Dr. Farzana Ashraf
Associate Professor, Humanities
Area of Interest: Learning Disabilities, Educational Psychology, Adolescent Psychopathology, Parent Child Relationship, Behavior Neuroscience
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  

Bio: I am a Tenured Associate professor (Psychology) and HEC-approved supervisor. I have been associated with CUI Lahore since June 2016. Since then, I am serving my department (Humanities- Psychology) in diverse capacities for different durations such as Program Coordinator (BS Psychology), Member of the Departmental Academic Regulatory Committee (DARC), Team Leader Quality Enhancement Cell (for the Department of Humanities), Batch Advisor, Area Incharge, Course Offering and Allocation, Theses Coordinator, Proctoral Committee, Advisor of COMSATS Psychological Society (CPS), Event Management, Disciplinary Committee, Examination and admission committee etc.

Research Contribution/ Collaboration: I have 56 international research publications with 62 impact factor on my credit, I also presented 80 conference papers at national/ international conferences; two of my papers secured 1st and 3rd positions respectively in two international conferences. I also collaborated in 11 international research projects. I also presented/ organized several seminars and workshops at CUI as well as in other Universities (UMT, UCP).

Distinctions/ Awards: I also secured a research productivity award from CUI Lahore (2017). During my academia, I won distinction scholarships in the coursework of my M. Phil and Ph. D. (I remained a topper throughout).

Expertise: My expertise includes Research and Assessment (Social Development, Psychometrics, Clinical and Neurological Malfunctioning, Statistical Analyses (SPSS, AMOS, N-vivo), Adolescent Social Psychopathology, Cognitive/ executive functioning)




Journal Papers:
1. Yildirim, M., & Ashraf, F. (2023), "Fear of COVID-19, Coronavirus Anxiety, COVID-19 Burnout, and Resilience: Examining Psychometric Properties of COVID-19 Burnout Scale in Urdu., 0(0). ", Journal of Asian and African Studies, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/00219096231153161, Impact Factor: 1.1    (External URL)
2. Helmy, M., Ebrahim, A. H., Engel, E., Faqeeh, E., Ashraf, F., & Isaac, B. A. (2023), "Exploring the Relationship Between Alexithymia, Smartphone Addiction, and Psychological Distress Among University Students: A Multi-Country Study. . 28 (33). (HEC Y Category Journal)", Oman Medical Journal, DOI: http//doi:I 10.5001/omj.2024.50.    (External URL)
3. Sarfo, J., Ansah, E., Sarfo, J., Josephine, C., Ashraf, F.,Suraya, A., Malik, S., Azam, U., Malik, N., Amoah,S. & Donyeh, P. (2023), "Online health information-seeking experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown among social media users in four countries.", Psychology of Language and Communication, pp: 330-349, Vol: 27, Issue: 1    (External URL)
4. Ashraf, F., Yildrim, M., & Zareen, G. (2023), " Religious Self-regulation, Self-determination, Resilience and Conflict Management Strategies in a Community Sample of International Muslim Students in Pakistan. ", Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work., pp: 323-345, Vol: 42, Issue: 3, DOI: DOI: 10.1080/15426432.2023.2167255. , Impact Factor: 1.1    (External URL)
5. Helmy, M., Alenezi, A. F., Ashraf, F., Thomas, K., Feten, F., Aldoseri, R., Alhaj, O., Souraya, S., Bragazzi, N., Jahrami, H., & Bardeen, J. (2023), "Cultural adaptation and validation of the Arabic version of the multidimensional cognitive attentional syndrome scale (MCASS)", Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, pp: 1-18, Vol: 28, Issue: 1, DOI: http: doi:10.1080/13546805.2022.2126303, Impact Factor: 1.95    (External URL)
6. Kashif, F., Farooqi, R., Tariq, S., Nusrat, A., Ashraf, F., & Raees, A. (2022), "A transitivity analysis of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s third presidential debate.", Heliyon, Vol: 8, Issue: 9, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e10518, Impact Factor: 3.77    (External URL)
7. Rahim, R., Nusrat, A., Tariq, S., Farooqi, R., & Ashraf, F. (2022), "Mobile-Assisted Vocabulary Learning (M Learning): A Quantitative Study Targeting ESL Pakistani Learners.", Webology. , pp: 1342-1364., Vol: 19, Issue: 3    (External URL)
8. Sarfo, J. O., García-Santillán, A., Ansah, E. W., Adusei, H., Sarfo, J. C., Bastos, R. V. S., Donyeh, P. S., Molchanova, V. S., Drushlyak, M., Semenikhina, O., Zand, S., Enea, V., Malik, S., Ashraf, F., Malik, N. I. Wongcharee, H., Egara, F. O., Tipa (2022), "Psychometric Properties of Anxiety Towards Mathematics Scale using Samples from Four Continents.", European Journal of Contemporary Education., Vol: 11, Issue: 2, ISSN: E-ISSN 2305-6746, ISSN: 2304-9650,2305-6746, DOI: http//: 10.13187/ejced.2022.2.504, Impact Factor: 1.99    (External URL)
9. Ashraf, F., Lee, S. A., Jobe, M. C., Mathis, M. A., & Kanwal, T. (2022), " Bereavement in Pakistan during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Psychometric Analysis of the Pandemic Grief Scale-Urdu Version (PGS-UV)", Death Studies, pp: 1465-1471, Vol: 46, Issue: 6, ISSN: 1091-7683,0748-1187, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2022.2048197, Impact Factor: 2.245    (External URL)
10. Chen, C., Ishfaq, M., Ashraf, F., Sarfraz, A., & Wang, K. (2022), "Mediating Role of Optimism Bias and Risk Perception Between Emotional Intelligence and Decision Making. A Serial Mediation Model. ", Frontier in Psychology., Vol: 13, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.914649, Impact Factor: 3.94    (External URL)
11. Farooqi, R., Atiq, A., & Ashraf, F. (2022), "Nightmare and Psychosis Proneness: Mediating Role of Lucid Dreaming in Pakistani Adults.", Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, pp: 187-203, Vol: 37, Issue: 2, DOI: https://doi:org/10.33824/PJPR.2022.37.2.12    (External URL)
12. Zaman, M., Babar, A., Babar, M., Sabir, F., Ashraf, A., Tahir, M. J., Ullah, I., Griffiths, M. D., Lin, C., & Pakpour, A. H. (2022), "Prevalence of gaming addiction and its impact on sleep quality: A cross-sectional study from Pakistan. ", Annals of Medicine and Surgery., Vol: 78, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amsu.2022.103641., Impact Factor: 0.39    (External URL)
13. Ullah, I., Ali, S., Ashraf, F., Hakim, Y., Ali, I., Rahat Ullah, A., Chattu, V. K., Pakpour, A. H. (2022), "Prevalence of depression and anxiety among the general population in Pakistan during COVID-19 lockdown: An online-survey.", Current Psychology, Impact Factor: 4.19   
14. Shakil, M., Ashraf, F., Tariq, S., Asmat, A., Muazzam, A., & Hassan, N. (2022), " The Prevalence And Comorbidity Of Death Anxiety And Psychological Distress In Pakistani Population During Covid-19 Pandemic. ", PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, pp: 620-632, Vol: 19, Issue: 1    (External URL)
15. Eisenbeck, N., Carreno, D. F., Wong, P. T. P., Hicks, J. A., García, A. M. A., Puga, J. L., Greville, J., Testoni, I., Biancalani, G., López, A. C., Villareal, S., Enea, V., Schulz-Quach, C., Jansen, J., Sanchez-Ruiz, M., Yildirim, M., Arslan, G., Fe (2022), "An international study on psychological coping during COVID-19: Towards a meaning-centered coping style.", International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology., Vol: 21, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 5.35   
16. Ashraf, F., Jibeen, T., & Najam, N. (2021), "Do Metacognitions Mediate the Path from Reading Deficits to Internalization and Externalization Behaviours in Pakistani Adolescents? ", Psychology, Health and Medicine, DOI: doi: 10.1080/13548506.2021.1995884 , Impact Factor: 2.42   
17. Shakil, M., Ashraf, F., Aziz, A., & Muazzam, A. (2021), "Cognitive Distortions, Depression And Suicidal Ideation In Mastectomized Breast Cancer Patients.", PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, pp: 361-374, Vol: 18, Issue: 17    (External URL)
18. Khan, H. R., Ashraf, F., Ullah, I., Tahir, M. J., Dominari, A., Shoib, S., Naeem, H., Reddy, R., Mukherjee, P., Akram, I., Kamada, S., Memon, R. R., Khan, M. M. K., Raut, S., Shalaby, M. M. M., Anwar, R. U., Farooq, M., Soparia, K. K., Ramalho, R., L (2021), "Cross-Cultural Prevalence of Sleep Quality and Psychological Distress in Healthcare Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic", Brain and Behavior, DOI: doi: 10.1002/brb3.2383, Impact Factor: 2.27   
19. Yildirim, M., Arslan, G., Green, Z. A., Ashraf, F., Sugawara, D., Tanhan, A., Asagli, M., Helmy, M., & Çiçek, (2021), "Validation and utility of the Meaning in Life Measure for Turkish university students. ", Journal of Happiness and Health, pp: 40-48, Vol: 1, Issue: 1    (External URL)
20. Arif, A., Ashraf, F., & Nusrat, A. (2021), "Stress and coping strategies in parents of children with special needs.", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. , pp: 1369-1372, Vol: 71, Issue: 5, ISSN: 0030-9982, DOI: doi: https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.1069, Impact Factor: 0.409   
21. Jaffer, S., Ashraf, F., & Arif, A. (2021), "Alexithymia and anxiety symptoms in Pakistani adolescents: a study of compounded directions. ", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, Impact Factor: 0.409   
22. Ashraf, F., Zareen, G., Nusrat, A., Arif, A., & Griffiths, M. (2021), "Correlates of Psychological Distress Among Pakistani Adults During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Parallel and Serial Mediation Analyses.", Frontiers in Psychology, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.647821, Impact Factor: 2.99    (External URL)
23. Shakil, M., Aslam, R., Ashraf, F., & Idrees, M (2021), "Demographic Characteristics, Coping Skills and Parental Sense of Competence of South Asian Working and Non-Working Mothers.", Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. , pp: 707-723, Vol: 36, Issue: 1, ISSN: 1682-024X    (External URL)
24. Ashraf, F., Fatima, S., & Najam, N. (2021), "Reading Deficits, Executive Functions, and Social Adjustment Problems: Direct and Mediated Relations", American Journal of Psychology., pp: 61-74, Vol: 134, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.06   
25. Zareen, G., & Ashraf, F. (2021), "Sub-clinical borderline personality disorder symptoms as predictor of suicidality and non-suicidal self-injury in young Pakistani females. ", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, pp: 740-743, Vol: 71, Issue: 2, ISSN: 0030-9982, DOI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.1088, Impact Factor: 0.409    (External URL)
26. Shakil, M., Ashraf, F., Muazzam, A., Amjad, M., & Javed, S (2021), "Work status, death anxiety and psychological distress during COVID-19 pandemic: Implications of the terror management theory", Death Studies, Impact Factor: 2.245   
27. Sarfo, J. O., García-Santillán, A., Adusei, H., Molchanova, V. S., Drushlyak, M., Semenikhina, S., Donyeh, P. S., Zand, S., Najafi, R., Enea, V., Malik, S., Ashraf, F., Malik, N. I., Ansah, E. W., Wongcharee, H., Egara, F. O., Tipandjan, A., Cudjoe, (2020), "Gender Differences in Mathematics Anxiety Across Cultures: A Univariate Analysis of Variance Among Samples from Twelve Countries.", European Journal of Contemporary Education, pp: 878-885, Vol: 9, Issue: 4, Standard: 2305-6746   
28. Farooqi, R., Ashraf, F., & Nazir, I. (2020), "Interpersonal Communication, Teamwork Effectiveness, and Organizational Commitment in Pakistani Nurses", Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research., pp: 657-692. , Vol: 35, Issue: 4   
29. Ashraf, F., & Najam, N. (2020), "An epidemiological study of prevalence and comorbidity of non-clinical Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia symptoms in Public and Private Schools of Pakistan.", Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, pp: 1659-1663, Vol: 36, Issue: 7, Impact Factor: 0.834   
30. Shakeel, M., Ashraf, F., & Wajid, A. (2020), "Sexual functioning as predictor of depressive symptoms and life satisfaction in females with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). ", Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, pp: 1500-1504, Vol: 36, Issue: 7, Impact Factor: 0.834   
31. Ashraf, F., Najam, N., & Nusrat, A. (2020), "Prevalence and Comorbidity of Psychiatric Symptomology in Pakistani Female Adolescents. ", Archives of Clinical psychiatry, pp: 125-129, Vol: 47, Issue: 5, Impact Factor: 0.57    (External URL)
32. Shakil, M., Fatima, Z., & Ashraf, F. (2020), "The Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation Between Negative Affect and Life Satisfaction Among University Students", Pakistan Journal of Clinical Psychology., Vol: 19, Issue: 2, DOI: https://rj.icpuok.edu.pk/index.php/pjcp/article/vi   
33. Shakil, M., Allah-Baksh, H., Ashraf, F., & Batool, F. (2020), "Parenting practices, family environment and children Emotional problems of single and married working mothers. ", Journal of Clinical Psychology., pp: 47-61, Vol: 19, Issue: 1, DOI: http://rj.icpuok.edu.pk/index.php/pjcp/article/dow   
34. Masood, A., Sulman, M., Kamran, F., & Ashraf, F. (2020), "Belief System as Determinant of Treatment Outcome in Low Back Pain Patients. ", The Journal of Islamic International Medical College (JIIMC), pp: 122-126, Vol: 15, Issue: 2, ISSN: 1815-4018   
35. Masood, F., Salman, M., Kamran, F., Ashraf, F., & Arshad, U. (2020), "Contours of Positivity as Determinants of Maternal Psychological Well-Being in Pakistani Children with and without Hearing Impairment.", International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. , Impact Factor: 0.91   
36. Ashraf, F., Lee, A.., & Crunk, A, e. (2020), "Factorial validity of the Urdu version of the obsession with COVID-19 scale: Preliminary investigation using a University Sample in Pakistan", Death Studies, Impact Factor: 1.15    (External URL)
37. Ashraf, F., Ahmad, H., & Aftab, S. (2020), "Interactive Role of Personal and Work Related Factors in Psychological Burnout: A Study of Pakistani Doctors", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, pp: 1413-1417, Vol: 70, Issue: 8, Impact Factor: 0.63    (External URL)
38. Ashraf, F., Jibeen, T., & Masood, A (2020), "Perceived Stress in Relation to Obsessions and Compulsions in South Asian Adults: Moderating Role of Socio-demographic Characteristics", Community Mental Health Journal, pp: 680-691, Vol: 56, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.46    (External URL)
39. Ashraf, F., Niazi, F., Masood, A., & Malik, S. (2019), "Gender Comparisons and Prevalence of Child Abuse and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Adolescents", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association., pp: 320-324, Vol: 69, Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 0.71    (External URL)
40. Nusrat, A., Ashraf, F., & Francoise-Narcycombes, M. (2019), "Effectiveness of Direct and Indirect Teacher's Feedback on the Accuracy of English Writing: A Quasi Experimental Study of Pakistani Undergraduate Students", 3L The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, pp: 0-0, Vol: 25, Issue: 4, Standard: ISSN: 0128-5157, Impact Factor: 0.097    (External URL)
41. Nusrat, A., Ashraf., & Saeed, R. (2019), "Effectiveness of Instructors’ and Peers’ Oral feedback on the Accuracy of English Writing: A Study of Pakistani ESL Undergraduate Learners", International Journal of English Linguistics Canadian Center of Science and Education, pp: 314-325, Vol: 9, Issue: 4, Standard: (ISSN: 1923-869X    (External URL)
42. Nusrat, A., Ashraf, F, Khan, S., Jabeen, R., & Aziz, S. (2019), "Is Indirect Written Feedback Valuable? A Study Targeting ESL University Students in Pakistan.", International Journal of English Linguistics., pp: 340-350, Vol: 9, Issue: 5, Standard: ISSN:1923-869X    (External URL)
43. Ashraf, F., Ahmad, H., Shakeel, M., Aftab, S., Masood, A. (2019), "Mental Health Problems and Psychological Burnout in Medical Health Practitioners: A Study of Associations and Triadic Comorbidity. ", Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. , pp: 1158-1564, Vol: 35, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 0.83    (External URL)
44. Ashraf, F., Mehboob, D., Nusrat, A. (2019), "Predictive Role of Personality Characteristics in Positive Emotions and Creativity: A Study of Pakistani Nuns.", Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, pp: 354-400, Vol: 34, Issue: 2    (External URL)
45. Masood, A., Sulman, M., Arshad, A., & Ashraf, F. (2019), "Symptomatic Complications and Quality of Life in Pakistani Patients with Iron-Deficiency Anemia.", Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Pakistan Academy of Sciences. Life and Environmental Sciences , pp: 7-15, Vol: 56, Issue: 1, Standard: ISSN: 2518-4261     (External URL)
46. Afsheen Masood, M Sulman, Sumaira Rashid, Farzana Ashraf, Shahzada Qaisar (2018), "Objectified body consciousness, perceived body Image as predictors of disordered eating Patterns in medical students.", Pakistan Journal of Clinical Psychology., pp: 55-68, Vol: 17, Issue: 1    (External URL)
47. Masood, A., Kamran, F., Qaisar, S., & Ashraf, F. (2018), "Anger, Impulsivity, Academic Stress and Suicidal Risk in suicide Ideators and Normal Cohorts.", Journal of Behavioral Sciences, pp: 20-37, Vol: 28, Issue: 2    (External URL)
48. Fatima, S., Ashraf. F., & Jibeen, T. (2018), "Psychosocial Correlates of Mental Disorder Symptoms in Cardiovascular Patients.", Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society, pp: 21-14, Vol: 15, Issue: 2    (External URL)
49. Abbass, K., Ashraf, F., & Nusrat, A. (2017), "Psychosocial Predictors of Deliberate Self harm in Adolescents: A Correlational Study.", Pakistan Journal of Clinical Psychology., pp: 31-43, Vol: 16, Issue: 2   
50. Ashraf, F. & Najam, N. (2017), "Identification of Learning Disabilities in Students: A Gender Perspective", Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, pp: 36-41, Vol: 15, Issue: 1    (External URL)
51. Ashraf, F., Malik, S., & Arif, A. (2017), "An epidemiological study of prevalence and comorbidity of obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms (SOCD) and stress in Pakistani Adults", Pakistan Journal Of Medical Sciences, pp: 535-539, Vol: 33, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 0.83    (External URL)
52. Ashraf, F., & Najam, N. (2017), "Co-Morbidity Of Specific Learning Disabilities And Depressive Symptoms In Non-Clinical Sample Of Adolescents ", Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute, pp: 105-109, Vol: 31, Issue: 2    (External URL)
53. Ashraf, F., & Najam, N. (2015), "Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression among Girls with Learning Disabilities.", Pakistan Journal of Medical Research, pp: 109-112, Vol: 54, Issue: 4    (External URL)
54. Ashraf, F., & Najam, N. (2014), "Validation and Adaptation of Learning Disabilities Checklist in Public Sectors Schools of Pakistan", Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, pp: 223-244., Vol: 29, Issue: 2    (External URL)
55. Ashraf, F., & Najam, N. (2011), "Age and Gender Differences in Parent Adolescent Conflict.", Journal of Behavioral Science., pp: 77-82., Vol: 21, Issue: (2),     (External URL)
Conference Papers:
1. Zulfiqar, A., & Ashraf, F. (2020) "Screening of Learning Disabilities in Pakistan: A Pilot Study.", Paper (oral) presented in 1st International Conference 2020 (April 12-14). Recent Advances and Challenges in Basic & Social Sciences in Contemporary Research held on February 12– 13, 2020 by Government Post Graduate Islamia College (Women) Cooper Road Lahore in collaboration with Punjab Higher Education Commission (PHEC), Lahore   
2. Wajid, A., & Ashraf. F. (2019) "Academic Motivation in Young and Older University Students. ", Paper (poster) Presented in “1st National Conference of Psychology for Sustainable Community: Challenges and Trends” held on 19-20 March 2019. The conference was organized by Department of Psychology University of Sargodha, Sargodha”.   
3. Zubair, T., & Ashraf. F. (2019) "Adjustment of Afghani Students in Pakistani University", Paper (oral)Presented in “1st National Conference of Psychology for Sustainable Community: Challenges and Trends” held on 19-20 March 2019. The conference was organized by Department of Psychology University of Sargodha, Sargodha”.   
4. Arshad, M., & Ashraf, A. (2019) "Association of Narcissistic Personality with Cognitive Distortion. ", Paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.    
5. Saeed, R., Munir, A., Ashraf, A. (2019) "Association of Neuroticism with Smoking in Adults.", Paper paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
6. Ghazal, A., & Ashraf. F. (2019) "Body Image as a Function of Age and Education among Gym and NonGym Users. ", Paper (poster) Presented in “1st National Conference of Psychology for Sustainable Community: Challenges and Trends” held on 19-20 March 2019. The conference was organized by Department of Psychology University of Sargodha, Sargodha”.   
7. Ashraf, A. (2019) "Bullying, Mental Health Problems and Burnout at Workplace: Direct and Moderated Associations.", Paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore   
8. Ashraf, A., Ahmad, H., & Malik, S. (2019) "Burnout as A Risk Factor of Poor Mental Health: A Study of Mental Health Status of Medical Health Professionals (MHP) in Pakistan. ", Paper (oral) presented in 14 The international neuropsycon conference On psychiatric updates held on April 12th to 14th 2019, Pearl Continental Hotel, Bhurban (Murree Hills), Pakistan.    
9. Iqbal, H. Z., Malik, S., & Ashraf, F. (2019) "Circadian Typology and Sleep Quality among Nurses: Moderating Role of Work Schedules.", Paper (oral) presented in 14 The international neuropsycon conference On psychiatric updates held on April 12th to 14th 2019, Pearl Continental Hotel, Bhurban (Murree Hills), Pakistan.    
10. Masroor, R., & Ashraf. F. (2019) "Coping Skills of University Students: A Cross Sectional Study.", Paper (poster) Presented in “1st National Conference of Psychology for Sustainable Community: Challenges and Trends” held on 19-20 March 2019. The conference was organized by Department of Psychology University of Sargodha, Sargodha”.   
11. Zulfiqar, A., Amin, A. & Ashraf, F. (2019) "Executive Functioning in Adolescents: Interactive Role of Age and Gender.", Paper (poster)Presented in “1st National Conference of Psychology for Sustainable Community: Challenges and Trends” held on 19-20 March 2019. The conference was organized by Department of Psychology University of Sargodha, Sargodha”.    
12. Hafeez, M., & Ashraf, A. (2019) "Ideals in Intimate Relationship: A Gender Perspective.", Paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
13. Khalid, A., & Ashraf, F. (2019) "Impact of Cyber Victimization and Bullying on Mental Health of Medical Health Professionals.", Paper (oral) presented in 14 The international neuropsycon conference On psychiatric updates held on April 12th to 14th 2019, Pearl Continental Hotel, Bhurban (Murree Hills), Pakistan.    
14. Malik, N., Munir, S., & Ashraf, A. (2019) "Impulsive Personality and Sexual Self-Concept in Married Adults: Moderating Role of Gender. ", Paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
15. Mukhtar, N., Kainat & Ashraf, A. (2019) "Loneliness as Matter of Personality: A Correlational Study in Adolescence.", Paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
16. Muslim, Z., & Ashraf. F. (2019) "Marital Adjustment in Married Pakistani Women. ", Paper (poster) Presented in “1st National Conference of Psychology for Sustainable Community: Challenges and Trends” held on 19-20 March 2019. The conference was organized by Department of Psychology University of Sargodha, Sargodha”.   
17. Naqvi, M. S., Bokhari, K. S., & Ashraf, A. (2019) "Onychophagia (Nail-Biting) as an Indicator of Positive or Negative Perfectionism. ", Paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
18. Sadia, H., Tahir, T., & Ashraf, A. (2019) "Orientation towards Close Relationships and its Mental Health Outcomes in Young Adults. ", Paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.    
19. Shehzadi, N., & Ashraf. F. (2019) "Perceived Stress Among University Students.", Paper (poster) presented in “1st National Conference of Psychology for Sustainable Community: Challenges and Trends” held on 19-20 March 2019. The conference was organized by Department of Psychology University of Sargodha, Sargodha”.   
20. Mehmood, T., & Ashraf, A. (2019) "Prevalence and comorbidity of Mental Health Problems in Pakistani Juvenile.", Paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
21. Salabat, F., & Ashraf, A. (2019) "Single Parents in Comparison of Both Parents: Moderated Link between Maternal Abuse and Academic Success in Adolescents.", Paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
22. Raza, Z. T., Akhtar, F., & Ashraf, A. (2019) "The General Aggression Model in Relation to Introversion: Moderating Role of Gender. ", Paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.    
23. Kanwal, T., Abbas, M., & Ashraf, A. (2019) "Which Personality is more Creative? An Assessment of Big Five Model.", Paper (oral) Presented in 2nd “International Conference Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction” held on March 13-14, 2019 organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
24. Masood, A., Sulman, M., & Ashraf, F. (2018) "Perceptual and demographic determinants of quality education in higher education institutes of Pakistan.", Paper (oral) presented in 2nd “International Conference on Innovation in Teaching and Learning” held on October 17-18, 2018 organized by Department of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad.    
25. Ashraf, F., & Najam, N. (2017) " Association of executive functions with delinquent behavior among teenagers. ", Paper (oral) presented in “1st International Conference on Peace, Conflict and Violence: Challenges and Resolution Strategies” held on November 29-30, by Department of Humanities, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore.    
26. Mahmood, T., Adnan, R., Ashraf, F., & Akram, M. (2017) " Mediating role of smoking tendencies and habits in relation between authoritative parenting and anxiety symptoms in young adults. Paper (oral) presented in ", International Conference on Health and Wellbeing held on 11th – 13th December organized by Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.   
27. Iftikhar, A., Awan, B., & Ashraf, F., & Raza, Z. (2017) " Relationship of Disordered Eating Patterns, And Sleep Disturbances with Anxiety Symptoms.", Paper (oral) presented in “Three-Day International Conference on Health and Wellbeing” held on 11th – 13th Dec,    
28. Durrani, M., & Ashraf, F. (2017) " Role of locus of control in developing intimate relationship and mental health outcomes in marries couples: A comparative Study. ", Paper (oral) presented in “Three Days International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues and Challenges” held on 26th -27th April by Department of Psychology, Government College University, Lahore.    
29. Khan, M., & Ashraf, F (2017) " Suicidal Ideation in Relation to Academic Success: Role of Optimistic and Pessimistic Orientations in a Non-clinical Sample of Young Adults. ", Paper (oral) presented in “1st International Conference on Clinical Psychology and the Developing World’s Issues, Challenges and Solutions” (March 9-10, 2017) organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
30. Ayub, M., & Ashraf. F. (2017) " Suicide Bombing in Relation to Psychological Distress and Resilience in Pakistani Adults: A Comparative Study. ", Paper (oral) presented in “Three Days International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues and Challenges” held on 26th -27th April by Department of Psychology, Government College University, Lahore.    
31. Tahir, N., Tahir, N., Ashraf, F., & Raza, Z. (2017) "A Study of “Pet Effect” Examining Psychological Well-being and Frustration Tolerance in Adults. ", Paper (oral) presented in “National Conference of Psychology (NCP 2017): Emerging Social and Mental Health Issues in Society” held on December, 12-13, by Lahore Garrison University.   
32. Salabat, F., Rehman, S., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Achievement Motivation and Test Anxiety among Students with Highly Educated Parents: A Co relational Study. ", Paper (poster) presented in “1st International Conference on Peace, Conflict and Violence: Challenges and Resolution Strategies” held on November 29-30, by Department of Humanities, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore.    
33. Ayub, M., Ashraf, F., & Jaffer, S. (2017) "Association between post traumatic growth and psychological distress in survivors of suicide bombing in Pakistan. ", Paper (poster) presented in “1st International Conference on Peace, Conflict and Violence: Challenges and Resolution Strategies” held on November 29-30, by Department of Humanities, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore.    
34. Mehr-U-Nisa., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Does Childhood Abuse Linger in Adulthood: Impact on Anxiety Symptoms and Self Efficacy? ", Paper (oral) presented in “1st International Conference on Clinical Psychology and the Developing World’s Issues, Challenges and Solutions” (March 9-10, 2017) organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
35. Hassan, S., Naqash, M., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Does Gender Matters to Workplace Bullying? Same and Opposite Gender Comparisons. ", Paper (oral) presented in “National Conference of Psychology (NCP 2017): Emerging Social and Mental Health Issues in Society” held on December, 12-13, by Lahore Garrison University.    
36. Riaz, M., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Effect of personality characteristics and family environment on aggressive behavior of young criminals in Pakistan. ", Paper (oral) presented in “1st International Conference on Peace, Conflict and Violence: Challenges and Resolution Strategies” held on November 29-30, by Department of Humanities, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore.    
37. Munir, H., Ashraf, F. (2017) "Impact of Electronic Media Content on Victimization and Violent Behavior in Offenders in Gujarat Jail. ", Paper (poster) presented in “1st International Conference on Clinical Psychology and the Developing World’s Issues, Challenges and Solutions” (March 9-10, 2017) organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
38. Awan, B., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Impact of Integrative Models on Mental Health of Children with Cancer: An Intervention Based Study. ", Paper (poster) presented in “Three Days International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues and Challenges” held on 26th -27th April by Department of Psychology, Government College University, Lahore.    
39. Mehmood, N., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Impact of Personality Characteristics and Emotional Intelligence and depressive Symptoms in Youth. ", Paper (oral) presented in “1st International Conference on Clinical Psychology and the Developing World’s Issues, Challenges and Solutions” (March 9-10, 2017) organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
40. Shahid, Z., Yaseen, M., Ashraf, F. (2017) "Link between Frustration Intolerance and Coping Mechanisms in Pakistani Adults: Direct and Moderated Links of Gender and Employment Status. ", Paper (oral) presented in “National Conference of Psychology (NCP 2017): Emerging Social and Mental Health Issues in Society” held on December, 12-13,    
41. Khursheed, A., Majeed, R., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Link between psychological Adjustment and Communication Competency in Hostlite and Days Scholar. ", Paper (poster) presented in “1st International Conference on Peace, Conflict and Violence: Challenges and Resolution Strategies” held on November 29-30, by Department of Humanities, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore.    
42. Ishtiaq, U., Bakhsh, H, B., Ashraf, A., & Shakeel, M. (2017) "Mediating Role of Emotional Expressiveness and Emotional Dependency in the Psychological Distress. ", Paper (oral) presented in “National Conference of Psychology (NCP 2017): Emerging Social and Mental Health Issues in Society” held on December, 12-13, by    
43. Khalid, A., Ashraf, F., & Shakeel, M. (2017) "Narcissism and Brand Consciousness in Young Men and Women. ", Paper (oral) presented in “National Conference of Psychology (NCP 2017): Emerging Social and Mental Health Issues in Society” held on December, 12-13,    
44. Niazi, F., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Perceived Parental Abuse in Adolescents: Emotional Dysregulation and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTDS) Symptoms. ", Paper (oral) presented in “1st International Conference on Clinical Psychology and the Developing World’s Issues, Challenges and Solutions” (March 9-10, 2017) organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
45. Yousuf, M., Naqvi, S. M., Ashraf, F., & Akram, M. (2017) "Perceived Parenting and Mental Disorders’ Symptoms in Adolescents: Role of Birth Order. ", Three-Day International Conference on Health and Wellbeing   
46. Jafer, S., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Pessimism, Emotional Regulation and Sleep Problems: A Matter of Handedness. ", Paper (oral) presented in “1st International Conference on Clinical Psychology and the Developing World’s Issues, Challenges and Solutions” (March 9-10, 2017) organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
47. Sohail, N., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Post Traumatic Growth and Resilience in Cancer Survivors.", Paper (oral) presented in “1st International Conference on Clinical Psychology and the Developing World’s Issues, Challenges and Solutions” (March 9-10, 2017) organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
48. Ayub, M., Ashraf, F., & Jaffer, S. (2017) "Posttraumatic Growth in Survivors of Suicide Bombing in Pakistan: Enhancing Role of Resilience. ", Paper (oral) presented in “1st International Conference on Peace, Conflict and Violence: Challenges and Resolution Strategies” held on November 29-30, by Department of Humanities, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore.    
49. Jaffer, S., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Relationship between Executive functions, Alexithymia and Anxiety Symptoms across adolescence. ", Three-Day International Conference on Health and Wellbeing   
50. Waheed, S., & Ashraf, A. (2017) "Role of Disordered Eating Patterns and Body Esteem In Determining Emotional Distress In Pakistani Young Adults. ", Paper (oral) presented in “Three-Day International Conference on Health and Wellbeing” held on 11th – 13th Dec,    
51. Ayub, M., Ashraf, F., & Jaffer, S. (2017) "Role of Resilience in Reducing the Psychological Distress in Survivors of Suicide Bombing in Pakistan. ", Paper (oral) presented in “1st International Conference on Peace, Conflict and Violence: Challenges and Resolution Strategies” held on November 29-30, by Department of Humanities, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore.    
52. Khan, M., & Ashraf, F. (2017) "Suicidal Ideation in Relation to Academic Success: Role of Optimistic and Pessimistic Orientations in a Non-clinical Sample of Young Adults. ", Paper (oral) presented in “1st International Conference on Clinical Psychology and the Developing World’s Issues, Challenges and Solutions” (March 9-10, 2017) organized by Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, Lahore.   
53. Ashraf, F., Faran, M., & Awan, B. (2017) "Work Place bullying as risk factor of poor mental health outcome: The Mediating role of job related psychological strain. ", Paper (oral) presented in “Three Days International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues and Challenges” held on 26th -27th April by Department of Psychology, Government College University, Lahore.    
54. Abbas, K., & Ashraf, F. (2016) " Psychosocial Predictors of Self Harming Behavior in Students at Middle and Elementary Level: A Cross-sectional Study. ", Paper (oral) presented at 4th International Conference on Research in Education: Combating Contemporary Challenges through Education (November, 23-25, 2016) organized by the Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore.   
55. Rizwan. M., & Ashraf. F. (2016) "Academic Performance and Anxiety Among Students: A Gender Perspective. ", Paper (Oral) presented at 7th Postgraduate Student Conference on Research in Education Held at Institute of Education and Research, University of The Punjab, Lahore.   
56. Zareen, G., Riaz, M., Muhammad, R., & Ashraf, F. (2016) "Association between Life Orientation and Mental Health Problems among Nurses.", Paper (oral) presented at 6th International Conference on “Psychology of Gender in Perspectives, Issues and Challenges (December 1-2, 2016) held at National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-E-Azam University, Islamabad.   
57. Sohail, N., & Ashraf, F. (2016) "Gender difference in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and resilience among cancer survivors. ", Paper (oral) presented at 6th International Conference on “Psychology of Gender in Perspectives, Issues and Challenges (December 1-2, 2016) held at National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-E-Azam University, Islamabad.   
58. Abbas, K., & Ashraf, F. (2016) "Psychosocial Predictors of Self Harming Behaviour in Students at Middle and Elementary Level: A Cross-sectional Study", 4th International Conference on Research in Education: Combating Contemporary Challenges through Education   
59. Amin, Z., Akram, S., & Ashraf, F. (2016) "Relational Satisfaction, Fear of Abandonment and Psychosomatic Symptoms: A Comparative Study.", Paper (oral) presented at 6th International Conference on “Psychology of Gender in Perspectives, Issues and Challenges (December 1-2, 2016) held at National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-E-Azam University, Islamabad.   
60. Amin, S. M., & Ashraf. F (2016) "Separation Anxiety among Hostilides Students of Attock, Bahawalpur and Lahore. ", 7th Postgraduate Student Conference on Research in Education Held at Institute of Education and Research, University of The Punjab, Lahore.   
61. Amin, S, M., & Ashraf, F. (2016) "Social Learning Preferences in Students: Exploring Maternal Relationship a Direct and Indirect Contributing Factor. ", 4th International Conference on Research in Education: Combating Contemporary Challenges through Education   
62. Arif. A., & Ashraf. F (2015) "Level of Stress and use of coping strategies by parents of children with special needs.", 1st National Conference in Indigenizing Clinical Psychology: Issues and Challenges    
63. Ashraf, F., & Arif. F. (2015) "Prevalence of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms in Association with Stress among Non-clinical Sample of Female Adults.", 1st National Conference in Indigenizing Clinical Psychology: Issues and Challenges    
64. Ashraf, F (2015) "Relationship between Family Environment and Perceived Social Support among Female Adolescents in Pakistan. ", 14th International Conference of Psychology (ICP 2015)   
65. Amin, S. M., & Ashraf. F (2015) "Relationship between Separation Anxiety and Parenting Styles among Adolescents. ", 1st National Conference in Indigenizing Clinical Psychology: Issues and Challenges held from 19th-21st March 2015 at the Institute of Applied Psychology, University of The Punjab, Lahore   
66. Ashraf, F., & Najam. N. (2014) "Adolescent Adjustment: Does Gender and Age have an Impact.", International Conference in Educational Psychology held on 13th November, 2014 at National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-E-Azam University, Islamabad    
67. Ashraf, F., & Najam. N. (2014) "Learning Disabilities as Symptom of Depression in Adolescents.", International Conference in Educational Psychology held on 13th November, 2014 at National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-E-Azam University, Islamabad    
68. Ashraf. F. (2012) "Factors Associated to Perceived Social Anxiety and Perceived Parental Authority among Female Adolescents in Pakistan", International Conference of Applied Psychology (ICAPP), Lahore, Pakistan on December 17, 2012   


Ph. D
Institute of Applied Psychology, University of The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Dec 2010 to Dec 2015


Associate Professor
Department of Humanities (Psychology), COMSATS University, Lahore
Jun 2023 to Date
Assistant Professor
Humanities (Psychology), COMSATS Institute of Information & Technology, Lahore
Jul 2016 to Jun 2023
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, University of Management &Technology, Lahore
Feb 2014 to Jun 2016
Department of Psychology, Govt. Fatima Jinnah Post Graduate College for Women, Lahore
Oct 2012 to Feb 2014
Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab
Feb 2008 to Jun 2008

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