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Qammar, A., Aslam, MS., Khan, SR., Alvi, TH., Jabeen, N. (2024), "Does age matter for innovative behavior among IT professionals? A time-lagged mediated moderation model of organizational justice, creative self-efficacy, and innovative behavior. ", Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2024/5391150, Impact Factor: 10.3, ESCI JCR Q1
2. |
Aslam, MS., Akram, A. (2024), "When and how does e-HRM Optimize Communication Pace and Processing Time?", Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JEAS-01-2024-0037, Impact Factor: 1.8, ESCI JCR: Q2
3. |
Aslam, MS., Qammar, A., Ali, I., Yaqoob, Z., Mohapatra, AK (2024), "Fostering Innovation Speed and Quality in ICT Firms: The Role of Knowledge Governance Mechanisms, Absorptive Capacity and Environmental Dynamism", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2024.123460, Impact Factor: 12, SSCI JCR Q1, ABS-3, ABDC-A
4. |
Qammar, A., Sagheer, R. & Aslam, M.S. (2023), "Translating environmental corporate social responsibility into environmental performance and competitive advantage: a moderated mediation model.", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-29689-x, Impact Factor: 5.8, SCIE JCR: Q2,
(External URL)
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Aslam, M.S., O'Reilly, D., & Shah, U. (2022), "Taking the rough with the smooth: A qualitative inquiry into social and cultural practices of knowledge-sharing work in international consultancy alliances", International Business Review, Vol: In Press, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2022.102081, Impact Factor: 8.7; SSCI JCR: Q2, ABS-3; ABDC-A
(External URL)
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Qammar, A., Aslam, M.S., Yaqub, M. Z., Ahmed, F., Ali, I., Ali, M., (2022), "Knowledge acquisition from foreign partners in international alliances. Moderating role of knowledge integration", European Journal of International Management, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1504/EJIM.2022.10060154, Impact Factor: 1.8; SSCI JCR: Q4, ABS-2; ABDC: 'C'; In Press
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Aslam, M. S., Ali, I., Qammar, A., Kiwan, L., & Dhir, A. (2022), "How knowledge acquisition creates a competitive edge? A qualitative inquiry from international consultancy alliance", International Marketing Review, pp: 653-681, Vol: 39, Issue: 3, ISSN: 0265-1335, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IMR-03-2021-0111, Impact Factor: 5.774; SSCI JCR: Q3, ABS-3; ABDC-A
(External URL)
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Muhammad Shakeel Aslam, Farhan Ahmad and Shamyla Anwar (2012), "Job Burnout and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Mediating Role of Affective Commitment", Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, pp: 8120-8129 , Vol: 2, Issue: 8, Standard: [ISI Indexed]
(External URL)
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Mian Sajid Nazir, Muhammad Shakeel Aslam, Muhammad Musarrat Nawaz (2011), "Can Demography Predict Academic Dishonest Behaviors of Students?
A Case of Pakistan", International Education Studies, pp: 208-217, Vol: 4, Issue: 2, Standard: ISSN 1913-9020, E-ISSN 1913-9039
(External URL)
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Nazir, M.S., Aslam, M.S., Nawaz, M.M., (2011), "Mediating Role of LMX in Distributive Justice – Organizational
Citizenship behavior Relationship: Evidence from Pakistan", European Journal of Social Sciences, pp: 59-68, Vol: 25, Issue: 3, Standard: ISSN 1450-2267
(External URL)
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Muhammad Shakeel Aslam and Mian Sajid Nazir (2011), "THE IMPACT OF PERSONALITY TRAITS ON ACADEMIC DISHONESTY AMONG PAKISTAN STUDENTS", The Journal of Commerce, pp: 50-61, Vol: 3, Issue: 2, Standard: ISSN: 2218-8118, 2220-6043
(External URL)
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Abdul Haque and Muhammad Shakeel Aslam (2011), "The Influence of Demography on Job Burnout", Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, pp: 57-72, Vol: 4, Issue: 2, Standard: Print ISSN: 2219 5440, Online ISSN: 2221 8017
(External URL)
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Abdul Haque and Muhammad Shakeel Aslam (2011), "The Influence of Distributive Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion and Organizational Attachment", International Journal of Business and Social Science, pp: 155-165, Vol: 2, Issue: 15, Standard: ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online)
(External URL)
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Muhammad Shakeel Aslam and Umar Safdar (2011), "The Influence of Job Burnout on Intention to Stay in the Organization: Mediating Role of Affective Commitment", Journal of Business and Applied Scientific Research, pp: 4016-4025, Vol: 2, Issue: 4, Standard: 2090-4304 [ISI Indexed]
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Mian Sajid Nazir and Muhammad Shakeel Aslam (2010), "Academic dishonesty and perceptions of Pakistani students", International Journal of Educational Management, pp: 655-688, Vol: 24, Issue: 7, ISSN: 0951-354X, Impact Factor: 2.4, ESCI JCR: Q2, ABS-1, ABDC-B
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