Ms. Sadaf Fatima
Lecturer, Humanities
Area of Interest: ESP (
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
  1. Presented co-authored paper with Mr.Amir Rashid “Multilingual Society and English Language Teaching: A Study of Pakistan” at International ELT Conference Dec, 2006 at NUML, Islamabad. {status of paper: Accepted} 
  2. Presented paper “The Challenges of Teaching Business English to Multilingual Audiences in Pakistan” at 2nd International Online Conference, July 2009. {status of paper: Published}
  3. Accepted Abstract at International Language Conference,Indonesia, LIA 2010.
  4. Accepted Abstract at First Conference on ELT in Islamic World,Iran,2010.
  5. Research paper "Teaching Report Writing Skills through Communicative Activities"published in American International Journal of Contemporary Research(AIJCR),2012. 
  6. Presented research paper "Promoting Process-Oriented Approach in teaching Reading and Writing Skills to ESP Learners at Bachelors Level in Pakistan" at 4th International Conference on Language,Literature and Society (ICLLS) held from 5th-8th Jan,2017 in Islamabad by Pakistan Academy of Letters(PAL).
  7. Presented Poster titled "Use of Technology for teaching Speaking Skills in ELT Classrooms of Pakistan" at the 3rd International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan(ICLAP) held on 12th-14th October,2017 by Humanities Department of NED University of Engineering and Technology,Karachi in collaboration with HEC, Pakistan.
  8. Presented research paper "Use of Technology for teaching Speaking Skills in ELT Classrooms of Pakistan" at 4th e-Learning and Distance Education Conference(ELDEC) held on 20-21 November,2017 by Virtual University of Pakistan(VU) in collaboration with University of Education (UE) at Lahore, Pakistan.
  9. Presented co-authored research paper with Dr. Aasia Nusrat "A Critical Discourse of Gender Roles portrayed by Electronic and Print Media in Pakistan" at International Conference on Peace,Conflict and Violence:Challenges and Resolution Strategies(29-30 Novemeber,2017) by Department of Humanities, CUI,Lahore,Pakistan.
  10. Presented research paper "Feminist Linguistic Criticism of Sexist Jokes in Reader's Digest E-Version" at 1st Annual National Conference on Linguitics and Literature(ANCLL) hosted by Department of English, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi on 26th-27th September,2019.
  11. Presented research paper " A Study of Code Switching Patterns of Pakistani Punjabi Youth" in Online 6th International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan (ICLAP)~Trends and Developments in Linguistic Analyses and Linguistic Resources, 19th-21st November, 2020.
  12. Presented research paper titled "Impact of Accent and Pronunciation on Listening and Speaking Skills of University Students" in "One Day National Conference on Language, Literature and Society" at NUML(National University of Modern Languages) Lahore Campus on 2nd December, 2021.
  13. Presented research paper (online) entitled "Need and Impact of English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) on University Employees" in the "Englishers 2nd International Transdisciplinary Conference on Language,Culture and Revival" organized at University of Baltistan,Skardu in collaboration with Englishers LLL International from 18th-20th August, 2022.
  14. Published research paper "Promoting Process-Oriented Approach in Teaching Reading and Writing Skills to ESP Learners at Bachelor's Level in Pakistan" in HEC recognized Y category journal "International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences(IJCISS) Vol.3 No.1,March,2024.
  15. Published research paper "Use of Technology for teaching Speaking Skills in ELT Classrooms of Pakistan" in HEC recognized Y category journal "Jahan-e-Tehqeeq" Vol.7 No.1, April, 2024.
  16. Published research paper "Impact of Accent and Pronunciation on Listening and Speaking Skills of University Students" in HEC recognized Y category journal "International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences (IJCISS)" Vol.3 No.2, April, 2024.
  17. Published research paper " Code Switching Patterns of Pakistani Undergrad Students: A Study About Effects of English and Urdu on Punjabi Speaking Students" in HEC recognized Y category journal "Journal of Policy Research (JPR)" Vol.10 No.2 June 2024.
  18. Presented research paper " Political Agenda and Setting in Campaign Advertisements of Diamer Bhasha and Mehmand Dam Fund: A Critical Discourse Analysis" at the 2nd International Conference on Modern Trends in Applied Linguistics on December 4th, 2024, at COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus organzied by the Department of Humanities.
  19. Published research paper " Political Agenda and etting in Campaign Advertisements of Diamer Bhasha and Mehmand Dam Fund: A Critical Discourse Analysis" in the "Journal of Applied Linguistics and TESOL" Vol.8 No.1 25th January, 2025.


Journal Papers:
1. Sadaf Fatima (2025), "Political Agenda and Setting in Campaign Advertisements of Diamer Bhasha and Mehmand Dam Fund: A Critical Discourse Analysis", Journal of Applied Linguistics and TESOL, pp: 660-678, Vol: Vol. 8, Issue: No.1, ISSN: ISSN(E): 2709-8273, ISSN(P): 2709-8265    (External URL)
2. Sadaf Fatima (2024), "Code Switching Patterns of Pakistani Undergrad Students: A Study About Effects of English and Urdu on Punjabi Speaking Students", Journal of Policy Research, pp: 537-546, Vol: Vol.10, Issue: No.2, ISSN: Online: 2410-8162, Print: 2709-8966    (External URL)
3. Sadaf Fatima (2024), "Impact of accent and pronunciation on listening and speaking skills of university students", International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, pp: 365-377, Vol: 3, Issue: 2, ISSN: (E) 2959-2461 (P) 2959-3808    (External URL)
4. Sadaf Fatima (2024), "Use of Technology for Teaching Speaking Skills in ELT Classrooms of Pakistan", Jahan-e Tahqeeq, pp: 767-771, Vol: 7, Issue: No.1, ISSN: (E)2709-7625, (P) 2709-7615    (External URL)
5. Sadaf Fatima (2024), "Promoting Process-Oriented Approach in Teaching Reading and Writing Skills to ESP Learners at Bachelor's Level in Pakistan", International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, pp: 1858-1864, Vol: Vol.3   , Issue: No.1, ISSN: ISSN (E) 2959-2461 (P) 2959-3808    (External URL)
6. Ms.Sadaf Fatima (2012), "Teaching Report Writing Skills through Communicative Activities", American International Journal of Contemporary Research, pp: 104-109, Vol: Vol.2, Issue: No.2, Standard: ISSN-2162-139X(Print),ISSN2162-142X(Online)    (External URL)
Conference Papers:
1. Ms. Sadaf Fatima (2024) "Political Agenda and Setting in Campaign Advertisements of Diamer Bhasha and Mohmand Dam Fund: A Critical Discourse Analysis", 2nd International Conference on Modern Trends in Applied Linguistics    
2. Ms. Sadaf Fatima (2022) "Need and Impact of English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) on University Employees", Englishers 2nd International Transdisciplinary Conference on Language, Culture and Revival   
3. Sadaf Fatima (2021) "Impact of Accent and Pronunciation on listening and speaking skills of university students", One Day National Conference on Language, Literature and Society    
4. Sadaf Fatima (2020) "A Study of Code Switching Patterns of Pakistani Punjabi Youth", 6th International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan (ICLAP) ~ Trends and Developments in Linguistic Analyses and Linguistic Resources, 19th-21st November,2020.   
5. Sadaf Fatima (2019) "Feminist Linguistic Criticism of Sexist Jokes in Reader's Digest E-Version", 1st Annual National Conference on Linguistics and Literature(ANCLL),Department of English, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi on 26th-27th September,2019.   
6. Dr. Aasia Nusrat & Sadaf Fatima (2017) "A Critical Discourse of Gender Roles portrayed by Electronic and Print Media in Pakistan", International conference on Peace, Conflict and Violence: Challenges and Resolution Strategies,CUI,Lahore Campus   
7. Sadaf Fatima (2017) "Poster on “Use of Technology for Teaching Speaking Skills in ELT Classrooms of Pakistan"", 3rd International conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan,NED University,Karachi   
8. Sadaf Fatima (2017) "Promoting process-oriented approach in Teaching Reading and Writing skills to ESP Learners at Bachelors Level in Pakistan", 4th International Conference on “Language, Literature and Society(ICLLS),PAL,Islamabad   
9. Sadaf Fatima (2017) "Use of Technology for Teaching Speaking Skills in ELT Classrooms of Pakistan", 4th e-Learning and Distance Education Conference,Lahore   
10. Ms. Sadaf Fatima (2009) "The Challenges of Teaching Business English to Multilingual Audiences in Pakistan", 2nd International Online Conference, pp: 130-134, Standard: ISBN-10:1-59942-873-3,ISBN-13:978-1-59942-873-4    (External URL)
11. Ms.Sadaf Fatima, Mr.Amir Rashid (2006) "Multilingual Society and English Language Teaching: A Study of Pakistan", First International ELT Conference,NUML, Islamabad.   


MPhil Applied Linguistics
UMT,Lahore, Pakistan
Sep 2008 to Dec 2014
AIOU,Islamabad, Pakistan
Sep 2008 to Sep 2013
AIOU,Lahore, Pakistan
2006 to 2007
M.A English Literature
PU,Lhe, Pakistan
1997 to 1999


Jul 2004 to Date
Lecturer,Coordinator,English Short Courses Instructor
National University of Modern Languages,Lahore
Sep 2003 to Jul 2004
Kipling Centre,Lahore
Sep 2002 to Sep 2003
Minhaj International University,Lahore
Oct 1999 to Jun 2001

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