Dr. Tariq Hameed Alvi
Assistant Professor, Management Sciences
Area of Interest: Marketing ethics, religiosity, sharing economy, trust in sharing economy, reputation systems, and online reviews.
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
HEC approved PhD Supervisor

Dr. Alvi earned his Ph.D. from a triple-accredited business school (AACSB, EQUIS, and Association of MBAs), the University of International Business and Economics Business School, Beijing, China, under the supervision of the renowned researcher in Marketing, Professor Yonggui Wang. His doctoral dissertation was on institutionalizing trust mechanisms in the sharing economy. It was titled "The Efficacy of Trust Mechanisms in Sharing Economy: Three Essays on Consociality, Platform Intermediation, and Trust Mechanisms." Before doing his Ph.D., he completed his MS in Management Sciences from the Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore, and his Master of Marketing and Bachelor of Computer Science, both from the University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Throughout his academic career, he has won several awards and scholarships.

As a researcher, he has published in premier journals such as Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, the International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, the Asian Journal of Business Ethics, and the Academy of Management Conference. In teaching, his passion is to build a conceptual understanding of the students to a level where students can easily apply the concepts learned to the real business context to achieve optimal solutions. To achieve this, he has developed a highly interactive and learner-centered lecture-cum-case method.

His areas of research interest are broad, and he advocates a cross-functional understanding of business management. Specifically, he is currently researching multiple issues in service management, focusing on OB/HRM, marketing, and the role of platforms. Accordingly, he is open to accepting MS and Ph.D. students in areas of his interest.

He is also a member of the Marketing Association of Pakistan Lahore Chapter.

Dr. Alvi's Research Profiles:

  1. Google Scholar
  2. ResearchGate
  3. ORCID
  4. Web of Science Researcher Profile

Dr. Alvi's Social Media Profiles:

  1. LinkedIn 
  2. Twitter


Journal Papers:
1. Tariq Hameed Alvi; Hafiz Muhammad Siddaq Ilyas; Samia Tariq; Ahmad Qammar; Yonggui Wang (2024), "Mitigating work alienation in public sector service-delivery projects caused by perceived overqualification: the roles of empowering leadership and the psychological contracts", International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, pp: ahead of print, Vol: ahead of print, Issue: ahead of print, ISSN: 1753-8378, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMPB-02-2024-0038, Impact Factor: 2.7    (External URL)
2. Wang, Yonggui; Tariq, Samia; Alvi, Tariq Hameed (2021), "How primary and supplementary reviews affect consumer decision making? Roles of psychological and managerial mechanisms", Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, pp: 101032, Vol: 46, Issue: March-April 2021, ISSN: 1567-4223, Impact Factor: 6.014    (External URL)
3. Akhtar, Naeem; Jin, Sun; Alvi, Tariq Hameed; Siddiqi, Umar Iqbal (2020), "Conflicting halal attributes at halal restaurants and consumers’ responses: The moderating role of religiosity", Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, pp: 499-510, Vol: 45, Issue: March, ISSN: 14476770, Impact Factor: 7.629; A category journal in Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List     (External URL)
4. Tariq, Samia; Ansari, Nighat G.; Alvi, Tariq Hameed (2019), "The impact of intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity on ethical decision-making in management in a non-Western and highly religious country", Asian Journal of Business Ethics, pp: 195-224, Vol: 8, Issue: 2, ISSN: ISBN: 1352001900094; ISSN: 2210-6723, Impact Factor: Clarivate Analytics' Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC    (External URL)
Conference Papers:
1. Tariq, Samia; Alvi, Tariq Hameed (2019) "The Institutionalization of Ethics in Pakistan : An Emergent Dimension of " Responsibility ' and the Contingent Effect of the Sector and Market Context", Academy of Management Global Proceedings, 82, 2019, pp: 1-2, Vol: 1    (External URL)


University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
2015 to 2020
Master of Science
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore, Pakistan
2010 to 2013
PITB-LUMS Advanced IT Skills Development Program
Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore, Pakistan
Jan 2007 to Mar 2007
Master of Marketing
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
2003 to 2006
Bachelor of Computer Science
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, Pakistan
1998 to 2001


Assistant Professor
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore, Pakistan
Dec 2013 to Date
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore, Pakistan
Aug 2007 to Dec 2013
Stocks Executive (In-charge Supply Warehouse)
Haleeb Foods Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan
Apr 2006 to Oct 2006
Co-founder / Chief Operating Officer
BizSol, Lahore, Pakistan
Oct 2006 to Aug 2006
Programmer Analyst
Syberwurx, Lahore, Pakistan
Jan 2003 to Apr 2003
Project Manager
PIMCS, Lahore, Pakistan
Apr 2000 to Jan 2003

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