Wadgama, Asim Laeeq Khan, Muhammad Yasin, and Faheem Hassan Akhtar (2023), "Upcycling Poly(ethylene terephthalate) by Fabricating Membranes for Desalination", ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., DOI: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acssuschemeng, Impact Factor: 9.224    (External URL)
6. Qyyum, M.A., Shah, S.F.A., Qadeer, K., Naquash, A., Yasin, M., Rehan, M., Tabatabaei, M., Aghbashlo, M, Lee, Nizami, A.S. (2022), "Biowaste to bioenergy options for sustainable economic growth opportunities in developing countries: Product space model analysis and policy map development", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, pp: 112832, Vol: 169, DOI: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/, Impact Factor: 16.799    (External URL)
7. Khan, J., Saif-ul-Allah, M. W., Qyyum, M.A., Faisal, A., Yasin, M., Hussain, A., Bazm, A.A. (2022), "Reduction in specific energy consumption of overall biogas upgrading and biomethane liquefaction process: Energy and exergy analysis", Energy Conversion and Management, pp: 116269, Vol: 271, Impact Factor: 11.533    (External URL)
8. Abu Bakar Sikander, Tanzila Anjum , Asim Laeeq Khan** , Mazhar Amjad Gilani , Arsalan Ahmad Raja , Muhammad Yasin* (2022), "Exploring the potential of Highly Selective Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) Based Membranes for Dehydration of Butanol via Pervaporation [Corresponding Author]", Chemosphere, pp: 135480, Vol: 305, Impact Factor: 8.943    (External URL)
9. Zain Iqbal, Zufishan Shamair, Muhammad Usman, Mazhar Amjad Gilani, Muhammad Yasin, Sidra Saqib, Asim Laeeq Khan (2022), "One Pot Synthesis of UiO-66-IL Composite for Fabrication of CO2 Selective Mixed Matrix Membranes", Chemosphere, pp: 135122, Vol: 303, Impact Factor: 8.943    (External URL)
10. Lee, M., Jang, N, Kang, B., Yasin, M., Chang, I.S. (2022), "Proposition of cost-effective industrial grade medium for synthesis gas fermentation through evaluation of economic feasibility", Bioresource Technology Reports, pp: 101208, Vol: 19, Impact Factor: CS-6.3    (External URL)
11. Maira Shabir, Muhammad Yasin, Murid Hussain, Iqrash Shafiq, Parveen Akhter, Abdul-Sattar Nizami, Byong-Hun Jeon, Young-Kwon Park (2022), "A review on recent advances in the treatment of dye-polluted wastewater", Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, pp: 1-19, Vol: 112, Impact Factor: 6.76    (External URL)
12. S. Bano, S.R Tariqa, T. Anjum, M. Najam, M. Usman, M. Yasin, H.Z.Shafi, A.L Khan (2022), "Development of highly permselective Mixed Matrix Membranes comprising of polyimide and Ln-MOF for CO2 capture", Chemosphere, pp: 136051, Vol: 307, Impact Factor: 8.943    (External URL)
13. Junaid Haider, M. A. Qyyum, Amjad Riaz, Ahmad Naquash, Bilal Kazmi, Muhammad Yasin, Abdul-Sattar Nizami, Manhee Byun, Moonyong Lee, Hankwon Lim (2022), "State-of-the-art process simulations and techno-economic assessments of ionic liquid-based biogas upgrading techniques: Challenges and prospects", Fuel, pp: 123064, Vol: 314, Impact Factor: 6.609    (External URL)
14. M. A. Qyyum*, A. Naquash, W. Ali, J. Haider, A. A Noon, M. Rehan, A.S. Nizami, M. Yasin*, M. Lee* (2021), "Process Systems Engineering Evaluation of Prospective Working Fluids for Organic Rankine Cycles Facilitated by Biogas Combustion Flue Gases [Corresponding Author]", Frontiers in Energy Research , Vol: Accepted, Impact Factor: 2.746    (External URL)
15. Nulee Jang, Mungyu Lee, Muhammad Yasina, In Seop Chang (2020), "Behavior of CO-water mass transfer coefficient in membrane sparger-integrated bubble column for synthesis gas fermentation", Bioresource Technology, pp: 123594, Vol: 311, Impact Factor: 9.642    (External URL)
16. Qyyum, M.A†., Yasin, M†., Alam, N., He, T., Ali, W., Qadeer, K., Nizami, A.S., Moustakas, K., Lee, M. (2020), "Single-Solution-Based Vortex Search Strategy for Optimal Design of Offshore and Onshore Natural Gas Liquefaction Processes", Energies, pp: 1732, Vol: 13, Issue: 7, Impact Factor: 2.707    (External URL)
17. M. Lee*, M. Yasin*, N. Jang, I. S. Chang (2020), "A Simultaneous Gas feeding and Cell-recycled Reaction (SGCR) system to achieve biomass boosting and high acetate titer in microbial carbon monoxide fermentation [*First Co-authors]", Bioresource Technology, pp: 122549, Vol: 298, Impact Factor: 9.642    (External URL)
18. Stacy S. Reginald, H. Lee, Y. S. Lee, M. Yasin, Chang In Seop (2020), "Dissolved carbon monoxide concentration monitoring platform based on direct electrical connection of CO dehydrogenase with electrically accessible surface structure", Bioresource Technology, pp: 122436, Vol: 297, Impact Factor: 9.642    (External URL)
19. Qyyum, M.A., Haider J., Qadeer K., Valentina V., Khan A., Yasin M. ,.., et al. (2020), "Biogas to liquefied biomethane: Assessment of 3P's-Production, Processing, and Prospects", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, pp: 109561, Vol: 119, Impact Factor: 10.556    (External URL)
20. Nulee Jang, Muhammad Yasin, Mungyu Lee, Hyunsoo Kang, In Seop Chang (2020), "Gas circulation rate and medium exchange ratio as influential factors affecting ethanol production in carbon monoxide fermentation using a packed-bed reactor", Sustainable Energy and Fuels, Vol: Accepted, Impact Factor: 4.912    (External URL)
21. F. Javed, Z. Shamair, M. Aslam, N. Rashid, A. L Khan, Muhammad Yasin,.....et al. (2019), "Microalgae-based biofuels, resource recovery and wastewater treatment: A pathway towards sustainable biorefinery", Fuel, pp: 115826, Vol: 255, Impact Factor: 6.669     (External URL)
22. Muhammad Yasin, N. Jang, M. Lee, H. Kang, M. Aslam, A. Bazmi and I. S. Chang (2019), "Bioreactors, gas delivery systems and supporting technologies for microbial synthesis gas conversion process [Invited article]", Bioresource Technology Reports, pp: 100207, Vol: 7    (External URL)
23. M. Maaz, Muhammad Yasin, M. Aslam....et al. (2019), "Anaerobic membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment: Novel configurations, fouling control and energy considerations [Co-first authors]", Bioresource Technology, pp: 358-372, Vol: 283, Impact Factor: 9.642    (External URL)
24. A. Khalid, M. Aslam, M.A Qyyum, A. Faisal, A.L Khan, F. Ahmed, M. Lee, J. Kim, N. Jang, I.S Chang, A.A. Bazmi, Muhammad Yasin* (2019), "Membrane separation processes for dehydration of bioethanol from fermentation broths: Recent developments, challenges, and prospects [Corresponding Author]", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, pp: 427-443, Vol: 105, Impact Factor: 10.556    (External URL)
25. Muhammad Aslam., Rizwan Ahmad, Muhammad Yasin, Khan A. L., et al. (2018), "Anaerobic membrane bioreactors for biohydrogen production: recent developments, challenges and perspectives", Bioresource Technology, pp: 452-464, Vol: 269, Impact Factor: 9.642    (External URL)
26. Junaid Haider, Muhammad Abdul Qyyum, Arif Hussain,Muhammad Yasin, Moonyong Lee (2018), "Techno-economic analysis of various process schemes for the production of fuel grade 2,3–butanediol from fermentation broth", Biochemical Engineering Journal, pp: 93-107, Vol: 140, Impact Factor: 4.446    (External URL)
27. Nulee Jang, Muhammad Yasin, Hyunsoo Kang, Yeubin Lee, Gwon Woo Park, Shinyoung Park, In Seop Chang. (2018), "Bubble coalescence suppression driven carbon monoxide (CO)-water mass transfer increase by electrolyte addition in a hollow fiber membrane bioreactor (HFMBR) for microbial CO conversion to ethanol", Bioresource Technology, pp: 375-384, Vol: 263, Impact Factor: 9.642    (External URL)
28. Nulee Jang*, Muhammad Yasin*, Shinyoung Park, R W. Lovitt , In Seop Chang (2017), "Determination of volumetric gas–liquid mass transfer coefficient of carbon monoxide in a batch cultivation system using kinetic simulations [*First Co-authors]", Bioresource Technology, pp: 387-393, Vol: 239, Impact Factor: 9.642    (External URL)
29. Shinyoung Park, Muhammad Yasin, Jiyeong Jeong, Minseok Cha, Hyunsoo Kang, Nulee Jang, In-Geol Choi, In Seop Chang (2017), "Acetate-assisted increase of butyrate production by Eubacterium limosum KIST612 during carbon monoxide fermentation", Bioresource Technology, pp: 560-566, Vol: 245, Impact Factor: 9.642    (External URL)
30. Jaewon Lee, Nulee Jang, Muhammad Yasin, Eun Yeol Leed, In Seop Chang, Choongik Kim (2016), "Enhanced mass transfer rate of methane via hollow fiber membrane modules for Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b fermentation", Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, pp: 149-152, Vol: 39, Impact Factor: 6.76    (External URL)
31. Yeseul Jeong, Nulee Jang, Muhammad Yasin, Shinyoung Park, In Seop Chang (2016), "Intrinsic kinetic parameters of Thermococcus onnurineus NA1 strains and prediction of optimum carbon monoxide level for ideal bioreactor operation", Bioresource Technology, pp: 74-79, Vol: 201, Impact Factor: 9.642    (External URL)
32. Muhammad Yasin, Yeseul Jeong, Shinyoung Park, Jiyeong Jeong, Eun Yeol Lee, Robert W. Lovitt, Byung Hong Kim, Jinwon Lee, In Seop Chang (2015), "Microbial synthesis gas utilization and ways to resolve kinetic and mass-transfer limitations", Bioresource Technology, pp: 361-374, Vol: 177, Impact Factor: 9.642    (External URL)
33. Lee, J., Yasin, M., et al., (2015), "Gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient of methane in bubble column reactor", Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, pp: 1-4, Impact Factor: 1.241    (External URL)
34. Muhammad Yasin, Shinyoung Park, Yeseul Jeong, Eun Yeol Lee, Jinwon Lee, In Seop Chang (2014), "Effect of internal pressure and gas/liquid interface area on the CO mass transfer coefficient using hollow fibre membranes as a high mass transfer gas diffusing system for microbial syngas fermentation", Bioresource Technology, pp: 637-643, Vol: 169, Impact Factor: 9.642    (External URL)
35. Shinyoung Park, Muhammad Yasin, Daehee Kim, Hee-Deung Park, Chang Min Kang, Duk Jin Kim and In Seop Chang (2013), "Rapid enrichment of (homo) acetogenic consortia from animal feces using a high mass-transfer gas-lift reactor fed with syngas", Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (JIMB), pp: 995-1003, Vol: 40, Issue: 9, Impact Factor: 4.258    (External URL)
Conference Papers:
1. Muhammad Yasin (2019) "Microbial bioprocessing: optimum reactor design for carbon monoxide (CO) fermentation", C1 net - Conference 4-Chemicals From Cl gas, University of Nottingham, UK.   
2. Nulee Jang, Muhammad Yasin, H. Kang., Lee M. Chang, I.S. (2018) "Microbial syngas conversion to ethanol using a packed bed bioreactor with internal gas circulation", Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB) 2018 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, August 12-16, Hilton Chicago, Chicago, USA.   
3. Muhammad Yasin, Shinyoung Park, Yeseul Jeong, In Seop Chang (2014) "Hollow fibre membranes as a high mass transfer gas diffusing system for microbial CO fermentation", 16th European Congress on Biotechnology, July 13-16, Edinburgh, Scotland.    (External URL)
4. Muhammad Yasin, Shinyoung Park and In Seop Chang (2013) "Intrinsic growth and substrate utilization kinetics parameters for Oscillibacter sp., a CO-utilizing acetogenic bacterium", SIMB Annual Meeting and Exhibition,August, 11-15,2013 San Diego, USA   
5. Muhammad Yasin, Abdul Waheed Bhutto, Aqeel Ahmed Bazmi, Sadia Karim (2010) "Efficient Utilization of Rice-Wheat Straw to Produce Value-Added Composite Products", 1st International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp: 51(Abstrac, Vol: --, Issue: --, Standard: held on 26-28 November 2010    (External URL)
6. Abdul Waheed Bhutto, Muhammad Yasin (2010) "Overcoming the Energy Efficiency Gap in Pakistan’s Household Sector", International Conference on Energy Systems Engineering (ICESE - 2010) IEEE Conference, pp: Paper-23, Standard: held on 25 - 27 October 2010    
7. A Ashraf. Zeshan S. M. Yasin. M. N. Kardar, A. A. Bazmi (2009) "Biodiesel from waste cooking for as green future energy source", Digital Innovation Competition and Exhibition, DICE , pp: Poster Pre, Standard: , 23 & held on Dec.23&24, 2009    (External URL)


PhD (Environmental Science and Engineering)
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), South Korea
Mar 2012 to Aug 2015
MSc (Environmental and Energy Engineering)
University of Sheffield, UK
Sep 2008 to Sep 2009
BE (Chemical)
DCET (Mehran University of Engg. & Tech. Jamshoro), Pakistan
Mar 2002 to Dec 2005


Associate Professor
COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Lahore Campus
Jul 2021 to Date
Assistant Professor
COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Lahore Campus
Dec 2015 to Jul 2021
Post-doc Associate
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
Sep 2015 to Dec 2015
Research Assistant
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
Feb 2012 to Aug 2015
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT)
Jun 2007 to Feb 2012
Lab Engineer
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT)
Jan 2007 to Jun 2007
Production Officer
Candy Land (Ismail Industries Ltd.)
Mar 2006 to Jan 2007

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