Dr. Junaid Akram
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Area of Interest: Code Clone Detection and Analysis | Software Evolution and Maintenance | Software Vulnerability Detection | Search Based Software Testing 
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
HEC approved PhD Supervisor


Dr. Junaid Akram has joined COMSATS University (CUI) Lahore campus in 2023. Previously, he worked (for 2 years) as a Postdoc Researcher at SnT (Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust), University of Luxembourg under the supervision of Prof. Lionel Briand. Meanwhile, he was also offering his services in the industry, as a Visiting Researcher at SES (Société Européenne Satellite) on a satellite management project named ARC (Adaptive Resource Control). At SES he was working closely with the software testing team, to carry out comprehensive testing of the ARC system. 

In 2020, Dr. Junaid Akram earned his Ph.D. in Software Engineering from Tsinghua University, which is a well reputed institute (17th in the world). His PhD thesis was mainly focused on the detection of vulnerabilities in the source code, and the detection of malware in Android applications at source code level. Dr. Junaid Akram has published quality research papers in some well-reputed journals, as well as in international conferences. His interdisciplinary research unites two strands of recent, significant software security problems, i.e., software vulnerability detection & android-malware detection at source code level. 


Office: H Block - Room # 14

Email: junaidakram@cuilahore.edu.pk

Phone: 0313 7562810


Research Interests: 

Code Clone Detection and Analysis | Software Evolution and Maintenance | Software Vulnerability Detection | Search Based Software Testing 


Journal Papers:
1. Junaid Akram*, Danish Vasan, Ping Luo (2022), "Obfuscated Code is Identifiable by a Token Based Clone Detection Technique", International Journal of Information and Computer Security    (External URL)
2. Junaid Akram*, Majid Mumtaz, Gul Jabeen and Ping Luo (2021), "DroidMD: An Efficient and Scalable Android Malware Detection Approach at Source Code Level", International Journal of Information and Computer Security     (External URL)
3. Danish Vasan*, Mamoun Alazab, Sitalakshmi Venkatraman, Junaid Akram, Zheng Qin (2020), "MTHAEL: Cross-Architecture IoT Malware Detection Based on Neural Network Advanced Ensemble Learning", IEEE Transactions on Computers    (External URL)
4. Junaid Akram*, Ping Luo (2020), "SQVDT: Scalable Quantitative Vulnerability Detection Technique for Source Code Security Assessment.", International Journal of Software: Practice and Experience    (External URL)
5. Junaid Akram*, Zhendong Shi, Majid Mumtaz, Ping Luo (2020), "DroidSD: An Efficient Indexed Based Android Applications Similarity Detection Tool", Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE)   
6. Junaid Akram*, Luo Ping (2020), "How to Build a Vulnerability Benchmark to Overcome Cyber Security Attacks", IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) Information Security    (External URL)
7. Junaid Akram*, Majid Mumtaz, Ping Luo (2019), "IBFET: Index Based Features Extraction Technique for Scalable Code Clone Detection at File Level Granularity", International Journal of Software: Practice and Experience    (External URL)
8. Majid Mumtaz; Junaid Akram and Luo Ping (2019), "An RSA Based Authentication System for Smart IoT Environment, Conference", An RSA Based Authentication System for Smart IoT Environment, Conference    (External URL)
9. Junaid Akram*, Fang Luping (2015), "Data Structure and Algorithm: A Visualized Web Based Courseware Improves Cognitive Learning", International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications    (External URL)
Conference Papers:
1. Akram Junaid*, Seung Yeob Shin, Donghwan Shin, Domenico Bianculli (2022) "Automated Test Data Generation for Data Processing Systems Using Models and Mutations", Industrial Partnership Block Grant (IPBG) Annual Workshop   
2. Gul Jabeen*, Junaid Akram Luo Ping, and Akber Aman (2019) "An Integrated Software Vulnerability Discovery Model based on Artificial Neural Network", The 31st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering     (External URL)
3. Akram Junaid*, Liang Qi, and Ping Luo (2019) "VCIPR: Vulnerable Code is Identifiable When a Patch is Released (Hacker's Perspective)", IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST)    (External URL)
4. Akram Junaid*, Zhendong Shi, Majid Mumtaz, and Ping Luo (2018) "DCCD: An Efficient and Scalable Distributed Code Clone Detection Technique for Big Code", International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering     (External URL)
5. Akram Junaid*, Zhendong Shi, Majid Mumtaz and Luo Ping (2018) "DroidCC: A Scalable Clone Detection Approach for Android Applications to Detect Similarity at Source Code Level", IEEE 42nd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)    (External URL)
6. Junaid Akram*, Fang Luping (2015) "Cognitive Effects of Visualization on Learning Data Structure and Algorithms", The Third International Conference on Digital Enterprise and Information Systems (DEIS2015)    (External URL)


Post Doctorate
University of Luxembourg , Luxembourg
Jun 2021 to May 2023
Tsinghua University, China
Sep 2015 to Jun 2020
Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Sep 2012 to Jun 2015


Assistant Professor
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Mar 2023 to Date
Post Doctorate Research Associate
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
May 2021 to May 2023
Assistant Professor
Xiamen University Malaysia, Malaysia
Aug 2020 to Jul 2021

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