Dr. Javaria Farooqui
Assistant Professor, Humanities
Area of Interest: Popular culture, popular romance, literary theory, postcolonial literature/theory, book history
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007   (872)


1. Javaria Farooqui (2024), "Romance Fandom in 21st-century Pakistan: Reading the Regency", edited by: Paul Booth, Rukmini Pande, published by: Bloomsbury Academic, pp: 144, Standard: 9798765110393    (External URL)
Journal Papers:
1. Javaria Farooqui (2024), " “sometimes boring, sometimes good”: Analyzing Students’ Reception and the Canonizing of Pakistani Anglophone Literature in Pakistan", Pakistan Academy of Letters, pp: 177-191, Issue: 30   
2. Javaria Farooqui (2024), "Buildings, books, and memories: Analysing the culture of reading anglophone romance in Pakistan", Journal of Postcolonial Writing, pp: 763–777, Vol: 60, Issue: 6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/17449855.2024.2433024, Impact Factor: 0.2    (External URL)
3. Rafi Amir-ud-Din, Rubina Idrees, Javaria Farooqui, Abdus Sattar Abbasi (2024), "Exploring spousal disparities: Age, earnings, and education as predictors of intimate partner violence in 29 developing countries", Women's Health, Vol: 20, Impact Factor: 2.7   
4. Javaria Farooqui (2024), "From a toy to a tool: the reception of Barbie and cultural ambiguity in contemporary Pakistan", Feminist Theory, pp: 1-14, Issue: Special Issue, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/14647001241291394, Impact Factor: 1.9    (External URL)
5. Javaria Farooqui (2021), "“Romance, Austen and English Medium of schooling in Pakistan.”", Book: Language, Education, and Identity: Medium in South Asia.    (External URL)
6. Javaria Farooqui (2020), "The Kitchen and Beyond: The Romantic Chronotope in Pakistani Popular Fiction", Journal of Popular Romance Studies, Vol: 9, ISSN: 2159-4473    (External URL)
7. Javaria Farooqui (2019), "Reconnaissance of ‘Difference’ in Cognitive Maps: Authenticating Happily Ever After in Julia Quinn’s To Sir Philip with Love", Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol: 22, Issue: 2    (External URL)
Conference Papers:
1. Javaria Farooqui (2024) "Romance Geographies: Analyzing Gendered Spaces of Leisure Reading in Pakistan", Fluid Geographies: New Zealand Geography Society Conference    (External URL)
2. Javaria Farooqui (2023) "“Reading Historical Popular Romance in 21st Century Pakistan.”", Romance Revitalised    (External URL)
3. Javaria Farooqui (2023) "Haya, Noor, and Emaan: Legitimizing Love in Urdu Popular Romance Fiction", Muslim Women’s Popular Fiction International Conference    (External URL)
4. Javaria Farooqui (2020) "Reading Popular Fiction in Twenty-First-Century Pakistan", Humanities Live, University of Tasmania, Asutralia   
5. Javaria Farooqui (2019) "“The Muslim Women Question: Aesthetics of Representation and the Politics of Erasure”", Critical Interventions: Mapping Emerging Scholarship on South Asia. LUMS, Lahore. Pakistan.   
6. Javaria Farooqui (2018) "The Kitchen and Beyond: Romantic Chronotope of Pakistani Popular Fiction", International Association for the Study of Popular Romance. Sydney, Asutralia.   
7. Javaria Farooqui (2016) "Raging Seas and Cloudy Skies: Macro to Meso level Psychosemantic Movement in Stephanie Laurens’ Black Cobra Quartet", IASPR, Utah, United States of America.   


University of Tasmania, Australia
Nov 2017 to Jan 2022
MPhil- English Literature
Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan

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