Dr. Shameem Fatima
Chairperson / Associate Professor , Humanities
Area of Interest: N/A
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
HEC approved PhD Supervisor
  • HEC approved Supervisor
  • Achieved “7th HEC Outstanding Research Award 2017” from Higher Education Comission, Pakistan.
  • Achieved “COMSATS Research Productivity Award, 2016”.
  • Achieved COMSATS Best Researcher Award, 2017”.
  • Achieved “5th HEC Outstanding Research Award 2013/2014” from Higher Education Comission, Pakistan.
  • Achieved “PPA PhD Award” from Pakistan Psychological Society.
  • Achieved “Talent Award” in Annual Talent Award show (2000) held in Punjab University, Lahore.
  • Topped in merit for MSc in Applied Psychology in University of the Punjab.
  • Distinct Position in B.A in Punjab University (Among Top Ten).
  • Awarded with HEC Scholarship for PhD studies (for 5 years).
  • Talent Scholarship Holder from Primary till Masters Degree.
  • Awarded a grant of 1.88 million Pak Rupees from Higher Education Commission Pakistan to organize an International Conference on Peace, Conflict, and violence: Challenges and resolution strategies-29th -30th November 2017.


1. Alfredo Ardila, Shameem Fatima, & Monica Rosselli (eds.) (2019), "Dysexecutive Syndromes Clinical and Experimental Perspectives", published by: springer nature   
Book Chapters:
1. Shameem Fatima (2020), "Modularity of Mind", Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, edited by: Shackelford T., Weekes-Shackelford V. (eds), published by: Springer    (External URL)
2. Shameem Fatima (2020), "Problem Solving", Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, edited by: Shackelford T., Weekes-Shackelford V. (eds) , published by: Springer    (External URL)
3. Fatima, S. (2019), "Indirect Aggression ", Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, published by: Springer Nature    (External URL)
4. Fatima, S. (2019), "Executive Dysfunctions in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder", Dysexecutive Syndromes Clinical and Experimental Perspectives, edited by: Alfredo Ardila, Shameem Fatima, & Monica Rosselli   
5. Fatima, S. (2019), "Executive Dysfunctions in Autism Spectrum Disorders", Dysexecutive Syndromes Clinical and Experimental Perspectives, edited by: Alfredo Ardila, Shameem Fatima, & Monica Rosselli, published by: Springer Nature   
6. Fatima, S. Sharif, H. (2019), "The Assessment of Executive Functions in Cross-Cultural Context", Dysexecutive Syndromes Clinical and Experimental Perspectives, edited by: Alfredo Ardila, Shameem Fatima, & Monica Rosselli, published by: Springer Nature   
Journal Papers:
1. Shameem Fatima (2022), "Determinants of quality of life in Pakistani substance user men vary among married and unmarried men", Journal of Substance use, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14659891.2022.2084783, Impact Factor: 1.000   
2. Shameem Fatima; Sehar Waheed; Sana Daud; Sadia Aslam (2022), "Gratitude, Self Regulation, and Academic motivation during COVID-19 in University Students: Differentiual Associations for Eraning and Non Earning Students", Webology, pp: 8461-8481, Vol: 19, Issue: 2   
3. Komal Meher, Memoona Shahid & Shameem Fatima (2022), "Death Anxiety and Well being in Doctors during COVID-19: The explanatory and Boosting Roles of Sleep Quality and Work Locality", OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/00302228221078074, Impact Factor: 2.854   
4. Shameem Fatima, Noreen Fatima, Amina Muazzam (2022), "Assessing familial and social factors of life satisfaction in Pakistani transgender and non-binary individuals: implications for counseling", Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling , pp: 67-85, Vol: 16, Issue: 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15538605.2021.1972896    (External URL)
5. Shameem Fatima, Nida Mehmood, Muneeba Shakil (2021), "Mediated Associations Between Religious Coping, Self-Regulation, and Psychological Distress Vary for Young Muslim Men and Women in Lahore, Pakistan", Journal of Religion and Health, Vol: first online publication, DOI: 10.1007/s10943-021-01413-4, Impact Factor: 1.898    (External URL)
6. AmirUd Din, R., Fatima, S., & Aziz. S. (2021), "Is attitudinal Violence a risk factor of Aggression? An analysis of violence against women in Pakistan.", Journal of Interpersonal Violence, pp: NP4514-NP4541, Vol: 36, Issue: 7-8, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260518787809, Impact Factor: 6.144    (External URL)
7. Farzana Ashraf; Shameem Fatima; Najma Najam (2021), "Reading Deficits, Executive Functions, and Social Adjustment Problems: Direct and Mediated Relations", American Journal of Psychology , Vol: In press, Impact Factor: 1.063   
8. Shameem Fatima; Niama Gull; Muneeba Shakil (2020), "Humor Styles as Predictors of Psychological and Somatic Health in University Students", Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, pp: 2352-2355, Vol: 70 , Issue: 12-B, Impact Factor: .573    (External URL)
9. Shameem Fatima and Zoha Shahid (2020), "Conditional indirect relations between executive functions,emotion regulation, and Machiavellianism in young men and women", Personality and Individual Differences , pp: 110140, Vol: 165, Impact Factor: 3.004   
10. Fatima, S., Khan, M., Rosselli, M., & Ardila, A. (2020), "Age, Executive Functioning, and Decision Making Styles in Adults: A moderated Mediation Model.", Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition,, pp: 338-350, Vol: 27 , Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 1.845    (External URL)
11. Fatima, S (2020), "Depression Differentially Predicts Quality of Life at levels of Self-Efficacy and Social Support in Cardiovascular Patients", Journal of Psychology and Mental Health Care, Vol: 4, Issue: 1, Standard: ISSN: 2641-8975    (External URL)
12. Fatima, S., Jamil, M., & Ardila. A. (2019), "Cognitive Control and Criminogenic Cognitions among South Asian Gamblers.", Journal of Gambling Studies, pp: 501-516, Vol: 35, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 2.090    (External URL)
13. Fatima, S (2019), "Direct and Interactive Associations of Self-Efficacy and Social Support with Anxiety and Depression in Cardiovascular Patients", Journal of Cardiology Research, pp: 1-6, Vol: 2, Issue: 3, Standard: ISSN 2637-9473    (External URL)
14. Fatima, S., & Jibeen, T. (2019), "Interplay of Self-efficacy and Social Support in Predicting Quality of Life in Cardiovascular Patients in Pakistan.", Community Mental Health, pp: 855-864, Vol: 55, Issue: 5, Standard: doi:10.1007/s10597-018-0361-6, Impact Factor: 1.292    (External URL)
15. Fatima, S., Sharif, S., & Khalid, I. (2018), "How does religiosity enhance psychological well-being? Roles of self-efficacy and perceived social support", Psychology of religion and spirituality , pp: 119-127, Vol: 10, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 2.000    (External URL)
16. Fatima, S.,Sharif, H. &Zimet, G (2018), "Personal and Social Resources Interplay Synergistically to Enhance Academic Motivation. ", International Journal of Educational Psychology, pp: 196-226, Vol: 7, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: ISI    (External URL)
17. Fatima, S., Farzana, A., Jibeen, T. (2018), "Psychosocial correlates of mental disorder symptoms in cardiovascular patients. ", Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric society, pp: 21-24, Vol: 15, Issue: 2   
18. Fatima, S., & Jamil, M. (2018), "Translation and Validation of Criminogenic Cognition Scale into Urdu Language. , 10 (3), 5-17. ", Pakistan Journal of Criminology, pp: 5-17, Vol: 10, Issue: 3   
19. Shameem Fatima (2018), "Translation of aggression scale into Urdu language: The role of demographics in predicting adolescents' aggression ", Pakistan Journal of Psychology, pp: 39-52, Vol: 49, Issue: 2   
20. Fatima, S. & Sharif, I. (2017), "Executive functions, parental punishment, and aggression: Direct and moderated relations", Social Neuroscience, pp: 717-729, Vol: 12, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 2.778    (External URL)
21. Fatima, S. & Shiekh, H. (2017), "Moderators of the Association between Adolescent’s reports of Parent-child Relationship and Adolescent Aggression", FWU Journal of Social Sciences, pp: 82-91, Vol: 11, Issue: 1   
22. Fatima, S., Mehfooz, M., & Sharif, S. (2017), "Role of Islamic Religiosity in Predicting Academic Motivation of University Students.", Psychology of Religion and Spirtuality, pp: 377-386, Vol: 9, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 2.00    (External URL)
23. Jibeen, T., Mehfooz, M., & Fatima, S. (2017), "Spiritual Transcendence and Psychological Adjustment: The Moderating Role of Personality in Burn Patients", Journal of Religion and Health, Vol: Online publication, Impact Factor: 1.061   
24. Fatima,S. & Sheikh, H. (2016), "Adolescent aggression as predicted from parent-child relationships and executive functions", American Journal of Psychology, Vol: 129, Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 1.09    (External URL)
25. Fatima, S., Sheikh, H., & Ardila, A. (2016), "Association of Parent–Child Relationships and Executive Functioning in South Asian Adolescents", Neuropsychology, pp: 65-74, Vol: 30, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 3.43    (External URL)
26. Fatima,S. & Sheikh, H. (2014), "Socioeconomic status and adolescent aggression: The role of executive cognitive function as a mediator", American Journal of Psychology, pp: 419-413, Vol: 127, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 1.09    (External URL)
27. Fatima,S. & Sheikh, H. (2014), "Translation and Adaptation of Parent-child Relationship Scale into Urdu Language", Journal of Behavioral Sciences, pp: 98-114, Vol: 24, Issue: 1   
28. Fatima,S. & Sheikh, H. (2009), "Aggression in Adolescents as a function of Parent-child relationship", Pakistan Journal of Psychology, pp: 3-14, Vol: 40   
29. Fatima, S. (2003), "Empowerment and Self efficacy Level in Women", Taleem-o-tehzeeb, pp: 13-16, Vol: 2, Issue: 2   
Conference Papers:
1. Shameem Fatima (2021) "Online Education and Digital Divide in Pakistan: Scope, Challenges and Policy Recommendations ", All Pakistan Online Education Summit 3.0   
2. Shameem Fatima & Sehar Waheed (2021) "Self Regulation and Academic Motivation during Online Education ", All Pakistan Online Education Summit, 3.0   
3. Shameem Fatima (2019) "A Comparative Study of Emotional regulation and psychological adjustment in Smokers and Non-smokers. ", International Conference on Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction, March 13-14,   
4. Shameem Fatima (2019) "A Comparative Study of Emotional regulation and Stress in Smokers and Non-smokers. ", Second National Conference of Psychology: Emerging Psychosocial Challenges in Pakistan, 19th February,   
5. Muhammad Naqash; Shameem Fatima (2019) "Association between Executive Functioning and Mental Health Problems in Substance Abusers. ", Second National Conference of Psychology: Emerging Psychosocial Challenges in Pakistan, 19th February, 2019,    
6. Sajid Hassan; Shameem Fatima (2019) "Association between Executive Functioning and Quality of Life in Substance abusers. Paper presented (Poster) ", International Conference of Applied Psychology: Practices and Interventions,6-8th February,    
7. Arshia Ghazal; Shameem Fatima (2019) "Body Image, Self Esteem, and Fear of Intimacy in Male Young Adult Gym Users. ", International Conference of Applied Psychology: Practices and Interventions, 6-8th February,    
8. Arshia Ghazal; Shameem Fatima (2019) "Body Image, Self Esteem, and Fear of Intimacy in Young Men: A Mediated Moderation Model ", 1st National conference of Psychology for Sustainable Community, 19-20 March,    
9. Shameem Fatima (2019) "Executive functions and Emotion Regulation: Direct and Moderated Relations. ", International Conference on Islamic Perspectives in Modern Psychology (IPMP, 2019), 24th-26th September   
10. Tehmina Zubair; Shameem Fatima (2019) "Mediated Relations between Parental Punishment, Social Competence, and Aggression in Late Adolescents. ", 1st National conference of Psychology for Sustainable Community, 19-20 March,    
11. Shameem Fatima (2019) "Parental Punishment and Aggression in Adolescents Living in Nuclear and Joint Family Systems. ", International Conference on Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction, March 13-14,    
12. Tehmina Zubair; Shameem Fatima (2019) "Parental punishment and social competence in late adolescents living in nuclear and joint family systems. ", International Conference of Applied Psychology: Practices and Interventions, 6-8th February,    
13. Shameem Fatima (2019) "Parental Reward and Psychological Adjustment in Late Adolescents Living in Nuclear and Joint Family Systems. ", Second National Conference of Psychology: Emerging Psychosocial Challenges in Pakistan, 19th February, 2019,    
14. Shameem Fatima (2019) "Parental reward as a predictor of academic achievements in adolescents. ", International Conference on Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction, March 13-14,    
15. Zoha Shahid; Shameem Fatima (2019) "Problem solving, Emotion Regulation, and Machiavellianism: Conditional Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation. ", International Conference on Islamic Perspectives in Modern Psychology (IPMP, 2019), 24th-26th September   
16. Ayesha; Shameem Fatima (2019) "The direct and mediated associations between Body image, Self Esteem, and Fear of Intimacy in Young Male Adults. ", International Conference on Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction, March 13-14,   
17. Tayyaba Athar & Shameem Fatima (2018) "Food Habits, Cognitive Control, and Aggression among Adolescents: Direct, moderated and Mediated Relations. ", Three-Day International Conference on Gender, Religion and Culture: Issues, Challenges and Prospects on “December 17th- 19th,    
18. Shameem Fatima (2018) "Humor Styles as Predictors of Psychological Health among Early adults. ", National Conference of Psychology (COP 2018) “Impact of Global Challenges on Mental Well-Being” 6th -7th July,   
19. Alina Khan & Shameem Fatima (2018) "Parental Punishment and Reading Difficulties in Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Gender. ", Three-Day International Conference on Gender, Religion and Culture: Issues, Challenges and Prospects on “December 17th- 19th,    
20. Shameem Fatima & Nida Mehmood (2018) "Religious Coping and Psychological Distress among Early adults. ", National Conference of Psychology (COP 2018) “Impact of Global Challenges on Mental Well-Being” 6th -7th July,   
21. Nida Mehmood and Shameem Fatima (2018) "The direct and mediated associations between religious coping, self regulation, and psychological distress in young adults. ", Paper accepted to be presented at Three-Day International Conference on Gender, Religion and Culture: Issues, Challenges and Prospects on “December 17th- 19th,    
22. Shameem Fatima (2017) "Adolescent Aggression as Predicted from Socioeconomic status, Parent–Child Relationships and Executive Functions.", International conference on peace, conflict, and violence: Challenges and resolution strategies, 29th-30th November,    
23. Muhammad Jamil & Shameem Fatim (2017) "Cognitive control and criminogenic thinking in adolescents and emerging adults.", 3 Day International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues and Challenges, 26th-28th April,    
24. Shameem Fatima (2017) "Executive Function as predictors of violence among late adolescents and early adults. , ", International conference on peace, conflict, and violence: Challenges and resolution strategies on 29th-30th November, 2017.   
25. Noreen Fatima &Shameem Fatima (2017) "Family Rejection and Life Satisfaction among Transgender people: The moderating role of social support.", 3 Day International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues and Challenges, 26th-28th April, 2017.    
26. Noreen Fatima &Shameem Fatima (2017) "Family Rejection and life satisfaction in Transgender people", 1st International Conference on clinical Psychology and the Developing world: Challenges, issues, and Solutions. 9th – 10th March, 2017   
27. Noreen Fatima &Shameem Fatima (2017) "Family Rejection as a predictor of mental health problems among Transgender People., ", International conference on peace, conflict, and violence: Challenges and resolution strategies on 29th-30th November, 2017.   
28. Shameem Fatima & Muhammad Jamil (2017) "Inhibition, Cognitive Switching, and Criminogenic Thinking in adolescents and emerging adults. ", International conference on peace, conflict, and violence: Challenges and resolution strategies on 29th-30th November, 2017   
29. Shameem Fatima & Noreen Fatima (2017) "Perceived social support as a predictor of mental health problems among Transgender People. ", International conference on peace, conflict, and violence: Challenges and resolution strategies    
30. Shameem Fatima, Maryam Akram (2017) "Religious coping, personality traits, and life satisfaction among orphans: Direct and moderated relations. ", Three day International conference on Health and Well being, 11th-13th December, 2017,    
31. Rafi Amir Ud Din, Shameem Fatima & Shazia Aziz (2017) "Socio-Demographic Correlates of Women Violence: Findings from National Demographic Health Survey. ", International conference on peace, conflict, and violence: Challenges and resolution strategies on 29th-30th November, 2017   
32. Shameem Fatima, Musferah Mehfooz, and Tahira Jibeen (2017) "Spiritual transcendence as a predictor of psychological adjustment in burn survivors. ", Three day International conference on Health and Well being, 11th-13th December, 2017,    
33. Shameem Fatima (2017) "The role of religiosity in psychological well-being among emerging adults. ", Three day International conference on Health and Well being, 11th-13th December, 2017.    
34. Muhammad Jamil and Shameem Fatima (2017) "Translation of Criminogenic Cognitions Scale ", 1st International Conference on clinical Psychology and the Developing world: Challenges, issues, and Solutions. 9th – 10th March, 2017   
35. Anum Safdar & Shameem Fatima (2016) "Cognitive Control and Risk Taking Behaviors in late Adolescents", 1st National Conference on Emerging Trends in Clinical Psychology   
36. Shameem Fatima & Hamid Sheikh (2011) "Adolescent aggression and Parent-child Relationships", 13th Pakistan Psychological Association Conference “ Let Us Join Hands For Pakistan”   
37. Shameem Fatima & Hamid Sheikh (2011) "Mediating Role of executive cognitive functions in association between Parent-child relationship and Adolescent Aggression", 13th Pakistan Psychological Association Conference “ Let Us Join Hands For Pakistan” 25th – 26th November 2O11   


University of the Punjab, Pakistan
Masters in Science (Applied Psychology)
University of the Punjab, Pakistan
2001 to 2003


Tenured Associate Professor
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore
Jun 2019 to Date
Department of Humanities
Dec 2019 to Date
Assistant Professor, Psychology
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore
Jan 2013 to Jun 2019
Govt. Degree College for Women, Phoolnagar, Kasur
Mar 2005 to Jan 2013

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