Ms. Amna Naveed
Assistant Professor, Humanities
Area of Interest: Discourse Analysis, Media Discourse, Sociolinguistics, English Language Teaching, Motivation
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007   (271)

Assistant Professor


Book Chapters:
1. Dr. Shameem Fatima, Amna Naveed (2023), "Managing Barriers to Effective Communication in Healthcare Settings", Understanding and Being Understood: Essential Communication Skills for Healthcare Professionals, edited by: Imran Ijaz Haider & Nazish Imran, published by: Paramount Books (Pvt.) Ltd., pp: 41-55, Standard: ISBN: 978-627-31-0072-2    (External URL)
2. Amna Naveed (2014), "" University Students' Attitude Towards Code Switching" ", Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of English", edited by Dr. Simon Borg., edited by: Dr. Simon Borg, published by: British Council, pp: 59-68   
Journal Papers:
1. Amna Naveed, Nadia Anwar, Asif Ikram (2024), "Impact of the Pakistani Media in Shaping Public View: A Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis", Inception - Journal of Languages & Literature, pp: 19-34, Vol: 3, Issue: 2, ISSN: 2957-9007, DOI: DOI: 10.36755/ijll.v3i2.88    (External URL)
2. Amna Naveed, Dr. Nadir Ali, Shazia Aziz (2024), "Cyber-Bullying at Workplace and its Mental Health Outcomes: A Linguistic Analysis", Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, pp: 203-209, Vol: 4, Issue: 1, ISSN: 2791-156X, DOI:, Impact Factor: 2023-2024(1.174)   
3. Shazia Aziz, Dr Mudassar Mahmood Ahmed, Amna Naveed, Dr Hafiz Muhammad Zubair (2023), " A JOURNEY FROM URDU TO URGAIZI: A STUDY OF ENGLISH CODE SWITCHING IN THE URDU NOVELS OF UMERA AHMED AND NEMRAH AHMED ", Jahan-e-Tahqeeq, , pp: 622-637, Vol: 6, Issue: 4, ISSN: 2709-7625, DOI:   
4. Amna Naveed, Shazia Aziz, Dr. (2023), ". Code-Switching, an Asset or a Liability in a Multilingual Classroom? an Investigation into Students' attitudes Towards Code-Switching In L2 Classrooms. ", Jahan-e-Tahqeeq, , pp: 534-549., Vol: 6, Issue: 4, ISSN: 2709-7625, DOI:    (External URL)
5. Amna Naveed, Dr. Muhammad Shaban Rafi (2022), "Provoking Patriotic Sentiments through War Songs: An Intertextual Analysis of Pakistani [Indo-Pak] War songs", International Journal Of Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies, pp: 54-72, Vol: 2, Issue: 2, DOI:   
6. Shazia Aziz,Amna Naveed, Dr. Mudassar Ahman (2021), " Towards a More Effective Second Language Writing Pedagogy: Using Task-based Reading to Develop Writing Skills of ESL Learners. ", University Of Chitral Journal Of Linguistics & Literature, 5(I), 330-350. , Vol: 5, Issue: 1, DOI: doi:10.33195/jll.v5iI.256    (External URL)
7. Fatima. M., Anwar. S., Naveed. A., Arshad, W., Nawab., A., Iqbal. M., Masood. A. (2018), ""Multilingual SMS-based Author Profiling: Data and Methods" ", Natural Language Engineering, pp: 1-31, Vol: 1–31. c Cambridge University Press 2018 doi:10.101, Impact Factor: 1.065   
8. Aziz, S. Naveed, A., & Mehfooz, M. (2016), "Family life in the light of Qur’anic Metaphors"", Gomal University journal of research., pp: 12.-131, Vol: 32, Issue: 1    (External URL)
9. Sheikh. U, Naveed. A (2016), "Impact of HR practices on employee performance", Gomal University journal of research., pp: 179-188, Vol: 32, Issue: 1    (External URL)
10. Waseem. F, Naveed. A & Aziz. S (2015), "Measurement of English Language Proficiency of Pakistani Undergraduates: A Comparison of English-Urdu Medium Students", European cademic Research, pp: 8628-8652, Vol: III, Issue: 8, Standard: Standard: 2286-4822, Impact Factor: 3.45(UIF)    (External URL)
11. Naveed, A., Aziz, S. & Mehfooz, M (2014), "The Analysis of Cyber Language: Identifying Gender Differences", European cademic Research, pp: 9706-9724, Vol: II, Issue: 7, Standard: Standard: 2286-4822, Impact Factor: 3.45(UIF)    (External URL)
Conference Papers:
1. Amna Naveed (2023) " A Lexico-Semantic Analysis of Pakistani National Songs Produced during War on Terror", International Conference on Applied Linguistics, ICAL-23     (External URL)
2. Amna Naveed, Shazia Aziz and Asif Ikram (2022) "Shazia Aziz, Amna Naveed, & Muhammad Asif Ikram Anjum (2022) "Blended Learning: Issues, Challenges and Prospects through the lens of Students’ Perspectives", 3rd International Virtual Conference on English Language and Literature Hybrid Teaching and Learning: Current Issues with Resolution   
3. Shazia Aziz, Amna Naveed, Faisal Aziz (2019) "Blended learning: Issues, Challenges and Prospects through the lens of Students’ and Teachers’ perspectives'", 5th National Conference on Higher Education (NCHE): Challenges of Quality Higher Education in Pakistan   
4. Amna Naveed (2019) "Discourse of Hate Speech on Social Media in Pakistan: A Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis", 5th International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan 2019   
5. Amna Naveed, Shazia Aziz and Dr. Premlata Vaishnava (2018) "Code Switching ,an asset or liability in a multilingual classroom? An Investigation into Students’ Attitudes Towards Code Switching in L2 Classrooms", ", 3rd Kashmir International Conference on Linguistics:Linguistic Diversity and Cultural Preservation in South Asia,University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir    
6. Amna Naveed, Nadia Anwar (2018) "Impact of the Media in Shaping Public View: Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Pakistani Media", 4th International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan 2018   


University Of Managment Sciences, Pakistan
Feb 2010 to Mar 2012


Assistant Professor
COMSATS University Islamabad Lahore Campus
Aug 2008 to Date
Associate In Charge
Feb 2017 to Aug 2021
Iqra University Quetta
Oct 2005 to Jul 2008

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