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Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, Sana Javed, Sadia Khalid, Naima Amin, Mazhar Hussain (2022), "On Network Construction and Module Detection for Molecular Graph of Titanium Dioxide", Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Vol: online published , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/07391102.2022.2155703, Impact Factor: 5.2
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Cheng-Peng Li, Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, Parvez Ali, Sana Javed, Mazhar Hussain, Sadia Khalid (2022), "On analysis of entropy measures for titanium dioxide via rational curve fitting methods", International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, pp: e26996, Vol: Volume 122, Issue: Issue 23, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/qua.26996, Impact Factor: 2.4
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Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, Sana Javed, Lubna Sherin, Sadia Khalid, Waqar Asghar (2022), "On analysis of heat of formation and entropy measures for Indium Phosphide", Arabian Journal of Chemistry, pp: 104218, Vol: 15, Issue: 11, ISSN: 1878-5352, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2022.104218, Impact Factor: 6.2
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Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, Sana Javed, Sadia Khalid, Mazhar Hussain, Muhammad Shahbaz and Samuel Asefa Fufa (2022), "On topological analysis of niobium (II) oxide network via curve fitting and entropy measures", Complexity, Vol: Volume 2022 , Issue: Article ID 4112362 , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4112362, Impact Factor: 2.1
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Sadia Arshad, Sadia Khalid, Sana Javed, Naima Amin, Fariha Nawaz (2022), "Modeling the impact of the vaccine on the COVID-19 epidemic transmission via fractional derivative", The European Physical Journal Plus, Vol: 137, Issue: Article number: 802, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-02988-x, Impact Factor: 3.7
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Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, Sana Javed, Sadia Khalid, Mazhar Hussain, Lubna Sherin & Nageen Shoukat (2022), "On physical analysis of enthalpy and entropy measures of iron(III) oxide", The European Physical Journal Plus, Vol: 137, Issue: Article number: 306, ISSN: 2190-5444, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-02524-x, Impact Factor: 3.7
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Sadia Khalid, Sana Javed, Lubna Sherin, Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, Muhammad Tahir Hussain, and Shanzah Anzar (2022), "On topological analysis of astragaloside IV drug using network construction and module detection", The European Physical Journal Plus , Vol: 137, Issue: Article number: 214, ISSN: 2190-5444, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-02426-y, Impact Factor: 3.7
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Wang Hui, Lubna Sherin, Sana Javed, Sadia Khalid, Waqar Asghar, and Samuel Asefa Fufa (2022), "On Topological Indices for Complex Indium Phosphate Network and Their Applications", Complexity, Vol: 2022, Issue: Article ID 9707749 , ISSN: 1076-2787,1099-0526, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9707749, Impact Factor: 2.8
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Yanli Ma, Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, Sana Javed, Lubna Sherin (2021), "On Analysis of Topological Indices for Graphitic Carbon Nitride via Enthalpy and Entropy Measurements", Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, pp: 7414-7429, Vol: 42, Issue: 10, ISSN: 1563-5333,1040-6638, DOI: 10.1080/10406638.2021.2002376, Impact Factor: 3.7
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Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, Sana Javed, Lubna Sherin, Sadia Khalid, Muhammad Mathar Bashir, Amir Hassan, Mlamuli Dhlamini (2021), "On Analysis of Topological Properties for Terbium IV Oxide via Enthalpy and Entropy Measurements", Journal of Chemistry, Vol: Volume 2021, Issue: Article ID 5351776, ISSN: 2090-9071, 2090-9063, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5351776, Impact Factor: 2.5
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Yu-Ming Chu, Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, Sana Javed, Lubna Sherin, Farah Kausar (2021), "On Zagreb Type Molecular Descriptors of Ceria Oxide and Their Applications", Journal of Cluster Science, pp: 537–546, Vol: 33, ISSN: 1572-8862,1040-7278, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10876-021-01984-y, Impact Factor: 1.3
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Dongming Zhao, Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, Sana Javed, Lubna Sherin, Farah Kausar (2020), "Molecular topological indices-based analysis of thermodynamic properties of graphitic carbon nitride", European Physical Journal Plus, Vol: 135, Issue: 12, ISSN: 2190-5444, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjp/s13360-020-00956-x, Impact Factor: 3.7
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S. Javed, I. Tomescu (2020), "Ordering connected 3-chromatic graphs", Mathematical Reports, pp: 403–416, Vol: 22, Issue: No. 3-4, ISSN: 1582-3067, 2285-3898, Impact Factor: 0.55
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Xiujun Zhang, Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, Sana Javed, Lubna Sherin, Farah Kausar, Mehwish Hussain Muhammad (2020), "Physical Analysis of Heat of Formation and Entropy for Ceria Oxide Using Topological Indices", Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, pp: 441 - 450, Vol: 25, Issue: 3, ISSN: 1875-5402, DOI: 10.2174/1386207323999201001210832, Impact Factor: 1.2
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Mehwish Iftikhar, Sahrish Iftikhar, Ayesha Sohail, Sana Javed (2020), "AI- modeling of molecular identification and feminization of Wolbachia infected Aedes aegypti", Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, pp: 104-111, Vol: 150, ISSN: 1873-1732,0079-6107, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2019.07.001, Impact Factor: 3.667
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Sana Javed, Ayesha Sohail, Anila Asif, Alessandro Nutini (2020), "Biophysics and the Nonlinear Dynamics Instigated by a Special Hormone", Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, pp: 62-66, Vol: 150, ISSN: 1873-1732, 0079-6107, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2019.05.005, Impact Factor: 3.667
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M Idrees, Ayesha Sohail, Sana Javed (2019), "Forecasting the critical role of intermittent therapies for the control of bone resorption", Clinical Biomechanics, pp: 128-136, Vol: 68, ISSN: 1879-1271, 0268-0033, Impact Factor: 2.063
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Sana Javed, Mariya Ahmad, Ayesha Riasat (2019), "Chromaticity of K-4-Homeomorph Graphs", UTILITAS MATHEMATICA, pp: 235-259, Vol: 111, ISSN: 0315-3681, Impact Factor: 0.279
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Sana Javed , Muhammad Younas , M. Bhatti , Ayesha Sohail, Abdul Sattar (2019), "Analytic approach to explore dynamical osteoporotic bone turnover", Advances in Difference Equations, Vol: 61, ISSN: 1687-1839, 1687-1847, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-019-1986-7, Impact Factor: 2.421
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Sana Javed, Ayesha Sohail, Alessandro Nutini (2018), "Integrative modeling of drug therapy and the bone turnover", Clinical Biomechanics , pp: 141-148, Vol: 60, ISSN: 1879-1271, 0268-0033, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2018.10.019, Impact Factor: 2.063
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21. |
Salma Kanwal, Ayesha Riasat, Mariam Imtiaz, Zurdat Iftikhar, Sana Javed, Rehana Ashraf (2018), "Bounds of Strong EMT Strength for certain Subdivision of Star and Bistar", Open Mathematics, pp: 1313-1325, Vol: 16 , Issue: 1, ISSN: 2391-5455, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/math-2018-0111, Impact Factor: 0.726
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Ayesha Sohail, Lubna Sherin, Saad Ihsan Butt, Sana Javed, Zhiwu Li, Sohail Iqbal, O Anwar Be’g (2018), "Role of Key Players in Paradigm Shifts of Prostate Cancer Bone Metastasis", Cancer Management and Research, pp: 1619-1626, Vol: 10, ISSN: 1179-1322, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2147/CMAR.S162525, Impact Factor: 2.886
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Sana Javed, Mujtaba Hussain, Ayesha Riasat, Salma Kanwal, Mariam Imtiaz, and M. O. Ahmad (2017), "Deficiency of Forests", Open MAthematics, pp: 1431-1439, Vol: 15, ISSN: 2391-5455, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/math-2017-0122, Impact Factor: 0.726
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Sana Javed, Ayesha Sohail , Khadija Maqbool, Saad Ihsan Butt, Qasim Ali Chaudhry (2017), "The Lattice Boltzmann method and computational analysis of bone dynamics I", Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, Vol: 5, Issue: 12
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25. |
Ayesha Riasat, Salma Kanwal, Sana Javed (2016), "On Odd-Graceful Labeling of Disjoint Union of Graphs", Utilitas Mathematica, pp: 189-241, Vol: 101, Impact Factor: 0.3
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S. Kanwal, S. Javed, A. Riasat, (2016), "On the super edge-magicness and the deficiency of some families of acyclic graphs Mathematica", Utilitas Mathematica, pp: 323-356, Vol: 100, Impact Factor: 0.3
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Sadia Arshad, Ayesha Sohail, Sana Javed (2015), "Dynamical Study of Fractional Order Tumor Model", International Journal of Computational Methods, pp: 1550032 [12 pages], Vol: 12, Issue: 5, Impact Factor: 1.053
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I. Tomescu, S. Javed (2015), "Extremal bicyclic 3-chromatic graphs", Graphs and Combinatorics, pp: 1043-1052, Vol: 31, Issue: 4, Standard: 0911-0119 (print version),1435-5914 (electronic ve, Impact Factor: 0.351
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Ayesha Sohail, Sadia Arshad, Sana Javed (2015), "Numerical Solutions of Fractional Order Tumor Model", International Journal of Biomathematics, pp: 1550069 [13 pages], Vol: 8, Issue: 5, Impact Factor: 1.05
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S. Javed, A. Riasat, S. Kanwal, (2015), "On super edge-magicness and deficiencies of forests", Utilitas Mathematica , pp: 149-169, Vol: 98, Impact Factor: 0.3
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S. Javed, I. Tomescu (2013), "Chromatically equivalent k-bridge hypergraphs", MATH. REPORTS , pp: 281-285, Vol: 15(65), Issue: 3 (2013) , Standard: 2285-3898 , Impact Factor: 0.2
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I. Tomescu, S. Javed (2013), "On the Chromaticity of quasi linear hypergraphs", Graphs and Combinatorics, pp: 1921-1926, Vol: 29, Issue: 6, Standard: 0911-0119 (Print) 1435-5914 (Online), Impact Factor: 0.351