Dr. Khurram Ali
Tenured Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
Area of Interest: Statistical signal processing, Machine learning, Satellite navigation technologies, Signal processing for GNSS receivers, Estimation and detection theory, Multisensor fusion, Intelligent transportation systems
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
HEC approved PhD Supervisor

Email: khurram.ali@cuilahore.edu.pk


Khurram Ali received the Master in Navigation and Related Applications and the PhD in Electronics and Communications from Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in 2009 and 2013, respectively. He worked on signal processing aspects involved in designing GNSS receiver integrity monitoring algorithms for different applications, during his PhD. In 2013, he was a Post-Doc Research Associate with the Navigation Signal Analysis and Simulation (NavSAS) group at Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB) / Politecnico di Torino, Italy. Since 2014, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus. His research interests include statistical signal processing, machine learning, signal processing for GNSS receivers, estimation and detection theory, multisensor fusion, interference and threats to future navigation systems, receiver technologies for mass-market applications and intelligent transportation systems. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-h6KsEgAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao


Graduate Theses Supervision:

  • R. Sohail, “Deep Learning based Human Activity Recognition using IMU Data”, 2021.
  • T.A. Khan, “A Hybrid Framework for Attitude Estimation of a Rigid Body in the Presence of External Acceleration and Gyroscope Bias”, 2021.
  • Z. Arif, “Human Knee Joint Health Assessment using Acoustical Emissions”, 2020.
  • K. Javaid, “Neural Network based Classification for Parkinson’s Disease using Gait Features”, 2020.
  • M. Farooq, “Deformable Face Tracking using Recurrent Neural Networks”, 2019.
  • S. Maqsood, “Analysis of Unscented Particle Filter for Particles Tracking in High Energy Physics Experiments”, 2019.


Undergraduate Final Year Projects Supervision:

  • A. Subhani et al. “Reinforcement Learning based Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments”
  • S. Zahid et al. “Development of Bionic Hand by using EMG Sensor”
  • A. Abbas et al. “Design and Implementation of Smart Home Automation and Efficient Energy Systems”
  • H. Ahmad et al. “Design of a Multi-Rate Signal Processing Module for Heterogenous Connectivity in IoT Applications”
  • K. Khalil et al. “Android App based Smart Security System”
  • T. Manzoor et al. “Designing of NC-OFDM Transceiver for Cognitive Radio”
  • J. Abbas et al. “Seamless Navigation System for Physically Disabled Person”
  • F. Imam et al. “Collision Detection and Avoidance in Railways using GSM”
  • A. Azam et al. “User Controlled RF Robot with Wireless Night Vision, Heat and Gas Detection Capability”
  • A. Masoud et al. “Vehicle Accident Prevention, Detection and Notification System”


Funded Projects:

Completed Projects:
1. A wearable solution for health monitoring and assessment of human body joints using acoustic signals (2018 - 2021) PIs: Dr. Khurram Ali,Dr. Asim Ali Khan, Budget: 1.3 million, Funded By: Higher Education Commission, Pakistan .


Journal Papers:
1. M. Javed, M. Tahir, K. Ali (2022), "Attitude in Motion: Constraints Aided Accurate Vehicle Orientation Tracking in Harsh Environment", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, pp: 1-18, ISSN: 1551-3203, DOI: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9794425, Impact Factor: 11.648    (External URL)
2. I. Khosa, N. Taimoor, J. Akhtar, K. Ali, A. Rehman, M. Bajaj, M. Elgbaily, M. Shouran, S. Kamel (2022), "Financial Hazard Assessment for Electricity Suppliers Due to Power Outages: The Revenue Loss Perspective", Energies, pp: 1-24, Vol: 15, Issue: 12, ISSN: 1996-1073, DOI: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/15/12/4327, Impact Factor: 3.252    (External URL)
3. K. Shahzad, M. Jawad, K. Ali, J. Akhtar, I. Khosa, M. Bajaj, E.E. Elattar, S. Kamel (2022), "A Hybrid Approach for an Efficient Estimation and Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Fast Dynamics and Practically Unavailable Measurements", Applied Sciences, pp: 1-22, Vol: 12, Issue: 10, ISSN: 2076-3417, DOI: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/12/10/4958, Impact Factor: 2.838    (External URL)
4. N. Raza, M. Tahir, K. Ali (2020), "k-sparse Extreme Learning Machine", IET Electronics Letters, pp: 1277-1280, Vol: 56, Issue: 23, Standard: 1350-911X, Impact Factor: 1.316    (External URL)
5. K. Ali, M. Tahir (2020), "Maximum Likelihood Based Robust State Estimation Over a Horizon Length during Measurement Outliers", Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, pp: 510-518, Vol: 43, Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 1.649    (External URL)
6. H. Shoukat, M. Tahir, K. Ali (2020), "Approximate GP Inference for Nonlinear Dynamical System Identification Using Data-Driven Basis Set", IEEE Access, pp: 90665-90675, Vol: 8, ISSN: 2169-3536, Impact Factor: 4.098    (External URL)
7. M. Javed, M. Tahir, K. Ali (2020), "Cascaded Kalman Filtering-Based Attitude and Gyro Bias Estimation With Efficient Compensation of External Accelerations", IEEE Access, pp: 50022-50035, Vol: 8, ISSN: 2169-3536, Impact Factor: 4.098    (External URL)
8. Z. Duan, J. Akhtar, I. Ghous, M. Jawad, I. Khosa, K. Ali (2019), "Improving the Tracking of Subatomic Particles Using the Unscented Kalman Filter With Measurement Redundancy in High Energy Physics Experiments", IEEE Access, pp: 61728-61737, Vol: 7, Standard: 2169-3536, Impact Factor: 4.098    (External URL)
9. Z. Duan, I. Ghous, J. Akhtar, K. Ali, M. H. Jaffey (2018), "Robust L2-L8 filter design for uncertain 2-D continuous nonlinear delayed systems with saturation", IEEE Access, pp: 73647-73658, Vol: 6, Issue: 1, ISSN: 2169-3536, Impact Factor: 3.557   
10. M. Tahir, S. Afzal, M. Chughtai, K. Ali (2018), "On the Accuracy of Inter-vehicular Range Measurements Using GNSS Observables in a Cooperative Framework", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ISSN: 1524-9050, Impact Factor: 4.051   
11. M. Tahir, A. Moazzam, K. Ali (2018), "A Stochastic Optimization Approach to Magnetometer Calibration With Gradient Estimates Using Simultaneous Perturbations", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Standard: 0018-9456, Impact Factor: 2.794   
12. F. Dovis, M. Bilal, E. Cianca, K. Ali (2015), "A Run-Time Method Based on Observable Data for the Quality Assessment of GNSS Positioning", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - 2015 Special Issue on Location-Awareness for Radios and Networks, pp: 2357-2365, Vol: 33, Issue: 11   
13. K. Ali, M. Pini, F. Dovis (2012), "Measured performance of the application of EGNOS in the road traffic sector", GPS Solutions, pp: 135-145, Vol: 16, Issue: 2   
14. K. Ali, X. Chen, F. Dovis, D. De Castro, A.J. Fernández (2012), "Multipath Estimation in Urban Environments from Joint GNSS Receivers and LiDAR Sensors", Sensors, pp: 14592-14603, Vol: 12, Issue: 11   
Conference Papers:
1. K. Ali, M. Tahir, S.S. Afzal (2018) "An Ensemble FIR Filtering Framework for Inter-vehicular Range Estimation using GNSS Signals", IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2018-Fall)   
2. K. Mazher, M. Tahir, K. Ali (2016) "GNSS Pseudorange Smoothing: Linear vs Non-linear Filtering Paradigm", IEEE Aerospace Conference 2016, Big Sky, MO, USA   
3. H. Ahmed, M. Tahir, K. Ali (2016) "Terrain Based GPS Independent Lane-Level Vehicle Localization using Particle Filter and Dead Reckoning", 84th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC 2016), Montreal, Canada   
4. K. Ali, E.G. Manfredini, F. Dovis (2014) "Vestigial Signal Defense Through Signal Quality Monitoring Techniques Based on Joint use of Two Metrics", The IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium (IEEE/ION PLANS 2014), Monterey, CA, USA   
5. K. Ali, F. Dovis, M. Pini (2012) "Characterizing Local Effects on Protection Level Concept in Urban Environments", International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation (ION ITM 2012), Newport Beach, CA, USA, pp: 408-415   
6. K. Ali, X. Chen, F. Dovis, D. De Castro, A.J. Fernández (2012) "GNSS Signal Multipath Error Characterization in Urban Environments Using LiDAR Data Aiding", The first International IEEE-AESS Conference in Europe about Space and Satellite Telecommunications (ESTEL 2012), Rome, Italy   
7. A. Fernández, M. Wis, P. Silva, I. Colomina, E. Parés, F. Dovis, K. Ali, J. Lindenberger, P. Friess (2012) "GNSS/INS/LiDAR Integration in Urban Environment: Algorithm Description and Results from ATENEA Test Campaign", The 6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies, Navitec 2012, Noordwijk, The Netherlands   
8. K. Ali, X. Chen, F. Dovis (2012) "On the Use of Multipath Estimating Architecture for Spoofer Detection", International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICLGNSS 2012), Starnberg, Germany   
9. F. Dovis, X. Chen, A. Cavaleri, K. Ali, M. Pini (2011) "Detection of Spoofing Threats by Means of Signal Parameters Estimation", 24th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS 2011), Portland, OR, USA, pp: 416-421   
10. K. Ali, G. Marucco, F. Dominici, A. Defina (2010) "Investigating EGNOS Safety of Life services via an innovative platform for research and development on satellite navigation: SAT-SURF and SAT-SURFER", NAV10. The Navigation Conference and Exhibition, London, UK   


PhD in Electronis and Communications
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Master in Navigation and Related Applications
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan


Assistant Professor
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Dec 2013 to Date
Post Doc Research Associate
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Jan 2013 to Nov 2013

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