Ms. Zainab Akram
Assistant Professor, Economics
Area of Interest: Development Economics,Political Economy,Public Policy and Islamic Economics
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
Zainab Naveed is serving as Assistant Professor at the department of Economics . Currently she is the coordinator, BS Economics program. She has been teaching subjects like Islamic economics, Development economics, Monetary economics,Macroeconimics and Economics of Population.  As an ardent researcher, she has written several research articles on poverty alleviation, Islamic formula of future value of asset, financial liberalization, international trade and governance in well reputed international journals. 
She holds a degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Economics from the University of Punjab. She was awarded Qazi Fareed Memorial honorary gold medal for exceptional academic performance in her MPhil degree program. Early in her career, she was also awarded a scholarship for six weeks training on Capability Approach and Multidimensional Poverty by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) Oxford University, UK. Her areas of interest are Islamic Microfinance, Islamic Economics, Development Economics and Political Economy. 
She was ranked among the top hundred most influential women in Islamic Business and Finance industry for the year 2020 by Cambridge IFA ,UK. She has been the lead organizer of Global Forum on Islamic Finance (GFIF) that is one of the largest and robust platforms of Islamic banking and Finance by far showcasing researches and developments by practitioners, industry leaders, policy makers, shariah consultants and other stakeholders for enlarging the IBF research sphere in Pakistan. In addition, she is also the coordinator of newly initiated yet much acclaimed Islamic Finance Excellence Awards (IFEA) in Pakistan.  Due to her dynamism and keen interest in research, she was assigned the role of Associate Editor of COMSATS Journal of Islamic Finance (CJIF) that is gaining popularity due to its quality research. She has also been a member of Advisory Board for the Center of Islamic Finance (CIF-CUI).


Journal Papers:
1. Akram.Z & Rehman.Hafeez (2013), "Financial Liberalization and Poverty Nexus: Case Study of Pakistan", International Journal of Business Economics and Law, pp: 198-204., Vol: 1, Issue: 1    (External URL)
2. Ehsan S, Tabassum N, Akram Z & Nasir R. (2013), "Role of Insider and Individual Ownership Structure in Dividend Payout Policy: Evidence from Pakistan.", Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, pp: 1316-1326, Vol: 17, Issue: 9, Impact Factor: ISI     (External URL)
3. Z. Akram., S.Wajid., .T Mehmood. ,& S.Sarwar (2011), "Impact of Poor Governance and Income Inequality on Poverty in Pakistan", Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, pp: 43-55, Vol: 4, Issue: 3    (External URL)
Conference Papers:
1. Akram.Z & Rehman.Hafeez (2012) "Financial Liberalization and Poverty Nexus: Case Study of Pakistan.", Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law conference   
2. Zainab Akram,Sajida Wajid,Dr Tahir Mahmood (2010) "Impact of Poor Governance and Income Inequality on Poverty in Pakistan", ICMR, Standard: Ref. No.141/ICMR2010    (External URL)


Mphil in Economics
University of Punjab, Pakistan
Sep 2009 to Sep 2011
Masters of Business Economics (Banking and Finance)
University of Punjab, Pakistan
Sep 2005 to Sep 2007


Assistant Professor
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Jul 2007 to Date
Lecturer (Visiting Faculty)
Hailey College of Banking and Finance
Sep 2006 to Sep 2007

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