1. |
Shameem Fatima (2022), "Determinants of quality of life in Pakistani substance user men vary among married and unmarried men", Journal of Substance use, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14659891.2022.2084783, Impact Factor: 1.000
2. |
Shameem Fatima; Sehar Waheed; Sana Daud; Sadia Aslam (2022), "Gratitude, Self Regulation, and Academic motivation during COVID-19 in University Students: Differentiual Associations for Eraning and Non Earning Students", Webology, pp: 8461-8481, Vol: 19, Issue: 2
3. |
Komal Meher, Memoona Shahid & Shameem Fatima (2022), "Death Anxiety and Well being in Doctors during COVID-19: The explanatory and Boosting Roles of Sleep Quality and Work Locality", OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/00302228221078074, Impact Factor: 2.854
4. |
Shameem Fatima, Noreen Fatima, Amina Muazzam (2022), "Assessing familial and social factors of life satisfaction in Pakistani transgender and non-binary individuals: implications for counseling", Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling , pp: 67-85, Vol: 16, Issue: 1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15538605.2021.1972896
(External URL)
5. |
Shameem Fatima, Nida Mehmood, Muneeba Shakil (2021), "Mediated Associations Between Religious Coping, Self-Regulation, and Psychological Distress Vary for Young Muslim Men and Women in Lahore, Pakistan", Journal of Religion and Health, Vol: first online publication, DOI: 10.1007/s10943-021-01413-4, Impact Factor: 1.898
(External URL)
6. |
AmirUd Din, R., Fatima, S., & Aziz. S. (2021), "Is attitudinal Violence a risk factor of Aggression? An analysis of violence against women in Pakistan.", Journal of Interpersonal Violence, pp: NP4514-NP4541, Vol: 36, Issue: 7-8, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260518787809, Impact Factor: 6.144
(External URL)
7. |
Farzana Ashraf; Shameem Fatima; Najma Najam (2021), "Reading Deficits, Executive Functions, and Social Adjustment Problems: Direct and Mediated Relations", American Journal of Psychology , Vol: In press, Impact Factor: 1.063
8. |
Shameem Fatima; Niama Gull; Muneeba Shakil (2020), "Humor Styles as Predictors of Psychological and Somatic Health in University Students", Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, pp: 2352-2355, Vol: 70 , Issue: 12-B, Impact Factor: .573
(External URL)
9. |
Shameem Fatima and Zoha Shahid (2020), "Conditional indirect relations between executive functions,emotion regulation, and Machiavellianism in young men and women", Personality and Individual Differences , pp: 110140, Vol: 165, Impact Factor: 3.004
10. |
Fatima, S., Khan, M., Rosselli, M., & Ardila, A. (2020), "Age, Executive Functioning, and Decision Making Styles in Adults: A moderated Mediation Model.", Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition,, pp: 338-350, Vol: 27 , Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 1.845
(External URL)
11. |
Fatima, S (2020), "Depression Differentially Predicts Quality of Life at levels of Self-Efficacy and Social Support in Cardiovascular Patients", Journal of Psychology and Mental Health Care, Vol: 4, Issue: 1, Standard: ISSN: 2641-8975
(External URL)
12. |
Fatima, S., Jamil, M., & Ardila. A. (2019), "Cognitive Control and Criminogenic Cognitions among South Asian Gamblers.", Journal of Gambling Studies, pp: 501-516, Vol: 35, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 2.090
(External URL)
13. |
Fatima, S (2019), "Direct and Interactive Associations of Self-Efficacy and Social Support with
Anxiety and Depression in Cardiovascular Patients", Journal of Cardiology Research, pp: 1-6, Vol: 2, Issue: 3, Standard: ISSN 2637-9473
(External URL)
14. |
Fatima, S., & Jibeen, T. (2019), "Interplay of Self-efficacy and Social Support in Predicting Quality of Life in Cardiovascular Patients in Pakistan.", Community Mental Health, pp: 855-864, Vol: 55, Issue: 5, Standard: doi:10.1007/s10597-018-0361-6, Impact Factor: 1.292
(External URL)
15. |
Fatima, S., Sharif, S., & Khalid, I. (2018), "How does religiosity enhance psychological well-being? Roles of self-efficacy and perceived social support", Psychology of religion and spirituality , pp: 119-127, Vol: 10, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 2.000
(External URL)
16. |
Fatima, S.,Sharif, H. &Zimet, G (2018), "Personal and Social Resources Interplay Synergistically to Enhance Academic Motivation. ", International Journal of Educational Psychology, pp: 196-226, Vol: 7, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: ISI
(External URL)
17. |
Fatima, S., Farzana, A., Jibeen, T. (2018), "Psychosocial correlates of mental disorder symptoms in cardiovascular patients. ", Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric society, pp: 21-24, Vol: 15, Issue: 2
18. |
Fatima, S., & Jamil, M. (2018), "Translation and Validation of Criminogenic Cognition Scale into Urdu Language. , 10 (3), 5-17. ", Pakistan Journal of Criminology, pp: 5-17, Vol: 10, Issue: 3
19. |
Shameem Fatima (2018), "Translation of aggression scale into Urdu language: The role of demographics in predicting adolescents' aggression ", Pakistan Journal of Psychology, pp: 39-52, Vol: 49, Issue: 2
20. |
Fatima, S. & Sharif, I. (2017), "Executive functions, parental
punishment, and aggression: Direct and moderated relations", Social Neuroscience, pp: 717-729, Vol: 12, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 2.778
(External URL)
21. |
Fatima, S. & Shiekh, H. (2017), "Moderators of the Association between Adolescent’s reports of Parent-child Relationship and Adolescent Aggression", FWU Journal of Social Sciences, pp: 82-91, Vol: 11, Issue: 1
22. |
Fatima, S., Mehfooz, M., & Sharif, S. (2017), "Role of Islamic Religiosity in Predicting
Academic Motivation of University Students.", Psychology of Religion and Spirtuality, pp: 377-386, Vol: 9, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 2.00
(External URL)
23. |
Jibeen, T., Mehfooz, M., & Fatima, S. (2017), "Spiritual Transcendence and Psychological Adjustment:
The Moderating Role of Personality in Burn Patients", Journal of Religion and Health, Vol: Online publication, Impact Factor: 1.061
24. |
Fatima,S. & Sheikh, H. (2016), "Adolescent aggression as predicted from parent-child relationships and executive functions", American Journal of Psychology, Vol: 129, Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 1.09
(External URL)
25. |
Fatima, S., Sheikh, H., & Ardila, A. (2016), "Association of Parent–Child Relationships and Executive Functioning in South Asian Adolescents", Neuropsychology, pp: 65-74, Vol: 30, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 3.43
(External URL)
26. |
Fatima,S. & Sheikh, H. (2014), "Socioeconomic status and adolescent aggression: The role of executive cognitive function as a mediator", American Journal of Psychology, pp: 419-413, Vol: 127, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 1.09
(External URL)
27. |
Fatima,S. & Sheikh, H. (2014), "Translation and Adaptation of Parent-child Relationship Scale into Urdu Language", Journal of Behavioral Sciences, pp: 98-114, Vol: 24, Issue: 1
28. |
Fatima,S. & Sheikh, H. (2009), "Aggression in Adolescents as a function of Parent-child relationship", Pakistan Journal of Psychology, pp: 3-14, Vol: 40
29. |
Fatima, S. (2003), "Empowerment and Self efficacy Level in Women", Taleem-o-tehzeeb, pp: 13-16, Vol: 2, Issue: 2