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Yildirim, M., & Ashraf, F. (2023), "Fear of COVID-19, Coronavirus Anxiety, COVID-19 Burnout, and Resilience: Examining Psychometric Properties of COVID-19 Burnout Scale in Urdu., 0(0). ", Journal of Asian and African Studies, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/00219096231153161, Impact Factor: 1.1
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Helmy, M., Ebrahim, A. H., Engel, E., Faqeeh, E., Ashraf, F., & Isaac, B. A. (2023), "Exploring the Relationship Between Alexithymia, Smartphone Addiction, and Psychological Distress Among University Students: A Multi-Country Study. . 28 (33). (HEC Y Category Journal)", Oman Medical Journal, DOI: http//doi:I 10.5001/omj.2024.50.
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Sarfo, J., Ansah, E., Sarfo, J., Josephine, C., Ashraf, F.,Suraya, A., Malik, S., Azam, U., Malik, N., Amoah,S. & Donyeh, P. (2023), "Online health information-seeking experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown among social media users in four countries.", Psychology of Language and Communication, pp: 330-349, Vol: 27, Issue: 1
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Ashraf, F., Yildrim, M., & Zareen, G. (2023), " Religious Self-regulation, Self-determination, Resilience and Conflict Management Strategies in a Community Sample of International Muslim Students in Pakistan. ", Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work., pp: 323-345, Vol: 42, Issue: 3, DOI: DOI: 10.1080/15426432.2023.2167255. , Impact Factor: 1.1
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Helmy, M., Alenezi, A. F., Ashraf, F., Thomas, K., Feten, F., Aldoseri, R., Alhaj, O., Souraya, S., Bragazzi, N., Jahrami, H., & Bardeen, J. (2023), "Cultural adaptation and validation of the Arabic version of the multidimensional cognitive attentional syndrome scale (MCASS)", Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, pp: 1-18, Vol: 28, Issue: 1, DOI: http: doi:10.1080/13546805.2022.2126303, Impact Factor: 1.95
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Kashif, F., Farooqi, R., Tariq, S., Nusrat, A., Ashraf, F., & Raees, A. (2022), "A transitivity analysis of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s third presidential debate.", Heliyon, Vol: 8, Issue: 9, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e10518, Impact Factor: 3.77
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Rahim, R., Nusrat, A., Tariq, S., Farooqi, R., & Ashraf, F. (2022), "Mobile-Assisted Vocabulary Learning (M Learning): A Quantitative Study Targeting ESL Pakistani Learners.", Webology. , pp: 1342-1364., Vol: 19, Issue: 3
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Sarfo, J. O., García-Santillán, A., Ansah, E. W., Adusei, H., Sarfo, J. C., Bastos, R. V. S., Donyeh, P. S., Molchanova, V. S., Drushlyak, M., Semenikhina, O., Zand, S., Enea, V., Malik, S., Ashraf, F., Malik, N. I. Wongcharee, H., Egara, F. O., Tipa (2022), "Psychometric Properties of Anxiety Towards Mathematics Scale using Samples from Four Continents.", European Journal of Contemporary Education., Vol: 11, Issue: 2, ISSN: E-ISSN 2305-6746, ISSN: 2304-9650,2305-6746, DOI: http//: 10.13187/ejced.2022.2.504, Impact Factor: 1.99
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Ashraf, F., Lee, S. A., Jobe, M. C., Mathis, M. A., & Kanwal, T. (2022), " Bereavement in Pakistan during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Psychometric Analysis of the Pandemic Grief Scale-Urdu Version (PGS-UV)", Death Studies, pp: 1465-1471, Vol: 46, Issue: 6, ISSN: 1091-7683,0748-1187, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2022.2048197, Impact Factor: 2.245
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Chen, C., Ishfaq, M., Ashraf, F., Sarfraz, A., & Wang, K. (2022), "Mediating Role of Optimism Bias and Risk Perception Between Emotional Intelligence and Decision Making. A Serial Mediation Model. ", Frontier in Psychology., Vol: 13, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.914649, Impact Factor: 3.94
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Farooqi, R., Atiq, A., & Ashraf, F. (2022), "Nightmare and Psychosis Proneness: Mediating Role of Lucid Dreaming in Pakistani Adults.", Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, pp: 187-203, Vol: 37, Issue: 2, DOI: https://doi:org/10.33824/PJPR.2022.37.2.12
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Zaman, M., Babar, A., Babar, M., Sabir, F., Ashraf, A., Tahir, M. J., Ullah, I., Griffiths, M. D., Lin, C., & Pakpour, A. H. (2022), "Prevalence of gaming addiction and its impact on sleep quality: A cross-sectional study from Pakistan. ", Annals of Medicine and Surgery., Vol: 78, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amsu.2022.103641., Impact Factor: 0.39
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Ullah, I., Ali, S., Ashraf, F., Hakim, Y., Ali, I., Rahat Ullah, A., Chattu, V. K., Pakpour, A. H. (2022), "Prevalence of depression and anxiety among the general population in Pakistan during COVID-19 lockdown: An online-survey.", Current Psychology, Impact Factor: 4.19
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Shakil, M., Ashraf, F., Tariq, S., Asmat, A., Muazzam, A., & Hassan, N. (2022), " The Prevalence And Comorbidity Of Death Anxiety And Psychological Distress In Pakistani Population During Covid-19 Pandemic. ", PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, pp: 620-632, Vol: 19, Issue: 1
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Eisenbeck, N., Carreno, D. F., Wong, P. T. P., Hicks, J. A., García, A. M. A., Puga, J. L., Greville, J., Testoni, I., Biancalani, G., López, A. C., Villareal, S., Enea, V., Schulz-Quach, C., Jansen, J., Sanchez-Ruiz, M., Yildirim, M., Arslan, G., Fe (2022), "An international study on psychological coping during COVID-19: Towards a meaning-centered coping style.", International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology., Vol: 21, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 5.35
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Ashraf, F., Jibeen, T., & Najam, N. (2021), "Do Metacognitions Mediate the Path from Reading Deficits to Internalization and Externalization Behaviours in Pakistani Adolescents? ", Psychology, Health and Medicine, DOI: doi: 10.1080/13548506.2021.1995884 , Impact Factor: 2.42
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Shakil, M., Ashraf, F., Aziz, A., & Muazzam, A. (2021), "Cognitive Distortions, Depression And Suicidal Ideation In Mastectomized Breast Cancer Patients.", PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, pp: 361-374, Vol: 18, Issue: 17
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Khan, H. R., Ashraf, F., Ullah, I., Tahir, M. J., Dominari, A., Shoib, S., Naeem, H., Reddy, R., Mukherjee, P., Akram, I., Kamada, S., Memon, R. R., Khan, M. M. K., Raut, S., Shalaby, M. M. M., Anwar, R. U., Farooq, M., Soparia, K. K., Ramalho, R., L (2021), "Cross-Cultural Prevalence of Sleep Quality and Psychological Distress in Healthcare Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic", Brain and Behavior, DOI: doi: 10.1002/brb3.2383, Impact Factor: 2.27
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Yildirim, M., Arslan, G., Green, Z. A., Ashraf, F., Sugawara, D., Tanhan, A., Asagli, M., Helmy, M., & Çiçek, (2021), "Validation and utility of the Meaning in Life Measure for Turkish university students. ", Journal of Happiness and Health, pp: 40-48, Vol: 1, Issue: 1
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Arif, A., Ashraf, F., & Nusrat, A. (2021), "Stress and coping strategies in parents of children with special needs.", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. , pp: 1369-1372, Vol: 71, Issue: 5, ISSN: 0030-9982, DOI: doi: https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.1069, Impact Factor: 0.409
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Jaffer, S., Ashraf, F., & Arif, A. (2021), "Alexithymia and anxiety symptoms in Pakistani adolescents: a study of compounded directions. ", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, Impact Factor: 0.409
22. |
Ashraf, F., Zareen, G., Nusrat, A., Arif, A., & Griffiths, M. (2021), "Correlates of Psychological Distress Among Pakistani Adults During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Parallel and Serial Mediation Analyses.", Frontiers in Psychology, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.647821, Impact Factor: 2.99
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Shakil, M., Aslam, R., Ashraf, F., & Idrees, M (2021), "Demographic Characteristics, Coping Skills and Parental Sense of Competence of South Asian Working and Non-Working Mothers.", Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. , pp: 707-723, Vol: 36, Issue: 1, ISSN: 1682-024X
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Ashraf, F., Fatima, S., & Najam, N. (2021), "Reading Deficits, Executive Functions, and Social Adjustment Problems: Direct and Mediated Relations", American Journal of Psychology., pp: 61-74, Vol: 134, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.06
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Zareen, G., & Ashraf, F. (2021), "Sub-clinical borderline personality disorder symptoms as predictor of suicidality and non-suicidal self-injury in young Pakistani females. ", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, pp: 740-743, Vol: 71, Issue: 2, ISSN: 0030-9982, DOI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.1088, Impact Factor: 0.409
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Shakil, M., Ashraf, F., Muazzam, A., Amjad, M., & Javed, S (2021), "Work status, death anxiety and psychological distress during COVID-19 pandemic: Implications of the terror management theory", Death Studies, Impact Factor: 2.245
27. |
Sarfo, J. O., García-Santillán, A., Adusei, H., Molchanova, V. S., Drushlyak, M., Semenikhina, S., Donyeh, P. S., Zand, S., Najafi, R., Enea, V., Malik, S., Ashraf, F., Malik, N. I., Ansah, E. W., Wongcharee, H., Egara, F. O., Tipandjan, A., Cudjoe, (2020), "Gender Differences in Mathematics Anxiety Across Cultures: A Univariate Analysis of Variance Among Samples from Twelve Countries.", European Journal of Contemporary Education, pp: 878-885, Vol: 9, Issue: 4, Standard: 2305-6746
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Farooqi, R., Ashraf, F., & Nazir, I. (2020), "Interpersonal Communication, Teamwork Effectiveness, and Organizational Commitment in Pakistani Nurses", Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research., pp: 657-692. , Vol: 35, Issue: 4
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Ashraf, F., & Najam, N. (2020), "An epidemiological study of prevalence and comorbidity of non-clinical Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia symptoms in Public and Private Schools of Pakistan.", Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, pp: 1659-1663, Vol: 36, Issue: 7, Impact Factor: 0.834
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Shakeel, M., Ashraf, F., & Wajid, A. (2020), "Sexual functioning as predictor of depressive symptoms and life satisfaction in females with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). ", Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, pp: 1500-1504, Vol: 36, Issue: 7, Impact Factor: 0.834
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Ashraf, F., Najam, N., & Nusrat, A. (2020), "Prevalence and Comorbidity of Psychiatric Symptomology in Pakistani Female Adolescents. ", Archives of Clinical psychiatry, pp: 125-129, Vol: 47, Issue: 5, Impact Factor: 0.57
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Shakil, M., Fatima, Z., & Ashraf, F. (2020), "The Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation Between Negative Affect and Life Satisfaction Among University Students", Pakistan Journal of Clinical Psychology., Vol: 19, Issue: 2, DOI: https://rj.icpuok.edu.pk/index.php/pjcp/article/vi
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Shakil, M., Allah-Baksh, H., Ashraf, F., & Batool, F. (2020), "Parenting practices, family environment and children Emotional problems of single and married working mothers. ", Journal of Clinical Psychology., pp: 47-61, Vol: 19, Issue: 1, DOI: http://rj.icpuok.edu.pk/index.php/pjcp/article/dow
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Masood, A., Sulman, M., Kamran, F., & Ashraf, F. (2020), "Belief System as Determinant of Treatment Outcome in Low Back Pain Patients. ", The Journal of Islamic International Medical College (JIIMC), pp: 122-126, Vol: 15, Issue: 2, ISSN: 1815-4018
35. |
Masood, F., Salman, M., Kamran, F., Ashraf, F., & Arshad, U. (2020), "Contours of Positivity as Determinants of Maternal Psychological Well-Being in Pakistani Children with and without Hearing Impairment.", International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. , Impact Factor: 0.91
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Ashraf, F., Lee, A.., & Crunk, A, e. (2020), "Factorial validity of the Urdu version of the obsession with COVID-19 scale: Preliminary investigation using a University Sample in Pakistan", Death Studies, Impact Factor: 1.15
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37. |
Ashraf, F., Ahmad, H., & Aftab, S. (2020), "Interactive Role of Personal and Work Related Factors in Psychological Burnout: A Study of Pakistani Doctors", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, pp: 1413-1417, Vol: 70, Issue: 8, Impact Factor: 0.63
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38. |
Ashraf, F., Jibeen, T., & Masood, A (2020), "Perceived Stress in Relation to Obsessions and Compulsions in South Asian Adults: Moderating Role of Socio-demographic Characteristics", Community Mental Health Journal, pp: 680-691, Vol: 56, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.46
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Ashraf, F., Niazi, F., Masood, A., & Malik, S. (2019), "Gender Comparisons and Prevalence of Child Abuse and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Adolescents", Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association., pp: 320-324, Vol: 69, Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 0.71
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Nusrat, A., Ashraf, F., & Francoise-Narcycombes, M. (2019), "Effectiveness of Direct and Indirect Teacher's Feedback on the Accuracy of English Writing: A Quasi Experimental Study of Pakistani Undergraduate Students", 3L The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, pp: 0-0, Vol: 25, Issue: 4, Standard: ISSN: 0128-5157, Impact Factor: 0.097
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Nusrat, A., Ashraf., & Saeed, R. (2019), "Effectiveness of Instructors’ and Peers’ Oral feedback on the Accuracy of English Writing: A Study of Pakistani ESL Undergraduate Learners", International Journal of English Linguistics Canadian Center of Science and Education, pp: 314-325, Vol: 9, Issue: 4, Standard: (ISSN: 1923-869X
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42. |
Nusrat, A., Ashraf, F, Khan, S., Jabeen, R., & Aziz, S. (2019), "Is Indirect Written Feedback Valuable? A Study Targeting ESL University Students in Pakistan.", International Journal of English Linguistics., pp: 340-350, Vol: 9, Issue: 5, Standard: ISSN:1923-869X
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43. |
Ashraf, F., Ahmad, H., Shakeel, M., Aftab, S., Masood, A. (2019), "Mental Health Problems and Psychological Burnout in Medical Health Practitioners: A Study of Associations and Triadic Comorbidity. ", Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. , pp: 1158-1564, Vol: 35, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 0.83
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Ashraf, F., Mehboob, D., Nusrat, A. (2019), "Predictive Role of Personality Characteristics in Positive Emotions and Creativity: A Study of Pakistani Nuns.", Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, pp: 354-400, Vol: 34, Issue: 2
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45. |
Masood, A., Sulman, M., Arshad, A., & Ashraf, F. (2019), "Symptomatic Complications and Quality of Life in Pakistani Patients with Iron-Deficiency Anemia.", Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Pakistan Academy of Sciences. Life and Environmental Sciences , pp: 7-15, Vol: 56, Issue: 1, Standard: ISSN: 2518-4261
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Afsheen Masood, M Sulman, Sumaira Rashid, Farzana Ashraf, Shahzada Qaisar (2018), "Objectified body consciousness, perceived body Image as predictors of disordered eating Patterns in medical students.", Pakistan Journal of Clinical Psychology., pp: 55-68, Vol: 17, Issue: 1
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Masood, A., Kamran, F., Qaisar, S., & Ashraf, F. (2018), "Anger, Impulsivity, Academic Stress and Suicidal Risk in suicide Ideators and Normal Cohorts.", Journal of Behavioral Sciences, pp: 20-37, Vol: 28, Issue: 2
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48. |
Fatima, S., Ashraf. F., & Jibeen, T. (2018), "Psychosocial Correlates of Mental Disorder Symptoms in Cardiovascular Patients.", Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society, pp: 21-14, Vol: 15, Issue: 2
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Abbass, K., Ashraf, F., & Nusrat, A. (2017), "Psychosocial Predictors of Deliberate Self harm in Adolescents: A Correlational Study.", Pakistan Journal of Clinical Psychology., pp: 31-43, Vol: 16, Issue: 2
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Ashraf, F. & Najam, N. (2017), "Identification of Learning Disabilities in Students: A Gender Perspective", Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, pp: 36-41, Vol: 15, Issue: 1
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51. |
Ashraf, F., Malik, S., & Arif, A. (2017), "An epidemiological study of prevalence and comorbidity of obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms (SOCD) and stress in Pakistani Adults", Pakistan Journal Of Medical Sciences, pp: 535-539, Vol: 33, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 0.83
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Ashraf, F., & Najam, N. (2017), "Co-Morbidity Of Specific Learning Disabilities And Depressive Symptoms In Non-Clinical Sample Of Adolescents
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Ashraf, F., & Najam, N. (2015), "Comorbidity of Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression among Girls with Learning Disabilities.", Pakistan Journal of Medical Research, pp: 109-112, Vol: 54, Issue: 4
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Ashraf, F., & Najam, N. (2014), "Validation and Adaptation of Learning Disabilities Checklist in Public Sectors Schools of Pakistan", Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, pp: 223-244., Vol: 29, Issue: 2
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55. |
Ashraf, F., & Najam, N. (2011), "Age and Gender Differences in Parent Adolescent Conflict.", Journal of Behavioral Science., pp: 77-82., Vol: 21, Issue: (2),
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