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Ejaz, H. Shafique, I. & Qammar, A. (2025), "Improving Team Adaptive Performance Through Team Cohesion: An Integrated Team Level Framework", South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, pp: ahead-of-print, Vol: ahead-of-print, Issue: ahead-of-print, ISSN: 2322-0937
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Khan, M., Usman, M., Shafique, I., Ogbonnaya, C., & Roodbari, H. (2024), "Can HR managers as ethical leaders cure the menace of precarious work? Important roles of sustainable HRM and HR manager political skill", International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp: 1824-1850, Vol: 35, Issue: 10, ISSN: 0958-5192, Impact Factor: 5.6
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Ejaz, H. Shafique, I. & Qammar, A. (2024), "The role of team cohesion and ambidexterity in enhancing employee adaptive performance: An examination of a multilevel model", Journal of Organizational Change Management, pp: 1082-1101, Vol: 37, Issue: 5, ISSN: 0953-4814, Impact Factor: 2.8
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Ali, M., Usman, M., Khan, M.A.S., Shafique, I., & Mughal, F. (2024), "“Articulating Cognizance About What to Hide What not": Insights into Why and When Ethical Leadership Regulates Employee Knowledge-Hiding Behaviors", Journal of Business Ethics, pp: 885–895, Vol: 190, ISSN: 1573-0697, Impact Factor: 6.1
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Ahmad, B. Shafique, I. Qammar, A. Ercek, M. & Kalyar, M.N. (2024), "Prompting green product and process innovation: examining the effects of green transformational leadership and dynamic capabilities", Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, pp: 1111-1123, Vol: 36, Issue: 6, ISSN: 0953-7325, Impact Factor: 3.4
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A Chohan, G Hussain, I Shafique (2024), "Does social capital affect supply chain performance? Establishing an underlying mechanism and a boundary condition", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, pp: ahead-of-print, Vol: ahead-of-print, Issue: ahead-of-print, ISSN: 1741-0401, Impact Factor: 3.1
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Shafique, I. Kalyar, M.N. Ahmad, B. & Pierscieniak, A, (2023), "Moral exclusion in hospitality: Testing a moderated mediation model of the relationship between perceived overqualification and knowledge hiding behavior", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, pp: 1759-1778, Vol: 35, Issue: 5, ISSN: 0959-6119, Impact Factor: 9.321
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Ahmad, B. Shafique, I. & Kalyar, M.N. (2022), "A moderated mediation model of the association between coworker social undermining and knowledge hiding", VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems , pp: 763-778, Vol: 52, Issue: 5, ISSN: 2059-5891, Impact Factor: ESCI & Scopus
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Shafique, I. Kalyar, M.N. Shafique, M. Kianto, A. & Beh, L.S. (2022), "Demystifying the link between knowledge management capability and innovation ambidexterity: organizational structure as a moderator", Business Process Management Journal, pp: 1343-1363, Vol: 28, Issue: 5/6, ISSN: 1463-7154, Impact Factor: 3.715
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Mushtaq, W. Qammar, A. Shafique, I. Anjum, Z-Z (2022), "Effect of cyberbullying on employee creativity: examining the roles of family social support and job burnout", Foresight, pp: 596-609, Vol: 24, Issue: 5, ISSN: 1463-6689, Impact Factor: ESCI & Scopus
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Ali, M., Usman, M., Shafique, I., Garavan, T., & Muavia, M. (2022), "Fueling the spirit of care to surmount hazing: foregrounding the role of spiritual leadership in inhibiting hazing in the hospitality context", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, pp: 3910-3928, Vol: 34, Issue: 10, ISSN: 0959-6119, Impact Factor: 9.321
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Khan, S.R. Qammar, A. & Shafique, I. (2022), "Participative climate, team job crafting and leaders' job crafting: a moderated mediation model of team performance", International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior, pp: 150-166, Vol: 25, Issue: 3/4, ISSN: 1093-4537, Impact Factor: Scopus
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13. |
Kalyar, M. N., Ali, F., & Shafique, I. (2021), "Green mindfulness and green creativity nexus in hospitality industry: examining the effects of green process engagement and CSR", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, pp: 2653-2675, Vol: 33, Issue: 8, ISSN: 0959-6119, Impact Factor: 9.321
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Shafique, I. Kalyar, M.N. & Mehwish, N. (2021), "Organizational ambidexterity, green entrepreneurial orientation, and environmental performance in SMEs context: Examining the moderating role of perceived CSR", Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, pp: 446-456, Vol: 28, Issue: 1, Standard: 1535-3966, Impact Factor: 4.542
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Shafique, I. Qammar, A. Kalyar, M.N. Ahmad, B. & Mushtaq, A. (2021), "Workplace ostracism and deviant behaviour among nurses: a parallel mediation model", Journal of Asia Business Studies, pp: 50-71, Vol: 15, Issue: 1, Standard: 1558-7894, Impact Factor: ESCI & Scopus
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Saeed, M. Shafique, I. (2020), "Customer-based brand equity and destination visit behaviour in the tourism industry: the contingent role of social media", Quality & Quantity, pp: 1491-1512, Vol: 54, Issue: December, Standard: 0033-5177
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Shafique, I., Kalyar, M.N. and Rani, T. (2020), "Examining the impact of ethical leadership on safety and task performance: a safety-critical context", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, pp: 909-926, Vol: 41, Issue: 7, Standard: 0143-7739, Impact Factor: 1.977
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Kalyar, M.N. Shafique, I. Ahmad, B. (2020), "Effect of innovativeness on supply chain integration and performance: Investigating the moderating role of environmental uncertainty", International Journal of Emerging Markets, pp: 362-386, Vol: 15, Issue: 2, Standard: 1746-8809, Impact Factor: 2.067
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Kalyar, M.N. Shoukat, A. Shafique, I. (2020), "Enhancing firms’ environmental performance and financial performance through green supply chain management practices and institutional pressures", Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, pp: 451-476, Vol: 11, Issue: 2, Standard: 2040-8021, Impact Factor: 1.745
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20. |
Shafique, I. Ahmad, B. Kalyar, M.N. (2020), "How ethical leadership influences creativity and organizational innovation: Examining the underlying mechanisms", European Journal of Innovation Management, pp: 114-133, Vol: 23, Issue: 1, Standard: 1460-1060, Impact Factor: 1.793
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Kalyar, M.N. Usta, A. Shafique, I. (2020), "When ethical leadership and LMX are more effective in prompting creativity: The moderating role of psychological capital", Baltic Journal of Management, pp: 61-80, Vol: 15, Issue: 1, Standard: 1746-5265, Impact Factor: 1.469
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22. |
Kalyar, M.N. Shafique, I. Abid, A. (2019), "Role of lean manufacturing and environmental management practices in eliciting environmental and financial performance: the contingent effect of institutional pressures", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp: 24967-24978, Vol: 26, Issue: 24, ISSN: 0944-1344, Impact Factor: 2.914
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Sarfraz, M. Qun, W. Sarwar, A. Abdullah, M.I. Imran, M.K. Shafique, I. (2019), "Mitigating effect of perceived organizational support on stress in the presence of workplace ostracism in the Pakistani nursing sector", Psychology Research and Behavior Management, pp: 839-849, Vol: 12, Issue: 1, ISSN: 1179-1578, Impact Factor: 1.840
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24. |
Kalyar, M.N. Shafique, I. Ahmad, B. (2019), "Job stress and performance nexus in tourism industry: A moderation analysis", Turizam: medunarodni znanstveno-strucni casopis, pp: 6-21, Vol: 67, Issue: 1, ISSN: 1332-7461, Impact Factor: ESCI & Scopus
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25. |
Shafique, I. Hyder, T. (2019), "Investigating Absorptive Capacity in Supply Chain Performance: Green Supply Chain Management Practices and Responsive Strategy", NMIMS Management Review, pp: 53-68, Vol: 36, Issue: 4, ISSN: 0971-1023, Impact Factor: ESCI
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Ahmed, A. Shafique, I. (2019), "Perception of household in regards to water pollution: an empirical evidence from Pakistan", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp: 8543-8551, Vol: 26, Issue: 9, ISSN: 0944-1344, Impact Factor: 2.914
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Shafique, I. Kalyar, M.N. (2018), "Linking transformational leadership, absorptive capacity, and corporate entrepreneurship", Administrative Sciences, pp: 1-17, Vol: 8, Issue: 2, ISSN: 2076-3387, Impact Factor: ESCI
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28. |
Shafique, I. Kalyar, M.N. Ahmad, B. (2018), "The Nexus of Ethical Leadership, Job Performance, and Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction", Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, pp: 71-87, Vol: 16, Issue: 1, ISSN: 1334-4684, Impact Factor: ESCI
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Kalyar, M.N. Sabir, H.M. Shafique, I. (2013), "Improving cycle time performance: the role of market turbulence and cultural competitiveness", Production & Manufacturing Research, pp: 3-18, Vol: 1, Issue: 1, ISSN: 2169-3277, Impact Factor: ESCI & Scopus
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