Dr. Saad Aslam
Lecturer, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Area of Interest: Wireless & Mobile Communication, Machine Learning, Distributed Networks, Device-to-Device Communication
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
Served Previously

I have received Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Massey Univerity, Auckland, New Zealand.

I am a competent academic and researcher with over 11 years of experience. This experience has been blended with the industry exposure as well. I have worked as RF Planning and Optimization engineer for a cellular network provider. Industry experience allowed me to learn the test, analysis, and optimization tools.
I have planned and delivered several research projects involving wireless communication, machine learning, distributed systems, cellular networks, and game-theory optimization.
As an academic, I have designed various Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering courses and got them approved from standardization/academic bodies. I have developed contents for unique flipped classroom instructional strategy. I have supervised several engineering projects from different domains of Electrical Engineering.
I have been a recipient of best teacher awards, teaching excellence awards, and honorarium during my career. I have produced several peer-reviewed journal articles as well as conference papers. My publications have received research awards as well.



Journal Papers:
1. Ahtisham Ahmed Mirza , Saad Aslam , Saleem Akhtar and Ejaz.A.Ansari (2015), "Design and Performance Analysis of Downlink Scheduling Algorithms for LTE Networks", Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology., pp: 123 - 130, Vol: 34, Issue: S1   
2. Saad Aslam , Ahtisham Ahmed Mirza , Saleem Akhtar , Ejaz.A.Ansari (2015), "Performance Analysis of Real Time & Non-Real Time Scheduling Algorithms in a Hybrid Environment", Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, pp: 27 - 34, Vol: 34, Issue: S1   
Conference Papers:
1. Jahanzeb Anwer, U. Rafique, Ahmad Fayyaz, S. Aslam, Usman Khalid and N.H. Hamid, (2011) "Analyzing Thermal and Flicker Noise Fault-Tolerance Capability of Markov Random Field Digital Circuits", International Conference on Computer Technology and Development (ICCTD).   
2. Usman Rafique, Saad Aslam, Jahanzeb Anwer (2011) "Implementation of a Novel Micro-Controller Based Voltage Source Sine-Wave Inverter", International Conference of Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT-2011).   


MS in Electrical Engineering
CIIT - Lahore, Pakistan
BS Electrical (Telecommunication) Engineering
CIIT , LHR, Pakistan
Sep 2006 to Sep 2010


CIIT , Lahore.
Feb 2011 to Jun 2022
RF Engineer
Jun 2010 to Jan 2011

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